View Full Version : Skill Mastery

Shobhit Chaturvedi
03-18-2016, 06:30 AM
Hey Everyone!
With the introduction of new mastery system there has been more variety on how you use your skill points. We can share here what builds we tried, which skill mastery we felt useful and your build details. So we can help each other!
So anyone have tried?

03-20-2016, 12:53 PM
Right now, pre-expansion I'm going with 5 points on skyward smash.

Passives: maxed durable, might, knowledge, agility.

Mastery: 5 points skyward smash.

Once the expansion hits and we can level all my initial new points are going to be applied to horn of renew: armor bonus. Then I'll look at the other masteries depending on how the levels are.

03-20-2016, 01:25 PM
For me there is no difference can therefore with little play, I tried only 10/10 aim for me no changes: Dyskomfortu:

Shobhit Chaturvedi
03-20-2016, 10:49 PM
I tried axe throw mastery. Bleed effect is good. I also have 6 points in HoR Mastery but couldn't test how effective is that

04-02-2016, 12:38 PM
I spend on vengeful 10/10 and I feel it's more better than before

04-04-2016, 02:12 PM
1 point for axe mastery for bleed and 10/10 on horn mastery for armor hope it helps

05-02-2016, 04:14 PM
Windmill only hits 3 mobs at a time. I put 9 points into Windmill Mastery and I now hit 8 mobs at a time. Only rarely am I surrounded by more than 8 mobs at a time. I am basically taking down entire groups by myself now! It has made so much difference that it's actually gotten me interested in playing again.

Think about it this way. My Windmill hits for 673-841 damage. When it could only hit 3 mobs at a time, it could do a maximum of (841 x 3) 2523 damage. Now it can do a maximum of (841 x 8) 6728 damage!

05-02-2016, 04:39 PM
I put mine into Smash, increases the aoe and it works good for me

05-03-2016, 07:37 PM
RALLY CRY- mastery 10/10 gives u n ur party 69 strength..of course with call to arms upgrade..and with song of fallen upgrade u get and give ur party 25% dodge..and there's damage reduction too..

mages and rouge gets more strength(health)..mage absorb more damage if use the shield during buff..(damage absorb=[(str)2+int]3)

and rouge get 25% dodge + mages fireball reduces 25% hit chance...so much dodge no way a rouge ll get hit...

for war they get all the buffs too...n 69 strng is way better than 50 from Vb that too from charged Vb....

don't be selfish be a good tank.....:)

05-06-2016, 08:08 AM
RALLY CRY- mastery 10/10 gives u n ur party 69 strength..of course with call to arms upgrade..and with song of fallen upgrade u get and give ur party 25% dodge..and there's damage reduction too..

mages and rouge gets more strength(health)..mage absorb more damage if use the shield during buff..(damage absorb=[(str)2+int]3)

and rouge get 25% dodge + mages fireball reduces 25% hit chance...so much dodge no way a rouge ll get hit...

for war they get all the buffs too...n 69 strng is way better than 50 from Vb that too from charged Vb....

don't be selfish be a good tank.....:)

Ya, I dont see any warriors use rally cry. I wanna try it. Though that 5% damage reduction seems too small for a buff that has a duration and cooldown. Did they change it? Cause in the description it says it increases armor.

05-07-2016, 06:36 AM
RALLY CRY- mastery 10/10 gives u n ur party 69 strength..of course with call to arms upgrade..and with song of fallen upgrade u get and give ur party 25% dodge..and there's damage reduction too..

mages and rouge gets more strength(health)..mage absorb more damage if use the shield during buff..(damage absorb=[(str)2+int]3)

and rouge get 25% dodge + mages fireball reduces 25% hit chance...so much dodge no way a rouge ll get hit...

for war they get all the buffs too...n 69 strng is way better than 50 from Vb that too from charged Vb....

don't be selfish be a good tank.....:)

I used rally cry for ever (pre skill mastery) and my wariorly advisors told me it was a useless skill..but I liked it.

05-07-2016, 12:24 PM
I think it's better then vb..is it?

05-08-2016, 11:13 AM
For pve rally is best mastery and yea to me it's better then vb makes u tankier better then having crit too

05-08-2016, 02:18 PM
Well I tried it..

,,,and its cool...boots my str +70 and give buffs to pt, and in general makes me a well loved tank

05-08-2016, 05:19 PM
I tried rally cry 10/10 mastery in elite underhul first map second and third map no reason to do them yet. and didnt like it. Way slower times. Only reason i can see for useing it is if your running with undergeared mages/rogues i use jug HoR SS and VB VB 10/10 for quick cool down keeps u alive longer than with rally crys long cooldown. use singe to buff party. Much better for faster runs as long as u keep aggro and stun as much as u can with arcane sword or use aegis on mobs and switch to arcane sword on boss no one in your party should die. Make sure someone has nekro too. Rally cry is bad imo still useless skill.

05-09-2016, 04:30 AM
... i use jug HoR SS and VB VB 10/10 for quick cool down keeps u alive longer than with rally crys long cooldown.

Rally Cry has 20 seconds cooldown, thats 5 seconds less then VB.

05-09-2016, 05:10 AM
I tried rally cry 10/10 mastery in elite underhul first map second and third map no reason to do them yet. and didnt like it. Way slower times. Only reason i can see for useing it is if your running with undergeared mages/rogues i use jug HoR SS and VB VB 10/10 for quick cool down keeps u alive longer than with rally crys long cooldown. use singe to buff party. Much better for faster runs as long as u keep aggro and stun as much as u can with arcane sword or use aegis on mobs and switch to arcane sword on boss no one in your party should die. Make sure someone has nekro too. Rally cry is bad imo still useless skill.
Don't forget rally cry buffs your party and not only you. As tank you should do everything to keeps your party alive :)

05-09-2016, 02:30 PM
Yeah but VB lasts longer than rallying cry.

05-09-2016, 02:38 PM
Don't forget rally cry buffs your party and not only you. As tank you should do everything to keeps your party alive :)

But it doesnt keep them alive i used it and they still got one shotted i dunno maybe its better in easier maps but in the underhul elites i dont find it usefull. But use what u want, just my opinion on what i like using..

05-10-2016, 02:46 AM
Yeah but VB lasts longer than rallying cry.

Well 2 seconds, yes...

05-11-2016, 11:51 AM
windmill, jugg (so you don't get stun as much) skyward smash, vb (for stat boost), chest splitter. On harder maps use jugg. if easier and not getting stunned, swap jugg for vb. put mastery in skyward and windmill