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07-04-2011, 06:28 PM
Register's List of Handy Suggestions!

I. Quests
IV. Classes
V. Forum
VI. Consignment Store
VII. Miscellaneous

I. Quests

-Reward should be a more...rewardy reward. We get one xp for every quest and only chump change

Make better and more rewarding rewards to completing quests. Especially ones that take a longer time to complete


-People complaining about being 'unfair'

Handicaps! Make slight armor or damage boosts for a fight for a lower level or based on their record to accommodate for level differences. Did you know that a level 10 could fight a level 20 character if a level 15 character hosts a pvp match? Isn't that insane?
-There is not a way to distinguish skilled PvP'ers from beginners.

Add a vanity cape that would change color based on how many kills you get. The cape would automatically show on your character so that opponents know that you are not a noob.
-PvP is not rewarding. Other than the record, there isn't much of a reason to PvP unless you hate somebody.

Make PvP rewards. Something special like gear just for looks. The gear could be a vanity gear that would look cool and add a VERY small bonus. Or something like elf ears, avian talons, or bear fur that you could sell to a PvP dude for cash.

Make 1v1 arenas. I hate it when a group of people barge in on a fight. There could be an option to make it so nobody could attack somebody who is already in combat.
-People caring too much about the team score

Have an option to remove the score at the bottom. Maybe a timer to decide when the fight ends. I see so many people who care about the score. But the score means nothing unless you are making the kills.


-Elixers purchased with gold are not lasting long enough

I could buy a 1.5 xp elixer and when it runs out I buy a new one. But by the time I am ready, the group is way ahead. Make longer lasting elixers purchasable for gold. Like 15 minute elixers.

Make bosses that spawn in certain areas like an outskirts of the towne where many people have to team up to take down. Like a boss could spawn every...minute after being killed. And there would be a special boss for every towne. And it COULD be soloable but not that easy. So if you wanna kill it, you would have competition for the rare drops that it drops.
-Drop/XP zones

Maybe make it so that people who havent done anything dont get xp or drops. Make it so you have to at least attack the boss to get drop and xp. Then people would just wait by the entrance to the boss room for a drop. They would at least have to venture into the room and do SOME damage.
-Bosses just stand there...and stand there

Bosses should have a variety of special attacks or skills like we do! Then they wouldn't we just standing there punching your face. Have them charge up a special attack that damages every member some and then have them have to recharge themselves to begin attacking again. That would add some flavor to boss battles.
-Drops are TOO random

Make a hidden stat, luck. Make it so the less of a difference between the raw stats, the more luck you have. And then all gear could be taken to an enchanter to be enchanted. The gear would lose a little stat bonuses but then would gain a few points of luck. The enchanting would cost some gold based on the level and stat bonuses lost. The lucky gear could be sold but not in its lucky form. When you put it up in cs or trade, the stats would show as normal but when you take it back from auction or trade, it reverts back to lucky form

IV. Classes

-Some people want a human class*

Personally, I don't want a human class. I like having birds,bears, and elves working together to smash zombies,knights,skeletons,yetis,marauders,aliens, and slimes. What cool powers do humans have?
-Similar skill builds

Many avians have similar skill builds and it bugs me that a lot of us are the same. More skills should be added! One for an elf could be an earthquake spell or some cool evil banishing thing that would have a dark ring expand from the player and erupt when it hits the enemy. Avians could get a rapid shot one where several normal shots with a normal damage range would be fired. As the skill rank increases, the more shots could be fired. One for a bear could be a sword throw where it would throw the sword/axe from a distance.
-Boring combos

More combos should be added! One could be a combo that would activate a buff for the boss,enemies. It would be called 'Selfishness!' It would be activated when an Avian uses the Cruel Blast combo, an Elf uses the Ice storm fire storm one (cant remember name) and a bear uses the smash combo. If everybody did their one person combo in a way that no other combos are activated within a certain time frame, a buff would be added to nearby enemies. With more skills, more combos would be available.
-Similar skill builds, part 2

Skill trees! If more skills were to added, a skill tree would be necessary! You would still only be able to have 12 skills but more than that would be available.

V. Forum

-Not many people know of the forum but play the game.

Make a link to the forums from the game. Maybe give a person 1 or 2 platinum to register on the forums and link the in game account with it.
-Chatbox has little colors...

I just want ONE more color for the chatbox lol! Magenta. WTH no more magenta on the forums either?! GRR then bring that back to the forums! And intro it to the chatbox!

VI. Consignment Store

-Some people end up wasting money on an item that is not satisfying.

Show stats so players don't waste their gold.
-Some people end up wasting money on an item that is not satisfying, Part 2

Show stats on the shop screen from vendors.
-Plenty of people do not know of the Consignment Store

Have a tutorial where it shows important features of the townes. Such as Ellie in Forest Haven, PvP sign up in Dark Forest, Consignment Store in Balefort Castle, and Oasis Pool in City of Oasis.
-Hard to determine a common price of something when many people put items up for outrageous prices.

Make a selling range. The range could be determined by what people actually sold an item for. Also, players can use DanienRH's handy tool to determine prices. As more people submit data, the more accurate the data becomes. DanielRH's Market Data Thing (http://www.pocketlegendsfans.com/market/).

VII. Misc.

-No rings in Consignment Store

Make craftable rings!
-Not many vanity shields*

Make some vanity shields available for plat or gold.
-Little income*

More gold per kill!
-No reward for staying with Pocket Legends*

Veterans Rewards. This has been brought up by the devs and i think its a great idea. For every six months you play PL (consistently but with some gaps) you would get a vanity helm or something
-Talons are weapons but birds have talons (go to a hawk and look at its feet)

This isn't a very big issue but it kinda bugs me that talons are a weapon but birds have talons...I like spikes better and some talons are called spikes
-Indecisive people can't decide

I hope that Star Legends and the Pocket Legends expansion doesn't come out at the same time. I wouldn't be able to decide which to play! And I am pretty sure that its hard for others as well.
-TapJoy Offers

I did 3 Tapjoy offers today for a total of 5 plat. I got 3 plat. Its nothing big so i can just live with it. but my time was wasted. My home button on my ipod is stuck so its not like I can get the plat easily. It takes a while just to download and it takes about 5 minutes an app just to get back to the home screen. Also, I downloaded one and when i opened it, it said that i need a camera...More of my time wasted. I want TapJoy to put if you need a camera or if its a Ipad only app. Another thing is the amount of free offers. Im trying to save up to buy 3 characters in Star Legends before it comes out and its getting harder. I know that STS has little to none control over TapJoy offers but its something that would help.

*-Was listed elsewhere so I figured I may as well input my thoughts. If it doesn't have this, it is a stronger suggestion from me or was completely thought up by me but isn't very important.

In no way am I demanding that these be implemented. It would just be very cool and helpful to have them implemented. More will be added when i think of them!

07-04-2011, 06:46 PM
-Little income
More gold per kill!

I disagree big time with this. There is already a big inflation rate in pocket legends. thats why balefort sewers and shadow caves are such gold sinks, to counter the ao2-ao3 inflation

-Indecisive people can't decide

Ouch - Star Legends is released officially some time in august.
PL expansion is released late july early august.

-Boring combos

That, or the ability to customize/train your own combo. Could you talk about individualized PvP? :D

Make a hidden stat, luck.

Then they would have to jack the drop rates way down.

Add a vanity cape that would change color based on how many kills you get.

It should come with stat bonuses too. This allows skilled players to counter a total newb who somehow manages to have insane gear. Ect: Pro vs. newbie with PL Shield, founders helm, epicly rare level 10 pink nature mage robe of mastery, pink toy man wand, and the best ring.

Everything else I agree with

07-04-2011, 06:49 PM
It should come with stat bonuses too. This allows skilled players to counter a total newb who somehow manages to have insane gear. Ect: Pro vs. newbie with PL Shield, founders helm, epicly rare level 10 pink nature mage robe of mastery, pink toy man wand, and the best ring.

lmao i was like yep yep yep whateva its just Pharcydes worthless talking again ;p until i got to this! Then i realized that those noobs with best gear would pwn the others. but they would be good pvpers and they would get their cape soon and be even better.

07-04-2011, 07:09 PM
Lol ^

07-04-2011, 08:41 PM
That's a long long list :)

I can not remember it all, but I'm all for more quests with eq rewards, not tradable.

I've always, only pvp in two situations: mass pvp or for monthy pvp winner status, which came with nice rewards. One on one pvp I have nearly zero interest in - my stats reflect that too lol! With the accepting of pk - sometimes it is just needed and I miss it :(

07-05-2011, 09:07 AM
That's a long long list :)

I can not remember it all, but I'm all for more quests with eq rewards, not tradable.

I've always, only pvp in two situations: mass pvp or for monthy pvp winner status, which came with nice rewards. One on one pvp I have nearly zero interest in - my stats reflect that too lol! With the accepting of pk - sometimes it is just needed and I miss it :(

lmao im gonna add more to the list later :)

07-05-2011, 12:21 PM
I addded a cs category, an index thingy at the top, and some more suggestion.

07-05-2011, 12:36 PM
ur right reg we have the same ideas lol

07-06-2011, 06:13 PM
I agree with the gold thing. You get like 10-15 gold per enemy...SERIOUSLY? I cannot, and will never, find a motivation to farm for gold. I'm like hey ya this should be easy ya know make 10k off a round of PP, and i get to the end and i find myself with 1.5k more gold....it is so frustraring especailly for a player like me because i an ALWAYS broke. I cannot ever get a good chunk of change to actually try and work towards an item or set like every single PL player wants. Reselling is completely corrupted. You could buy a SSC set thinking everyone wants one, then all the players turn toward another item....its just so hard to get gold in this game. And i also agree with the consignment price range thingy. Theres a Swapy Stomper listed for like 1mil in the cs right now. ????? Anyway i really hope the devs take the gold thing to thought.

07-06-2011, 06:16 PM
I agree with the gold thing. You get like 10-15 gold per enemy...SERIOUSLY? I cannot, and will never, find a motivation to farm for gold. I'm like hey ya this should be easy ya know make 10k off a round of PP, and i get to the end and i find myself with 1.5k more gold....it is so frustraring especailly for a player like me because i an ALWAYS broke. I cannot ever get a good chunk of change to actually try and work towards an item or set like every single PL player wants. Reselling is completely corrupted. You could buy a SSC set thinking everyone wants one, then all the players turn toward another item....its just so hard to get gold in this game. And i also agree with the consignment price range thingy. Theres a Swapy Stomper listed for like 1mil in the cs right now. ????? Anyway i really hope the devs take the gold thing to thought.

Gold farming is tedious. Unfortunately, there aren't much more solutions unless you win a contest.

07-06-2011, 08:00 PM
Gold farming is tedious. Unfortunately, there aren't much more solutions unless you win a contest. mainly why i dont gold farm. Its hard enough getting the right gear, leveling up, fighting in pve...why must they make it harder to get money?

07-06-2011, 08:35 PM
Added a suggestion about the chatbox and one about TapJoy

07-06-2011, 09:39 PM
I agree. I also did those 3 apps register lol :) but i did get my five plat....u shulf take ur ipod into apple and maybe have it fixed/replaced. They can transfer all ur data over so itn not like ur losing anything

07-07-2011, 08:26 AM
For the PvP thing looking at a players ratio shows there skill and experience.. Well most of the time, people who don't have a lot of experience in PvP will disagree with me.. I only know about 4-6 PvPers who have skill, but have negative ratios. There aren't that many boosters in PvP to my knowledge.(talking about lv 50-55 PvP) Also, capes just look bad on the characters of PL. I can't imagine capes on the characters.

07-09-2011, 09:28 AM
Added a few more suggestions. Main one is the top one in the PvP category.

07-09-2011, 10:15 AM
Added a few more suggestions. Main one is the top one in the PvP category.

Sorry, but I read one of the PvP ones, handicaps? No!
What's the point of making a level 20 when you can just go to level 10 and have "handicaps" and maybe easily beat the 20. (?)

07-09-2011, 10:23 AM
Sorry, but I read one of the PvP ones, handicaps? No!
What's the point of making a level 20 when you can just go to level 10 and have "handicaps" and maybe easily beat the 20. (?)

lol it was a random thought i just came up with