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View Full Version : Possibly dumb question about elixirs

07-03-2011, 03:42 PM
Ok so I was never a big elixir guy...I used to use the luck elixir a while ago when you could buy it separately, but that was it. With star legends coming out soon, I want to get at least ONE character to 55/56. As I don't play much and am not a big time grinder for levels due to commitments with life, I've started using combo elixirs.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but there is only a 4x exp elixir now, and no 4x combo elixir, yes? My question is this; What would happen if I were to purchase the 4x exp elixir AND a 3x combo elixir? I'm using a dex bear in sewers, so I can't just go AOEing around with a mage to kill everything quick, I rely on the damage boosters/parties. Does the 4x exp get canceled out? Does it over-rule the 3x from the combo? Do they combine? Can you even have these two running together?

Didn't do a search for a previous topic cause I didn't feel like reading through a bunch of irrelevant stuff.


07-03-2011, 03:44 PM
I don't think you can combine both elixirs. It's one or the other. My suggestion to you? Use the 4x Elixir. Also, try and get somebody else in your party to use the 3x Elixir pack. This gives you the best of both worlds. Enjoy Buddy! :)

07-03-2011, 03:48 PM
Apollo's got it right--it simply won't let you purchase the other elixer since you've already purchased an XP booster. What you can do is buy a 4X elixir and then the individual damage/tank elixirs. All you'll miss out on is the speed (boo! Love the speed pots!) and luck pots.

07-03-2011, 07:34 PM
If you see someone with a 3x elixir, ask if you can 4x. Usually if I'm on, I'm good using the 3x and I have no problems w/ anyone else, everyone else, using the 4x. 3x is pretty good too.

And yeah, once you purchase one, it won't let you get another until it runs out. It'll say purchase failed. I've gotten the wrong elixir before. It's pretty annoying, though my group was just laughing at me :)