View Full Version : Can you find a Trap that you can Target?

07-08-2011, 10:38 AM
Hey everyone,

Today we fixed a bug in Pocket Legends where traps could be targetable. Here is the Patch Note (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?30344-1.7.2-Content-Update-%2863707%29). The issue is that all of these traps, in the inner workings of the game, weren't labeled as such. So, the designers had to go through the game looking for traps to fix them. So, it is possible that they missed one.

We want to put the call out to anyone who may come across a trap that they can target. If you do, can you reply here and let us know where you found it? Then, we can fix it :)

Some further clarification: This can affect other objects in the game (invisible NPCs, boss elements, etc.). So this could be Traps and/or anything else that cannot be destroyed or killed that you find your player character is accidentally auto-targeting as opposed to enemies in the area.

Also, keep in mind that these objects will still show health bars, they simply should no longer be target-able

Thanks so much!

07-08-2011, 11:20 AM
I wouldn't exactly consider it a trap or enemy.

But it's just a statue that stands there doing nothing, and yet you can target it, and shoot it.


By the way, this was shot in the Sandstone Cave Towne :o

07-08-2011, 12:34 PM
Thanks, good catch!

07-08-2011, 01:58 PM
This isn't here anymore, but the balloons back in the PL anniversary celebration were being targeted. Im not sure why I put this in, maybe It will help you on your next holiday
special !!!

07-08-2011, 01:59 PM
Yeah, we totally should have made the balloons attackable so you could pop them and have them shower confetti (party emote). Would have been fun :)

07-08-2011, 03:11 PM
So, the designers had to go through the game looking for traps to fix them. So, it is possible that they missed one.

WAIT THE DEVS WERE IN GAME?!?! but every 10 minutes or so that im not pvping, I press /t thade yo! or /t justg hey! I have those on my quickchat button thing :) How did i miss them? ugh you gotta tell me when your gonna come on so i can talk to you :)

07-08-2011, 03:14 PM
WAIT THE DEVS WERE IN GAME?!?! but every 10 minutes or so that im not pvping, I press /t thade yo! or /t justg hey! I have those on my quickchat button thing :) How did i miss them? ugh you gotta tell me when your gonna come on so i can talk to you :)

Stop nagging the devs nitwit

07-08-2011, 03:50 PM
Stop nagging the devs nitwit

dont be mean toasty -_-

and its too late to delete that pm :rolleyes:

07-08-2011, 06:07 PM
WAIT THE DEVS WERE IN GAME?!?! but every 10 minutes or so that im not pvping, I press /t thade yo! or /t justg hey! I have those on my quickchat button thing :) How did i miss them? ugh you gotta tell me when your gonna come on so i can talk to you :)

For the devs.../t is to teleport ppl :D devs im revealing ur secrets!!! /teleport pwnpear!!!!

and omg the balloon popping thing would be sickkk!!! New quest: pop 100 balloons and receive a red ice xbow!!!!

07-08-2011, 06:48 PM
I bet Parth could find one!! Love ya buddy!!

07-08-2011, 07:00 PM
I bet Parth could find one!! Love ya buddy!!

I find them all the time... in SL. Impossible not to.

07-08-2011, 07:04 PM
I find them all the time... in SL. Impossible not to.

Inside joke for those of us that run with him.

07-09-2011, 09:11 AM
Hey I've noticed yesterday that you could target the quicksand traps. Does that count too?

07-09-2011, 09:24 AM
Hey I've noticed yesterday that you could target the quicksand traps. Does that count too?

oh i think i found out how not to get stuck! i dont think ue supposed to attack when ur on them! but then again you could wait for the thing to close up...but yes i hate trying to target a enemy when all of a sudden i target the trap -________-

07-10-2011, 11:14 AM
This is kinda the same thing as said before, in forest haven chapter 1:
You could target swift if you want, but who would want to?

07-10-2011, 04:00 PM
You could target swift if you want, but who would want to?

its fun to shoot him anyways :) And also, if you shoot silkknight, in the same screenshot it gives you a xp. I dont know if it works if you dont shoot her. One time i leveled when i shoot her lol...

07-12-2011, 11:22 PM
All those dead bodies (the essence things) in BS:Catacombs are still targettable.

08-08-2011, 05:38 PM
I found a trap thats targateble
Sorry for the unnecesary doodles IM BORED OK!!! Hahha lmao

08-09-2011, 10:55 AM
Theres some in sandstone caves.

08-09-2011, 11:04 AM
I bet Parth could find one!! Love ya buddy!!
Oh oh I got one:
You don't find the Developers, they find YOU!