View Full Version : [WEAPON SUGGESTIONS] Rogue Daggers

03-20-2016, 06:55 PM
With the new cap coming soon and STS promising to buff rogue daggers as a whole so that not 100% of rogues play bow has me thinking of cool potential daggers!
Dagger General Buffs
*All Daggers have higher base damages, while not as high as bows is still high enough to compete against them at endgame.
*All daggers have much higher DPS. Allowing them to put alot of damage much faster.
*The animations for rogue's dagger swinging are sped up to match the high DPS stat.

NOTE!: All of these weapon designs are LEGENDARY.

Shadow Walker Blades of...
*Chance to temporarily camouflage yourself on attack, causing you to not generate any mob aggression in PvE. Also increases dodge by 10%. Added Effect: Chance to Dual Strike in PvE.

Space Time Slicers of...
*Chance to proc a high damaging meteor shower to crash into enemies. Added Effect: 10% Chance to starstruck(stun) in PvE.

(Basically the same as Slain King Corrupted Daggers' proc except these meteors are red/orange and deal slightly higher damage.)

Seductress Sai of...
*Chance on hit to proc all enemies(up to 9) to pull to your targets location and lowers their armor by 10%.

Double-ended Life Enders of...
*Chance to proc small but high damaging AoE around yourself. This AoE has a chance to cause bleed and lowers enemies hit chance by 15% for 15 seconds.

Michael Woolley
03-21-2016, 10:56 PM
Love those doubled ended ones 0,0