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View Full Version : in the war of the femme fieras 9

Russel Dapat
03-18-2016, 01:14 AM
The elf queen had hidden the orb of nature in the mausoleum for many years, it had been a great hiding place since the mausoleum was very easy to be lost in and that the mausoleum was plain spooky, The orb of nature's power was unmatched, the orb of nature made many adventurers that die be able to live, through the enchantresses' magic to the orb of nature, the enchantresses were able to fully resurrect fallen allies, many of the evil in Alterra had been longing for this power, to use the orb of nature for malicious and selfish purposes.

Silknight's plan was to steal the orb within the mausoleum, to do so she would have to distract the elf queen or attack her herself, she would need to bring all her allies to defeat the elfguard and enchantresses guarding the area, she needed to cause a war in forest haven the home of the elf queen to cause mayhem throughout Alterra it would cause all of Alterra to rush fighting the femme fieras causing them to lose their strength and be defeated easily by the evil rogue clan.

The Rogue clan is a clan that is interconnected by many clans such as the olde guarde, femme fieras, and etc. the Rogue clan's objective was to rule over Alterra with an iron-fist, enforcing all evil unto the Alterrans.

Deep within Black smoke mountain the legendary Red Dragon's rebirth was being caused by Silknight's evil magic infused into the crystals transferred to black smoke mountain by the vampires, the Red Dragon was going to be reborn as an evil being only wanting to cause death to all Alterra, the fire men in Blacksmoke mountain had seen signs of the Red Dragon's birth, they immediately reported it to the Elf queen.

Your Highness! we have seen signs of the red dragon being reborn again, said a fireman
But the signs are malevolent, added the fireman
perhaps this is the doing of Silknight, said the elf queen
she is one of the most powerful and evil sorcerers in Alterra, added the elf queen
fireman, i need you to warn the villagers of this threat and tell the most elite person in black smoke mountain to lead the villagers to safety, said the elf queen
right away your highness, replied the fireman

meanwhile Krystal was getting an item from Silknight, Silknight gave Krystal a power skull, a skull containing knowledge about her plans as well as dark magic, Silknight warned Krystal that it would grant her power but if it were to be stolen she would become weak and possibly die in the fights, Krystal had reflected on this topic, was she going to die in the fights and be consecrated of her evil which will never allow her to become animated again? she wanted to fight for the honor of the femme fieras but she was also afraid of being killed in the fights.

hey hag, do you really want to fight the elfguard and enchantresses? asked Krystal
Yes, replied Covenhag
how come? asked Krystal
i have many reasons for how i act, but i can't tell you those right now, replied Covenhag
but why don't you want to tell me? asked Krystal
because, were in the middle of learning about death magic, replied Covenhag

The Femme Fieras' magic was learned inside the skeleton cult crypts, shortly after Silknight returned from her trading with the goblins, they were there because the crypts were located in Forest Haven, that's were Silknight was planning to attack when they were ready, the rogue clan had sent mercenaries and the olde guarde to help them in the fights, in fact the rogue clan had sent all the available mercenaries in their clan, the rogue clan had sent some mercenaries to terrorize other townes to keep the other elfguard and enchantresses busy, Silknight had been thinking of how her army would barge in the forest manor the home of the elf queen, was she just going to enter there and blast the elf queen into oblivion or would the elf queen blast her away, would she let her troops enter and destroy some of the elfguard and enchantresses or would they die trying, Silknight had made training harder for the Femme Fieras that day, she needed them to prepare for the time to start the war was starting, She had commanded her undead army to harass and destroy the forest havens townes

The Elf queen had sent her forces to stop the Zombies that were harassing and destroying forest haven, though some of her forces turned undead themselves the remaining troops defended with all their might, they knew if they fought long enough the heroes of legend were going to come to rid of all of Alterra's evil.

hey Krystal, Why do we have to fight the elfguard and enchantresses? asked Covenhag
Silknight once told me that she wanted to rebel against the elf queen because long ago the elf queen banned the use of magic offensively replied Krystal
why did she ban it? asked Covenhag
she thought the elven children of her schools was abusing their magic replied Krystal
So Silknight thought that decision was wrong and unjustified? asked Covenhag
yes, replied Krystal
thanks for the knowledge said Covenhag

Covenhag had reflected on Silknight's reason of war, was she right or wrong, will doing a war just because of a simple yet unjustified thing be appropriate? Covenhag had wondered what to do, would he fight in the war, or protest to Silknight, Covenhag then realized that there was no turning back now, he had to fight the enchantresses and elfguard whether he liked it or not, Covenhag accepted this fate, the fate in which he could possibly be killed in the fights.