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View Full Version : Fix rogues armor

03-22-2016, 09:28 PM
I left my rogue for a few days, had 1.9k almost 2k armor, i come back today and i got 1.6k, im freaking out asking eveeyone what happened, i finally got an answer saying rogues armor was nerfed, this must be a mistake made by sts because this is stupid, we arent near tanks, if anything tanks have the upper hand over other classes, mages already get stunned and killed by mages, thats bad enough right there, now we have no chance, im done pvping until this is fixed, we had a max of like 2.1k armor, how is that close to a 3k armor tank, if u want rogs to be more like a tank them give us 7k health and 2.5k armor, thats a rogue tank right there, fix this asap i cant deal with it, it messed up my gaming experience in al, im using more and more health pots, it's unreal.

If you agree comment.


03-23-2016, 12:12 AM
yeah i agree about it, now rogue very bad cause armor nerf. i hope can restore it like before

03-23-2016, 02:36 AM
I completely agree, the balance was perfect before, especially in PvP...In fact, one would say that tanks are the most powerful in PvP for both killing and for taking damage. I truly do not understand why developers want to make the largest portion of their player base so unhappy. I'm sure many of us would love it if they could make some state of reassurance that this is being looked into so we don't have to be ticked off every time that we play the game.

We all have faith in you developers, please throw us a bone here! :)

03-23-2016, 03:39 AM
PvP players are the largest portion of players in A.L. ? Was not aware of that .
I've been tinkering with some different builds on my rogue and I must admit I found a build that I'm extremely happy with in fact ,I seem to die just a tad less .downside to this is yes I to have to dig in to my health pots a little more.
I'm not here to trade secrets for different type rogue builds I just like to add to tinker around a little you won't be disappointed .

03-23-2016, 09:07 AM
PvP players are the largest portion of players in A.L. ? Was not aware of that .
I've been tinkering with some different builds on my rogue and I must admit I found a build that I'm extremely happy with in fact ,I seem to die just a tad less .downside to this is yes I to have to dig in to my health pots a little more.
I'm not here to trade secrets for different type rogue builds I just like to add to tinker around a little you won't be disappointed .
Big part of Al is pvp. Pvp Twink,
Especialy PvP Guilds. where players do more pvp like pve. And pvp is the place where ppl spending more gold more money.

03-23-2016, 10:52 AM
I completely agree, the balance was perfect before, especially in PvP...In fact, one would say that tanks are the most powerful in PvP for both killing and for taking damage. I truly do not understand why developers want to make the largest portion of their player base so unhappy. I'm sure many of us would love it if they could make some state of reassurance that this is being looked into so we don't have to be ticked off every time that we play the game.

We all have faith in you developers, please throw us a bone here! :)

Yes because everytime theres a nerf it has to be on rogs because other classes complaining we are too strong or overpowered, we were fine there, we already had a dmg nerf in pvp what more can we lose now, next it will be crit and rogues wont be anything if crits nerfed, try nerfing mages and tanks, especially tanks, tanks lava pools kill me in pvp like im a mage without a shield.