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View Full Version : Approaching End Game

02-18-2016, 03:01 AM
Hello Folks!
I reached lvl77 on one of my characters. This raises few questions... What now? Do i make mad dash towards Lvl80? Should i stay as Lvl77 for a while? Obviously, as PVE journey nears the end I should start focusing on PVP. There is this thing that bugs me about end game PVP... It is impossible to get 3pc ring of valiant glory, it is also impossible to combine 2 piece ring with dragon ring. This is disadvantage vs long time players. Is this really a big disadvantage? Warat or Arzac sets are soo expensive that i think it will take years to churn up enough gold for those. If i decide to stay as lvl77 for now, is it worth saving for Lustrous item set? Is it better than L77 elite gears? Is there anything else to do at end game other than farming and PVP?

02-18-2016, 03:29 AM
2pc vs 3pc is negligible if you can play your class well; please, dont argue with that, you know it's true. Rest is up too you tyrant id say go to 80, the chance of a drop levelling could mean richness and it is rewarding to get there in the end.

02-18-2016, 03:30 AM
Yes, flaunt that 2pc and wear your best gear and afk in town

But the whole pocket legends game IS basically about farming and pvp though...

02-18-2016, 06:27 AM
Nobodies in pvp think there isn't a difference between 2pc and 3pc. And it's true, if you're a nobody, there isnt a difference between 2pc and 3pc.

02-18-2016, 01:53 PM
Nobodies in pvp think there isn't a difference between 2pc and 3pc. And it's true, if you're a nobody, there isnt a difference between 2pc and 3pc.
So, skill over gear? Cool. What about Arzac & Warat sets? Are they serious advantage?

02-18-2016, 08:10 PM
So, skill over gear? Cool. What about Arzac & Warat sets? Are they serious advantage?



02-18-2016, 10:12 PM
All I have to say, is gear > skill. Trust me, a 3pc magor doesn't need much skill to be on par with 2pc regular elites. But if 3pc vs 2pc only, I agree skill plays much more of a decisive constituent,

Also people are probably gonna disagree with me, imjustsaiyan

02-19-2016, 12:06 AM
Nobodies in pvp think there isn't a difference between 2pc and 3pc. And it's true, if you're a nobody, there isnt a difference between 2pc and 3pc.

*sigh*, do we really need to have this arguement....

All I have to say, is gear > skill. Trust me, a 3pc magor doesn't need much skill to be on par with 2pc regular elites. But if 3pc vs 2pc only, I agree skill plays much more of a decisive constituent,

Also people are probably gonna disagree with me, imjustsaiyan

not even that big of a difference, tbh

02-19-2016, 11:32 AM
YAY another thread dedicated to the wonderful topic, that is 3pc ring. Not that it's getting old or anything, I love re using the same argument over and over and eventually getting nowhere to only have the thread closed. BRING ON THE NEXT THREAD PLIS! #Ruined #GoToLoL

02-19-2016, 05:09 PM
So, skill over gear? Cool. What about Arzac & Warat sets? Are they serious advantage?

2pc warat against int 2pc is 'doable' imo. Helps if you wear at least one magor. Takes speed/skill though (fast thinking). 3pc warat against int...forget about it. You need both magor if you are 2pc, to even stand a chance. Unless you have godly ping. I think int mage has been buffed a lot, so i don't think mages should even be able to wear warat. The fiery/lust sets were lacking, so people going pally were legit. Now there's no excuse! Dex bears shouldn't be able to wear warat either. Int mage against warat dex bear is a losing battle. Especially in ffa (free for all). Even if you have 3pc magor, it's hard. After this last update, everyone should be pretty much forced to wear their class imo. If you wanna be dex bear fine...wear arzac, but str/dex bear wearing warat shouldn't be allowed. These are just my thoughts.

To answer your question, assuming both people wear same ring, the magor against elite int sets, is pretty much the difference between the 2pc and the 3pc ring, minus 2 dodge. Make of this what you will.

02-20-2016, 07:51 AM
You can still own people using drag ring
