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View Full Version : Suggestion: de-clutter towne screen

06-07-2010, 12:06 AM
There are a lot of people and things to interact with in towne, sometimes it is difficult to click on these things without hitting the wrong buttons, etc.

In towne we don't need potions, attack, or spells. Removing these buttons and moving the "new game" button in towne would help de-clutter the screen. (You could also remove health/mana/xp while you are at it.)

06-10-2010, 01:54 AM
although, as an enchantress, it looks pretty amazing double buffing, healing, and reviving a screen filled with people. it looks so colorful, so powerful, pure awesome!

06-10-2010, 10:46 AM
And put the vendors/stashkeeper behind little fences, so no one can stand on them. Hard to tap on them sometimes.

06-10-2010, 10:50 AM
Awesome suggestions spudboy/ogediah, i would back all of these suggestions, except the getting rid of health/mana/pots/attacks- for some reason it jsut wouldnt be right without those there. But the New Game option definately has to go ... its right in the middle of the screen and its way too obtrusive, when you can just go into the menu and start a game from there. And the vendors do need to be in some kind of shop behind a bar so noone can be near them.. but im sure the devs have probably already worked on something cool like this for the multiple townes /towne revamp they have said they are working on. :D