View Full Version : week now and stil havent recieved platnuim

03-20-2016, 12:01 PM
Um last Sunday I purchased 800 plat for 49.99 via Paypal. It said it would take 1-2 days for their merchants to confirm it or whatever but I didn't receive anything. I emailed sts multiple times about it with pictures of the recipt , and they still have replied after like 3 days... I don't know what to do

Help? ;(

03-20-2016, 12:10 PM
Um last Sunday I purchased 800 plat for 49.99 via Paypal. It said it would take 1-2 days for their merchants to confirm it or whatever but I didn't receive anything. I emailed sts multiple times about it with pictures of the recipt , and they still have replied after like 3 days... I don't know what to do

Help? ;(

If ur on pc ive waited forever also but if u go on a mobile device before u get the plat it will go through and cancel the other order atleast it did for me and on mobile devices itgives instantly

03-20-2016, 12:27 PM
If ur on pc ive waited forever also but if u go on a mobile device before u get the plat it will go through and cancel the other order atleast it did for me and on mobile devices itgives instantly

Yeah I purchased it on pc , and what do u mean cancel? Did it refund u

03-20-2016, 03:49 PM
Good luck with sts replying to you they are pretty bogged down with a massive ban in arcane legends that banned a lot of innocent players + they just realised a pet that is pretty dam bugged too

03-20-2016, 05:57 PM
Good luck with sts replying to you they are pretty bogged down with a massive ban in arcane legends that banned a lot of innocent players + they just realised a pet that is pretty dam bugged too

anyway to get a refund?

Yohan Blank
03-21-2016, 05:04 AM
anyway to get a refund?

contact sts xd if they replied your luck asf

03-21-2016, 09:31 AM
Good luck with sts replying to you they are pretty bogged down with a massive ban in arcane legends that banned a lot of innocent players + they just realised a pet that is pretty dam bugged too

Wow, why are they banning lots of players?

Yohan Blank
03-21-2016, 10:09 AM
Wow, why are they banning lots of players?

i read an article which says that it is all about botting, and alot of AL players are complaining saying that "What if i was farming for many hours but not botting will i also get banned?Not fair!"And i think you can get banned from the shuyal exp glitch where the monsters keep spawning then will die after spawned and you can get exp quick and lvl up to cap lvl fast but the bug is fixed now but lucky i am i got to 18-26 atleast

Suentous PO
03-21-2016, 01:10 PM
Wow, why are they banning lots of players?

Remember the yola site scammers "selling" gold? Well it's 10x worse in al now with organized groups black marketing, and sts has done this program that auto bans ppl if they meet certain (unknown to us) parameters. As a result sts has banned tons of innocents and some old scam accs that they just remake.
Then it all starts over again

03-22-2016, 05:01 PM
Remember the yola site scammers "selling" gold? Well it's 10x worse in al now with organized groups black marketing, and sts has done this program that auto bans ppl if they meet certain (unknown to us) parameters. As a result sts has banned tons of innocents and some old scam accs that they just remake.
Then it all starts over again

Lol yola scams ahh good times, I remember having a select agent I'd message on the site since I emailed them so much that would auto ban the website I gave him. Good times indeed.

03-22-2016, 05:18 PM
Good luck with sts replying to you they are pretty bogged down with a massive ban in arcane legends that banned a lot of innocent players + they just realised a pet that is pretty dam bugged too


03-23-2016, 03:52 AM
I did a 28000 plat offer that took almost a month too do sent as and all and didn't get my plat. I feel you on this lol

03-23-2016, 08:31 AM
Hi everyone!

I'm so sorry for the delay. Our support staff will get back to you as soon as they can!

Thanks so much for your patience!

03-23-2016, 03:34 PM

-10 points for using a frozen gif

03-23-2016, 03:42 PM
-10 points for using a frozen gif

Yohan Blank
03-24-2016, 08:35 AM

well thats beautiful, such beauty *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*