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View Full Version : Methinks verizon was a bad choice.. here's why.

07-06-2011, 05:08 PM
I noticed ALOT of people who fit the requirements for the beta are having trouble with verizons clunky app setup, and it just seems like they aren't putting any work into making SL easily available. Isnt it a partnership? . I think droid owners who earned the shield of gratitude should have recieved the beta to test, i would include apple owners in that suggestion but we all know STS isnt in control of that.

It's too late now but i think limiting the beta to american verizon customers with droids wasn't very fair to the rest of the world, and the requirements for beta testing should have at least been worldwide. Something that everybody could have had a chance at.

Also, i think any GoA with a droid should have access, as they proved their merit in your flagship game, and without them, pocket legends wouldnt be where it is today, meaning star legends wouldnt be where it is today either. Please no flames.

07-06-2011, 05:16 PM
I'm looking at this situation in a little bit different way. I agree with ya, but think about this: The number of people playing a game is the difference between a beta and an open game. For instance, with fewer people there are less people going to level up higher and be above the majority of the players. However, if a ton of people were able to play the beta, then a large portion of the community would be up ahead of the rest of the game. With a ton of people beta testing, what's the point of even having a beta test if a huge portion of the community is testing? Why not just open the game up freely?

So basically, I would rather a few people try it out and do a good job finding the problems than having a huge amount of people play and most of them play just to level up and get ahead of the game.

07-06-2011, 06:20 PM
From what I've tested in the past, beta testing audience is always controlled and up to the game developers. They can limit, include and deny any party they wish. What they decide to do with it after all the testing is over is what everyone should debate over in my opinion.

iOS users will be playing a refined version anyway.

(Just adding: I haven't even gotten to play the game yet, since I'm having V Cast issues as well, so there's no saying "you're playing it, you wouldn't know how it feels."

07-06-2011, 06:57 PM
They didn't choose verizon. Verizon allowed betas so verizon it is. And also lots of pros are playing SL. (physiologic, haikus, yanis, crimsontider, etc.) So it wasnt that bad of a "choice" as you say.

07-06-2011, 08:13 PM
Im an android user, so idc about apples policies, and its not verizon that allowed the beta, its android, because they can still give the beta to non verizon customers. Im just saying it shouldnt have been restricted to a service provider that only provides for one country, it could've been a contest with 600 winners or something, that is all. I wont change my opinion so tell me yours, dont judge mine.

07-06-2011, 08:21 PM
This discussion is old. The reasons have been discussed. And I can tell you after a full day of playing, not all is being released to us. And honestly, it doesn't take that long to get to 20. Just relax and the public release will be out soon.

07-06-2011, 08:53 PM
Um VCast works flawlessly and this game rocks on LTE.

07-06-2011, 09:24 PM

07-06-2011, 09:27 PM
They didn't choose verizon. Verizon allowed betas so verizon it is. And also lots of pros are playing SL. (physiologic, haikus, yanis, crimsontider, etc.) So it wasnt that bad of a "choice" as you say.

Incorrect. They can put on and take off SL from the android market anytime they wish, among other app distributors. Just guessing Verizon paid them a premium so that it would be limited to their V-Cast system.

07-06-2011, 10:50 PM
Nothing wrong on verizons side, just lack of information.

There are two V Cast App's. One, automatically installed on the android market, and one that needs to be manually installed.
The one on the market WILL NOT have the blackstar beta. The one that is manually install will.