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View Full Version : Fun Little Activity For Y'all?

07-09-2011, 08:22 PM
So, recently. I wanted to see what would be the outcome if I had gotten hacked (Not really possible), or somebody has miraculously guess my password. So, What I did was I acted like somebody I wasn't. (Didn't break TOS in any way though). Now, I want to see the community's results! Try spending a day in PL acting like somebody completely different and see if you can find anybody to recognize that you aren't yourself.

I had one person report me until I told him I was just conducting an experiment to see how safe my account would be if it fell in the wrong hands.

So, post screenies. Go Go Go! I may offer a cash prize for the best outcome.

Disclaimer: Please do not do anything against the TOS. I'm not encouraging for y'all to do that, neither will I be held responsible for your actions. Please only post appropriate screenshots!

07-09-2011, 08:31 PM
So basically have Joey or Z or Kura say "This is either a well planned comedic act or a hack" or "who the hell are you?" or "LIIIIEEESSS I SEE THROUGH YOUR PLAN! YOU NEED BETTER ACTING SKILLS!"