View Full Version : Twinking for Dummies!

07-07-2011, 05:43 PM
This is basically twinking, in the form of Ellyidol's or Physiologic's or MrWallace or anybody else's guides.

Table of Contents
Post One - Bears
Post Two - Birds
Post Three - Elves
Post Four - Tips, Testing, Credits, Terminology, and Stat Points


For bears, the skills may not look like very damaging skills, or whatever, but these babies tend to beast at every level 1-20, and can still beast if used right, at levels 25-35.

Level 20!
Skills and their importance to Level 20 Bears [NOT IN ORDER]

Vengeful Slash (VS)
Most builds tend not to have VS in them, but it is a good second slash, and if you have the skill and speed to get SMS and VS off in your combo at same time, you will be beast. Pretty much impossible though, with GCD.
This is a very important skill, with +30 Damage and +30 Critical % when maxxed. MAX THIS!
Hell Scream (HS)
This usually tends to be the deciding factor in Bear Vs. Bear PvP. ALWAYS START YOUR COMBO WITH BUFFS, THEN HELLSCREAM! MAX IT!
Crushing Blow (CB)
This is a good skill to have, but the range can be it's downfall. Do not invest heavily in it, because if you miss, most likely, you are done for. However, if you can get the timing down, and distance, you will benefit from having it high. But never start off, if you are a new twink, with high CB.
Iron Blood
This is a good skill to invest in, as well, but not too much. Most builds have 1-3 Iron Blood in them.
Super Mega Slash (SMS)
This is not an..important skill, but it is a very good slash, and combined with Stomp in quick succession, can do a super knockback. Most builds have either 1 or 0 SMS in them.
Crippling Slash
This is not one of the better slashes. Most builds have zero Crippling Slash in them.
This is a good skill to have, if the surrounding skills around it are good. It gives a nice +2 Dodge, which can stack into +4 dodge. Some builds have taunt in them, but it's not worth investing in, in my opinion
In my opinion, this skill is not worth putting points into. At all. Most builds have zero to one evade.
Arguably the most important skill besides Hell Scream or Rage. This is the main damage dealer, and when coupled with SMS, provides a devastating combo.
Not a very good skill to put points into, but if you are a kite bear, it could be a good skill just to regain some health for a little period of time. Usually nobody puts points into restore except for some kite bears.

So now that you have gone through the process of learning what skills are important, you can devise your own build to start twinking! Of course, with some starter builds to build around.

This will be in the x-x-x-x format.
For example 1-0-3-3 would equal 1 in Vengeful Slash, 0 in Stomp, 3 in Rage, and 3 in Taunt.

Damage Bear Starter Build
0-1-1-0 Combo : Buffs + Hellscream + Crushing Blow + Stomp + SMS

Defense Build
0-1-4-0 Combo : Buffs + Hellscream + Crushing Blow + Stomp + SMS

All-Around Build
0-1-1-0 Combo : Buffs + Hellscream + Crushing Blow + Stomp + SMS

================================================== =================================

Level 15!
Skills and their importance to Level 15 Bears [NOT IN ORDER]

Vengeful Slash (VS)
Most builds tend not to have VS in them, but it is a good second slash, and if you have the skill and speed to get SMS and VS off in your combo at same time, you will be beast. Pretty much impossible though, with GCD.
This is a very important skill, with +30 Damage and +30 Critical % when maxxed. MAX THIS!
Arguably the most important skill besides Rage. This is the main damage dealer, and when coupled with SMS, provides a devastating combo.
Crushing Blow (CB)
This is a good skill to have, but the range can be it's downfall. Do not invest heavily in it, because if you miss, most likely, you are done for. However, if you can get the timing down, and distance, you will benefit from having it high. But never start off, if you are a new twink, with high CB.
This is a good skill to have, if the surrounding skills around it are good. It gives a nice +2 Dodge, which can stack into +4 dodge. Some builds have taunt in them, but it's not worth investing in, in my opinion
Super Mega Slash (SMS)
This is not an..important skill, but it is a very good slash, and combined with Stomp in quick succession, can do a super knockback. Most builds have either 0 to 3 SMS in them.
Not a very good skill to put points into, but if you are a kite bear, it could be a good skill just to regain some health for a little period of time. Usually nobody puts points into restore except for some kite bears.
Crippling Slash
This is not one of the better slashes. Most builds have zero Crippling Slash in them.

As I'm not a Level 15 Specialist, I may only offer one build to you, a generic build.
Use a launcher for maximum success.

Generic Build
0-2-1-0 Combo: Rage + CB + Stomp + SMS

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Level 10
I'm just going to take a shortcut here. Use a level 10 launcher if you can find one, and use an expert/artisan leather.
All you'll need is 6 rage, 2 stomp, 1 SMS. That's the build.

07-07-2011, 05:44 PM
There are two kinds of birds that you can use to be successful - Warbirds, or Kite Birds. I'll cover both. However, there will be only a level 20 guide, because birds at 15 and 10 are almost non-existent, and they are extremely hard to manage. I have no experience whatsoever in 15 and 10 bird twinking. Sorry.

Level 20 Warbird!
Skills and their importance to Level 20 Warbirds [NOT IN ORDER]

Blast Shot
This is a very important skill, as it is the best damage dealer, probably in all of PL. It has many uses, like obviously killing, or popping a mage's mana shield. Most builds have 3 - 5 in them.
Avian Scream
This is a good skill to have, but sometimes it doesn't land. It does bring stun into the picture, and if you can land it, you have a better chance of winning. Most builds have either 1 or 0 in Avian Scream
Thorn Root
This is an EXTREMELY IMPORTANT SKILL, as it has a small DOT (Damage Over Time) and essentially "roots" the opponent, allowing you to juke or catch up to the fleeing prey. Usually every build has 1 root in it.
This is also an extremely important skill, as it buffs your crit by a lot, and also increases your hit %. (As a warbird, your hit % is extremely low sometimes) Most builds have 4-6 in Focus.
This skill is not very useful, but since birds are major mana guzzlers, it doesn't hurt anybody. 0 in this skill is recommended, but some builds have 1 in Meditation.
This is a crappy skill. NEVER put ANYTHING into Restore
Evasion is an extremely good skill to have, in my opinion. I personally would max this out, but some people do not appreciate the +30 dodge as much as I do. Builds can go from 0-6 Evasion.
Break Armor
If you didn't invest in Evasion as much as I did, then max out Break Armor. It can really affect the battle, as -24 Armor when maxed out is a bigger number than it seems.
Shattering Scream
This is a useful skill, because if it is used 1-2 (Shattering Scream + Blast Shot) it makes the "Cruel Blast" combo, which deals a lot of damage. Most builds have 1 Shattering Scream in them.
Repulse Shot
As a warbird, you do not really need repulse. I would not recommend it, but some people put 1 in repulse.
Blinding Shot
In my opinion, this is a useful skill, but not useful enough to put any points into. However, a lot of builds have 1-3 Blinding Shot in them.

Builds for Level 20 Warbirds
Dodge Build
0-0-6-1 Combo: Focus/Evade + Thorn Root + Blinding Shot + Break Armor + Shattering Scream + Blast Shot

Damage Build
0-0-0-5 Combo: Focus + Thorn Root + Break Armor + Shattering Scream + Blast Shot

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Level 20 Kite Bird!
Skills and Their Importance to Level 20 Kite Birds! [NOT IN ORDER]

Blast Shot
As with the warbird, Blast Shot is the main Damage Dealer. For Kite Birds I would recommend 4-6 Blast Shot.
Avian Scream
This is not a good skill for a kite bird to have, as if you are kiting right, you should never be able to use it. Do not put any Avian Scream into a kite bird.
Thorn Root
As with the warbird, this is an extremely useful skill to have. If your opponent gets too close, thorn them. 1 in Thorn Root is recommended.
This is not as important compared to a warbird, as a kite bird should have sufficient enough hit % and doesn't really need critical % if the opponent barely touches them. 2-4 Focus is suffic
As with the warbird, this is not extremely useful, but it can be a minor help. 0 or 1 in Meditation.
Restore may be useful for a kite bird, 25 health may keep them alive for final Blast Shot. 0 tr 1 in Restore.
Max this baby. Dodge is very useful for a kite bird.
Break Armor
This is not very important for a kite bird. It's still a good help, but not as much. Only 1 to 3 points in Break Armor.
Shattering Scream
You can still combo with this (Blast Shot + Shattering Scream), so put one in Shattering.
Repulse Shot
A well timed Repulse will frustrate the opponent and keep you safe. 1-4 in Repulse.
Blinding Shot
The hit debuff may come in handy. Put 1 to 3 in Blinding Shot.

Snowball Launcher Build
Combo: There isn't really a combo for kite birds, you just have to stay out of harm's way (E.G. Bear Stomp) and kite the hell away. You'll find more on this in the strategy section (Post 4)

Crossbow Build
Combo: There isn't really a combo for kite birds, you just have to stay out of harm's way (E.G. Bear Stomp) and kite the hell away. You'll find more on this in the strategy section (Post 4)

07-07-2011, 05:44 PM
Reserved for Enchantress (Elves)

07-07-2011, 05:45 PM
Tips For Level 20 Bear

Always try to get Hell Scream off first.
Stomp + SMS used in Quick Succession = Super Knockback
If your opponent has Crushing Blow, stay distanced by a little bit. Do not let CB hit.

Tips for a Level 15 Bear

Stomp + SMS used in Quick Succession = Super Knockback
If your opponent has Crushing Blow, stay distanced by a little bit. Do not let CB hit.
Do some juking, try not to let stomp hit.

Tips for a Level 10 Bear

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Tips for Level 20 Warbird

Stay as close as possible to your opponent to utilize the damage of your 2H weapon.
Juke to make a Dex-Bear's Stomp miss.
Always utilize Thorn Root.

Tips for a Level 20 Kite Bird

Know the distance of your weapon.
Timing your Thorn Roots and your Repulse Shots is VITAL TO YOUR KITING SUCCESS
Know that you will get constantly flamed and trolled and feed your fire.
Never try to 1 vs. 1 in a closed, dense area with thin passages to run through. (Ice Tunnels, Forest Manor)

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Tips for Enchantresses

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Stat Points

Otukura - For Kite Bird insight.

07-07-2011, 09:48 PM
in every guide/builds i see you guys are ALWAYS missing stats
all u guys ever explain is the skills

07-07-2011, 10:23 PM
Hey thanks noob migo ALOT


07-07-2011, 10:25 PM
Level 10
I'm just going to take a shortcut here. Use a level 10 launcher if you can find one, and use an expert/artisan leather.
All you'll need is 6 rage and 3 stomp. That's the build.


Can't beat twinks with that.

07-07-2011, 10:27 PM

Can't beat twinks with that.I was hoping more str bear twink

07-08-2011, 01:06 PM
I was hoping more str bear twink


07-08-2011, 05:46 PM
Going to start working on the Bird section. Just wait...

07-08-2011, 05:52 PM
i w-a-s h-o-p-i-n-g f-o-r a p-u-r-e s-t-r b-u-i-l-d!!!!!!

07-08-2011, 06:08 PM
in every guide/builds i see you guys are ALWAYS missing stats
all u guys ever explain is the skills

Thank you for the feedback. However, the stats are up to you. I just recommend skill builds. Sorry.

07-08-2011, 06:11 PM
i w-a-s h-o-p-i-n-g f-o-r a p-u-r-e s-t-r b-u-i-l-d!!!!!!


EDIT: Str pures are horrid at 20 and below.

07-08-2011, 07:47 PM
Birds (Only Level 20) section has been completed.

07-08-2011, 07:49 PM
Birds (Only Level 20) section has been completed.

Someone has... ah... amended their ideas on kite birdies. :3

07-08-2011, 07:50 PM
Someone has... ah... amended their ideas on kite birdies. :3

Thank you.
I apologize for the PM Rant. :D


07-08-2011, 07:52 PM
Thank you.
I apologize for the PM Rant. :D


It was quite entertaining, don't worry :)

And I don't really know how.

07-08-2011, 07:53 PM
It was quite entertaining, don't worry :)

And I don't really know how.

Aye, ty.

Now to find someone with the skill order for mages. FINNERRI WHERE ARE YOU?

07-08-2011, 07:57 PM
At what levels do you need the builds? I've done 10-20.

07-08-2011, 07:59 PM
At what levels do you need the builds? I've done 10-20.

10, 15, and 20.

07-08-2011, 08:10 PM
10, 15, and 20.
removed for PM

07-08-2011, 08:12 PM
Aye, PM!
There's no point in making a guide for that if it's already out here. ;)


07-08-2011, 08:13 PM
Aye, PM!
There's no point in making a guide for that if it's already out here. ;)


Don't do that, it's PM'd.

07-08-2011, 08:21 PM
Don't do that, it's PM'd.

Owch. Thanks again!

07-08-2011, 09:29 PM
Level 10
I'm just going to take a shortcut here. Use a level 10 launcher if you can find one, and use an expert/artisan leather.
All you'll need is 6 rage and 3 stomp. That's the build.

Lol'd. hard.

07-08-2011, 09:29 PM
Lol'd. hard.

So did I!!! Migo, Sun loling at a level 10 build completely discredits it.

I did this for someone a few days ago, how hard do you lol?

6 rage

combo varies, if I'm trying to push them away from me or into a wall and pin them, sms&stomp. do cs once their pinned..

07-09-2011, 09:29 AM
So did I!!! Migo, Sun loling at a level 10 build completely discredits it.

Meh scroo dat.
I'll change it to 6 rage 2 stomp and 1 sms, but...all you have to do is kite a little bit, because that range is measly.

EDIT: Crippling? I'm not sure about that, but you know, I'm not a 10 regular either.

07-09-2011, 09:47 AM

EDIT: Str pures are horrid at 20 and below.

Pure str builds are horrid period IMO.

Nice guide btw man. Awesome work:)

07-09-2011, 09:54 AM
Pure str builds are horrid period IMO.

Nice guide btw man. Awesome work:)

How's SL? I'm really Jelly right now.

07-09-2011, 10:14 AM
How's SL? I'm really Jelly right now.

It's pretty cool, don't play it much though since it's on droid and I'm not used to the small screen:p

07-09-2011, 10:17 AM
It's pretty cool, don't play it much though since it's on droid and I'm not used to the small screen:p

Oh. I'm just jelly because of the guilds. The rest looks to...PL-ey, and I'm not sure thats a good thing. The skills sound pretty cool too, so I'm pumped for that. Force Lightning? Souper!

07-09-2011, 09:22 PM
So did I!!! Migo, Sun loling at a level 10 build completely discredits it.

I did this for someone a few days ago, how hard do you lol?

More so that he just wrote 4 sentences for level 10 and went in to so much more detail for 15 and 20. The build he put is fine. The build you put is fine. Most anything with 6 rage is viable, its more so how you use it. Not my guide to say so though. I like the rest of it noobmigo

07-10-2011, 11:40 AM
More so that he just wrote 4 sentences for level 10 and went in to so much more detail for 15 and 20. The build he put is fine. The build you put is fine. Most anything with 6 rage is viable, its more so how you use it. Not my guide to say so though. I like the rest of it noobmigo

Heh, soz. I felt really tired at that time, and didn't feel like giong in depth, as well as my credentials at 10 not being good enough to tell people what to do.

07-10-2011, 01:22 PM

This is a crappy skill. NEVER put ANYTHING into Restore

This makes me sad, otherwise, nice guide!

Totally agree with what you wrote about dex bears at level 20.

07-10-2011, 01:35 PM
This makes me sad, otherwise, nice guide!

Totally agree with what you wrote about dex bears at level 20.

imo, 25 health over 5 seconds is not very good. :(

07-10-2011, 02:14 PM
imo, 25 health over 5 seconds is not very good. :(

For kite birdies, it's a viable thing -- I still don't like it.

07-10-2011, 04:00 PM
lol noobmigo. a good damage build could aslo incorporate the other slashes in it. VPSP is important too (value per skill point)

07-11-2011, 02:12 PM
hmm i was thinking of making a new twink cuz 15(7) twinking is getting boring! Now i think ill make a warbird but what level? I see some level 25 warbirds that seem to do kinda good but 30 twinking warbirds seem to do good as well. Should i make 20,25, or 30? Also, what gear?

EDIT: Im making a 25 warbird :) And you said that thorn root has a DOT but it doesnt. thorn wall does. Also, as a damage 20 warbird, why not any evasion? But at 25 you get 5 more skill points so i guess ill put it in evasion...i already have all the cheap gear for it lol...now i just gotta get enuff money for a vyx and im all set :) oh ya and learn how to pvp lol xD

07-11-2011, 07:33 PM
hmm i was thinking of making a new twink cuz 15(7) twinking is getting boring! Now i think ill make a warbird but what level? I see some level 25 warbirds that seem to do kinda good but 30 twinking warbirds seem to do good as well. Should i make 20,25, or 30? Also, what gear?

EDIT: Im making a 25 warbird :) And you said that thorn root has a DOT but it doesnt. thorn wall does. Also, as a damage 20 warbird, why not any evasion? But at 25 you get 5 more skill points so i guess ill put it in evasion...i already have all the cheap gear for it lol...now i just gotta get enuff money for a vyx and im all set :) oh ya and learn how to pvp lol xD

Hi Register, key word is damage. Damage = Pure Damage.

07-11-2011, 08:07 PM
Hi Register, key word is damage. Damage = Pure Damage.

lol xD also, should i go part str part dex or pure str? Im leaning toward part str part dex for the extra power but I think i would die pretty fast. Soo...which one?

07-11-2011, 08:10 PM
lol xD also, should i go part str part dex or pure str? Im leaning toward part str part dex for the extra power but I think i would die pretty fast. Soo...which one?

At that level warbirds are made for damage, not survivability.

07-11-2011, 09:12 PM
At that level warbirds are made for damage, not survivability.
k so around 75 str and rest dex right?

edit: i found a screw up in the thread :p In level 20 warbird, it says that blinding shot should be in the combo but in the skill list thing by it, it shows no points being added into blinding shot.

07-12-2011, 05:38 PM
Ty for catch. Copy Paste is a biotch.

07-13-2011, 11:41 AM
hmm i was thinking of making a new twink cuz 15(7) twinking is getting boring! Now i think ill make a warbird but what level? I see some level 25 warbirds that seem to do kinda good but 30 twinking warbirds seem to do good as well. Should i make 20,25, or 30? Also, what gear?

EDIT: Im making a 25 warbird :) And you said that thorn root has a DOT but it doesnt. thorn wall does. Also, as a damage 20 warbird, why not any evasion? But at 25 you get 5 more skill points so i guess ill put it in evasion...i already have all the cheap gear for it lol...now i just gotta get enuff money for a vyx and im all set :) oh ya and learn how to pvp lol xD

been tested and it does. It's just undocumented in the skills description

level 1: -6 H/s
level 2: -10 H/s
level 3: -14 H/s
level 4: -18 H/s
level 5: -22 H/s
level 6: -26 H/s

07-13-2011, 11:59 AM
and the blind debuff is -5% hit per level

bleh excuse the double post. Posted before i realized