View Full Version : A Really Awesome Pet Idea!

03-21-2016, 01:17 PM
I have this cool idea for pet vanities. They are pet costumes and how they work is pretty much in a similar way as weapon vanities do. But instead of 2 types we are dealing with different types. Like maybe fill up the remaining potential spaces with pet costumes or just make it one big slot. Maybe the duo pets (Shady and Surge,Brothers whim,and Squeakems and Squish) can get some cool costumes like one is an angel and the other a demon or something. Or landsharks can have a costume where they are dressed up as whales. There can also be a special vendor that sells costume packs based on themes and add in a new currency called Pet Happiness Tokens that can be earned by getting kills with a pet equipped and as long as the pet equipped is happy and the rate can vary based on rarity. Rare pets can provide 1 Pet Token in 1000 kills when equipped. Epic pets can provide 3 Pet in 1,000 kills. Legendaries Provide 5 Pet Tokens in 1,000 kills. Mythic pets provide 10 in 1,000 kills.Arcane Pets provide 20 in kills. To indicate how close you are to getting your next batch of tokens, a meter will be displayed under the pet happiness as an indication. Anyways,talking about the vendor again, the Pet Happiness Token vendor can provide xp for the currently equipped pet and the amount of xp is scaled based on the pet's level.Level 55 pets can provide 500 xp for 50 tokens. This vendor can also be used to buy additional pets as well,but they come in chests. Rare pet chests cost 100 tokens,Epic pet chests cost 500 tokens,Legendary pet chests cost 1,000 tokens,Mythic pet chests cost 5,000,and Arcane pet chests cost 10,000 tokens. Any pets from events can temporarily be added to the chests' loot tables when the corresponding event is active. Normal pet costumes can cost 1,000 tokens while special event-exclusive ones can cost 2,000 tokens. Gear can also be purchased from this vendor,like a special mythic pendant that can be bought for 3,000 tokens that acts the same way as a Leprechaun/Jack Hellows' Pendant, but instead of luck it permanently increases the amount of tokens received when equipped and this effect can be upgradeable (I'm not sure how but use your imagination).

That is all the ideas I have for now and I might make a few changes to these ideas in the future. Provide feedback for this idea and I would be glad to make adjustments to my ideas. :)