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07-07-2011, 04:21 PM
Anyone on a DROID X having trouble with using there abilities? I feel there is a very small sweet spot to get then to cast.

07-07-2011, 05:42 PM
I don't have a DROID X, but I have that problem as well. On lots of buttons. I thought it was just the stupid phone and being unable to hit the buttons right on. Sometimes if I hit just above the button, that works better.

Update: It seems to work better now. I don't know whether it's all the updates or that I'm more used to the phone -- Nexus One. At least now I can mostly get through my inventory.

07-07-2011, 06:30 PM
I found hitting above and to the right for things on the right side and above and to the left for the left side. Same happens when trying to tap targets.

07-08-2011, 03:47 AM
I don't have a DROID X, but I have that problem as well. On lots of buttons. I thought it was just the stupid phone and being unable to hit the buttons right on. Sometimes if I hit just above the button, that works better.

I'm on the HTC EVO and found that I had to tap around a bit for it to work on the NPC's as well.

07-08-2011, 03:50 AM
The only issue that I have ever noticed when it comes to the touch screen, note I'm on an Xperia Play, is when it comes to clicking objects on the ground, walls, etc such as Safe, item boxes, NPCs you need to examine, blown up doors, etc. Is that it wont register my clicking, until I run away and come in at another angle, etc. Hope that gets fixed in my opinion, its a bit annoying to be sitting there jabbing at your screen foaming at the mouth wondering why you can't open something. <<

07-08-2011, 08:33 AM
The only issue that I have ever noticed when it comes to the touch screen, note I'm on an Xperia Play, is when it comes to clicking objects on the ground, walls, etc such as Safe, item boxes, NPCs you need to examine, blown up doors, etc. Is that it wont register my clicking, until I run away and come in at another angle, etc. Hope that gets fixed in my opinion, its a bit annoying to be sitting there jabbing at your screen foaming at the mouth wondering why you can't open something. <<

On Xperia Play you can just hit up on the Dpad to do all of those things :)