View Full Version : Unable to Connect on Evo 4G

Dave Riley
07-06-2011, 04:29 PM
Ever since I downloaded the newest patch/update for PL, it will not connect what so ever. I get this error message every time:

"Oh, no! The server is currently down for maintenance! Please check our forums and Facebook for more information."

Unless the servers have been down for two weeks straight, something is up. I have the latest patch to my knowledge (Version but it won't connect at all. I already did try uninstalling the app and reinstalling, but I got this same message.

07-06-2011, 05:26 PM
You might first try rebooting your device. If that doesn't work, then make sure you can connect to auth.pocketlegends.com (try https://auth.pocketlegends.com/WebStore/store.jsp from your browser to test it). If you can connect there, then it's likely that your network traffic is being blocked somewhere along the way. You need to be able to open outgoing tcp connections to the following ports: 80, 443, 4050-4099.

Dave Riley
07-06-2011, 08:23 PM
I tried that website on my mobile browser, but that's blank. It must be something with my internet then.