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View Full Version : Edatx's Int-Enchantress PvP Guide

06-07-2010, 03:17 PM
DISCLAIMER: This isn't the only way to play, spec, or itemize an Enchantress and I don't claim to be the best by any means. This guide is about WINNING an entire match, not a single 1v1, some tactics may frustrate your opponent(or even you).

Update 47750 changed the debuff spells and added new components. I will update the guide as soon as I evaluate them

The following guide is my take on successful PvP as an int-based enchantress. It is based on a lot of play testing, re-speccing, and getting owned by bow-bears. Currently I feel that I can beat or lose to any class or build (that is played well) and that PvP is actually pretty balanced in both 1v1 and group play.


I put 112 points into int, and the rest into dex. I feel like any more points into int will cripple your critical chance. PvP is almost like jousting now, especially when everyone has their cool downs, hitting without crit is almost a guaranteed death. I had 15 M/s for a while but dropped to 13 M/s to pump my crit number to 30% unbuffed. Sometimes when I'm dodging my opponent, waiting on cool downs, I'll Firestorm to keep them away. With this build I have a 30% chance (when I hit) that I'll do major damage or outright kill my opponent.

Witch Toad Tiara of the Owl - 5 Int, 2% Crit, 3 H/S, 7 Armor
Mamboza's Voodoo Fire Pin - 60-74 Damage, 2.1 Speed, 7 Int, 2% Crit, 5 M/s
Mamboza's Croc Scale Robe - 7 Int, 2% Crit, 5 M/s, 38 Armor
Copperhead's Voodoo Doll - 7 Dex, 2% Dodge, 5% Crit, 13 Armor

Pretty straight forward and standard. I would probably wear a different helm but I don't really like farming and I don't have 100k to drop on a pink one. (Please devs, pvp gear? Please!) What I was shooting for was getting a good base of M/s, I think 10 is the absolute minimum, with as much crit as I could get. I think Enchantress got lucky with itemization because all the good pieces that are "standard" have crit on them. Again, I can't stress enough how important crit is. You will see a significant difference in insta-kill shots when you pump your crit.


Heal (5) - In PvP this is a highly situational spell. If you think that as an Enchantress your role in PvP can primarily be a healer, you're wrong. At this point in the game DPS is way higher than healing throughput. This isn't to say you shouldn't be spamming your heal, if you run up to a fight in progress the first thing you should is is heal all team members around. Winning in pvp isn't only about killing your opponent; it's about avoiding unnecessary deaths. A well placed heal will sometimes be the difference in a match.

Frostbite (1) - I really only grabbed this for utility and mostly use it when trying to run from someone when my firestorm isn't up (to knock them away). Sometimes it works-meh.

Lightning (5) - One of the more under rated PvP spells. If you crit someone with this kiss their a55 goodbye. Chain with Drain Life for a wicked combo. Lightning also has a debuff component making it a good opener in certain situations.

Resurrect (0) - Not going to rez in PvP yet. With the addition of a new rule-set this might become necessary.

Firestorm (5) - The bread and butter of Enchantress PvP. If you crit someone with this and they live (usually bears!) you should be pressuring them because they're almost dead. Most times a crit will outright kill your opponent.

Ice Storm (1) - Highly situational. Before PvP came out I thought this spell was going to be really important, but now I barely use it. In a 1v1 situation it's a terrible waste of time; in a group I think it's a much better use of time to Lightning -> Drain Life -> Firestorm. I pretty much cast this when I don't have any other cool downs up and I'm panicking; I'll probably end up dropping it soon.

Drain Life(5) - Another underrated PvP spell. This is great when used in conjunction with lightning. I've gotten a lot of "WTF?!?!?!" comments after dropping someone with this spell because no one knows you actually cast it. Also if your mana sheild is on cool down it's great because in the two seconds the fight lasts you get a damage spell and heal in one cast.

Weakness (0) - I didn't take this because it only debuffs damage by 25 at max rank and by the time you cast it you're probably dead.

Nightmare(0) - Same reasoning as Weakness but it's an armor debuff. I think both debuffs are a waste of time in PvP and if you really feel like you want to debuff put a Mojo wand on.

Magic Shield(2) - I both love and hate this spell. I love it because it keeps me alive, I hate it because if I get hammered and it saves my life I'm stuck running, OOM, with auto attack on. You should always have magic shield up when in a fight, if not you're probably going to lose. When I drop my point in Ice Storm it will go here for the extra armor.

Blessing of Vitality (5) - The 36 armor that it adds is pretty effective. I think fully buffed I get to 95 armor, which saves me mana.

Blessing of Might (5) - Not only does this give you 50% crit (extremely important to burst damage) but it will also give you 25 hit points. I can't count the number of times I've killed someone and had like five hit points left. This should ALWAYS be up when you're in fights if it's not on cool down, and if it is on cool down you probably should be ducking your opponent.

[Strategy - General]
I think the really cool thing about PvP in Pocket Legends is that you have to change your strategy up against different players. For example: sometimes I have to fight a bow-bear a couple of times to figure out what order they're using their skills and adjust the order I use mine. It might be better to open with a Firestorm and knock them out of range hoping they whiff their Slash or Beckon, others times you'll want to Lightning -> Drain Life -> Firestorm if they can't seem to one shot you.

To be competitive you must be able to play with more than just four spells. The four hot bar items just wont cut it in a competitive match and the recent interface enhancement that removed all zero'd out skills really helped clean the screen up.
Use Auto-Attack!
Magic Shield should be up as much as you can while fighting, and should be cast as late as possible. Too often I see enchantress blow their mana shield while chasing someone around a pillar. If you're chasing me and I see you cast this I'm going to hold out for an extra 4-5 seconds so that it drops mid fight. Same tip goes for both blessings, don't cast too early or too late, you want to go into the fight with at least six seconds left on each. You also don't want to be casting them when your opponent is doing damage to you; you're behind at this point and are going to lose.
Firestorm is not only useful for killing opponents when you're fully buffed, but for pushing people away from you when you're waiting for other cool downs. Don't be afraid to waste this cool down if it's going to save your team a point. If you've got good crit numbers you'll even randomly kill people while running for your life.
If you're not opening with Firestorm, open with Lightning. It has a debuff component (it says armor on the skill but when testing with someone they said it reduced their dodge, can someone else verify?), either way it's a great opener.
Heal your team, but don't think your healing alone will outpace the opponents DPS. You win fights by going on the offensive and pressing your opponent.
Sometimes you have to run when your cool downs aren't up. If you try to fight someone that you just killed, they're going to kill you because they have all their cool downs. This strategy boils down to if you're trying to win and be competitive or just having fun. If you're trying to win you have to do this.

[Strategy - 1v1]

Wait for cool downs. Again, it sucks, but if it's a competitive match you have to do it.
Against stun-locking bears, open with Firestorm. If they grab you first, and you didn't get your spell off, you're dead. If you land your Firestorm and knock them back, and they've either stunned your or not, you've screwed up most of their stun lock so press them. If they don't die when you're pressing them let them chase you and Firestorm again. You HAVE to kite these guys. Lightning -> Drain Life is your friend when pressing.
Against DPS-bursting bears it's a crap shoot. If they dodge all your stuff you're dead, if you land and crit your opener you should win 80% of the time.
Against bow birds, mix up your game. See if you need to open with Firestorm, if not then Lightning -> Drain Life -> Firestorm.
Against 2h sword birds, open with Firestorm and EARLY, they're going blast shot you and almost kill you with the damage modifier they get from the 2hander. If you firestorm and hit you have a fighting chance, if you miss it's over.
Against wand birds and bears: I used to think these guys were OP but not anymore. If they're killing you fast open with Firestorm, if not then get your drain life in before firestorm.

[Strategy - Group]

In a group fight, if you're getting focused toss out a firestorm to get people off you if possible. If not, Heal -> Lightning -> Drain Life -> Heal -> Firestorm is a pretty nice rotation. If you can keep your team alive while pressing your opponents you'll be extremely valuable.
Stay together. Too many times I've either fought a team that splits up and tries to fight 1v3, or been on a team where it's impossible to keep my team organized. These teams usually lose. (I know this should be obvious)
Teams that I've been on who have cooperatively waited for cool downs have been very dominant.

I know a lot of this is pretty simple but thanks for reading my guide!

06-07-2010, 06:39 PM
solid write up

was slightly confused as to why you carry both 1 point ice spells. You also don't mention to use it for the combo in 1v1. I haven't pvped with a mage much.. is the combo that crappy? I remember at first thinking "wow i don't have time to cast ice before i'm dead.. but with the 12 second buffs it seems like it would be worth it, that is if the combo actually does anything.

Also i was wondering if drain life will only do its max damage if you are at 100% health.. ive had mixed experiences.

Pugging is fine, but not having rez in an organized 4v4 or 5v5 is very undesirable in a enchantress. We had a two 5 mans smash into each other once and we each killed 3 each. The fourth on our team died and left xanthia against two people. He rezed 4 of us and we stopped em and got the two kills. Voice chat and guild combat makes it alot easier to do.

06-07-2010, 07:33 PM
was slightly confused as to why you carry both 1 point ice spells. You also don't mention to use it for the combo in 1v1. I haven't pvped with a mage much.. is the combo that crappy? I remember at first thinking "wow i don't have time to cast ice before i'm dead.. but with the 12 second buffs it seems like it would be worth it, that is if the combo actually does anything.

The combo is crappy-- not from a damage perspective but from a time perspective. I don't really feel like the combo adds much value: in the same time you either Freeze + Firestorm and add the DoT at the end with the combo, or Lightning + Firestorm, which does Lightning damage with an armor debuff, then Firestorm. The second sequence probably yields more total damage and has a lot more burst damage in the same time period. Landing crit lightning and firestorm will almost always kill an opponent.

I'm probably going to drop my point in Ice Storm and keep Frost Bite for utility.

Also i was wondering if drain life will only do its max damage if you are at 100% health.. ive had mixed experiences.

I think a lot of spells are hit or miss depending if you crit or not, or if your opponent is buffing their Armor. With my experience, when I buff my crit up to 80% and Drain Life I think it's pretty deadly. Especially in a situation where I'm expecting to take red damage.

Pugging is fine, but not having rez in an organized 4v4 or 5v5 is very undesirable in a enchantress. We had a two 5 mans smash into each other once and we each killed 3 each. The fourth on our team died and left xanthia against two people. He rezed 4 of us and we stopped em and got the two kills. Voice chat and guild combat makes it alot easier to do.

This is actually a great scenario to use Rez in PvP. Thank you for contributing Azrael!

06-07-2010, 09:04 PM
Debuffs upgraded. Rewrite time :)

06-07-2010, 10:40 PM
Debuffs upgraded. Rewrite time :)

LOL I know right?! I put it under the disclaimer but it's funny how I wrote this thing today and mechanics changed today. At least Spacetime is making some good changes!

06-07-2010, 10:56 PM
This is great. If your a Mage I would strongly recomend this guide. If you ever see edatx play you will find that he is one of the most sucessful int mages. Even with me I've seen birds and bears coming in not expecting any thing special from a int Mage and then with a couple blessings and a fire blast they are blow to pieces. I would suggust following this thred for more information on the new updates from the spells.

06-08-2010, 04:39 AM
Maaan. . .been having a real hard time figuring out the numbers and all that jazz. Will be taking your spec seriously. A couple of questions tho. . .say you want to use the same character thus created in PvE as well. . . assuming that is the case, then would it not make sense to carry points in the combo spells.

And what of the spells like Nightmare that work with warrior in Hellscream (at least that’s the assumption that I have been working with). I like the whole effect of the terror combo. You have lightning. . .so no issues on nature strike. And that’s all I know. Freeze Stomp . . .sure sure.

Already purchased a cpl of re-specs as they went on sale. . . .haven’t used them yet cause have been searchin for a spec I can work with. And this is it. Other than the Skill selection. Oooh. . . One more thing.

With the Oasis coming out (hopefully like tomorrow) . . .the Lvl cap’s gonna go up. Some say by as much as 10-15 lvls. . . so (once again avoiding the simple math involved) that’s quite a handful of attribute points to work with. What harm in upping the STR so u get a larger health pool to start with. And perhaps a 1H/S (which I see that your equip is already giving you - 3 H/S to be exact). But still. More points means thing’s is gonna change.

Hope you keep this up to date. As best you can of course. Esp for those of us who just can’t get this whole DPS / Crit / I mean how’s a 174% chance to Crit more significant than a 135% chance. I mean of course it is. No arguments here. But as you can see. Some of us just don’t get it. Can press the Heal and Revive Spell just fine. Also BoS and BoV just before a fight. But Damned if we know what’s actually going on. I guess it’s like chess at the end of the day. . . some work on strategies and percentages and some on the look of the board at a given moment. But of course here the numbers really make a difference.

Still reading through the details of your post. . . .as well as waiting for the update post patching of spells and such.

06-08-2010, 04:46 AM
With the Oasis coming out (hopefully like tomorrow) . . .the Lvl cap’s gonna go up. Some say by as much as 10-15 lvls. . .
Errr im pretty sure oasis wont be coming out tomorrow, and when it does it will only increase the cap by 5 levels :D

06-08-2010, 05:29 AM
Errr im pretty sure oasis wont be coming out tomorrow, and when it does it will only increase the cap by 5 levels :D

No no dude. . . of course not tomorrow tomorrow. .. was just tryin ta be dramatix. However am pretty sure I read about the 10-15 lvl cap inc. with Oasis right here. All official like and everything. Either way. . .even if it is just 5 Lvls up. . . that still gives us wot - 25 more attribute (?) points to add on. So. . .

p.s. Tullen. . . checked out your wep submission for the same. . .nice. real nice.

06-08-2010, 05:38 AM
No no dude. . . of course not tomorrow tomorrow. .. was just tryin ta be dramatix. However am pretty sure I read about the 10-15 lvl cap inc. with Oasis right here. All official like and everything. Either way. . .even if it is just 5 Lvls up. . . that still gives us wot - 25 more attribute (?) points to add on. So. . .

p.s. Tullen. . . checked out your wep submission for the same. . .nice. real nice.

Ahh i'm pretty sure i read it to be 5 lvls up all official and everything, ahah conflicting information? We'll soon see who's right im sure :D

And thanks man :D

06-08-2010, 08:20 AM
Maaan. . .been having a real hard time figuring out the numbers and all that jazz. Will be taking your spec seriously. A couple of questions tho. . .say you want to use the same character thus created in PvE as well. . . assuming that is the case, then would it not make sense to carry points in the combo spells.
I think this build as it stands (pre-debuff-revision) would work fine in PvE by simply moving one point from one of the ice skill to rez. As for the crit and dodge percentages over 100, yeah that makes no sense and I wish someone could explain how exactly that works.

Ahh i'm pretty sure i read it to be 5 lvls up all official and everything, ahah conflicting information? We'll soon see who's right im sure :D
Devs said level cap would probably go to 45 or 50. http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?2791-Sneaky-Sneaky-!!&p=25355&viewfull=1#post25355

06-08-2010, 09:56 AM
I don't see anywhere where I wrote anything about Critical Chance or Dodge over 100%?

I do think these two stats are way out of control. I think that having people running around with 80% crit and 75% dodge is over the top and wont scale well as the game matures. (Yes I'm asking for global nerfs.)

06-08-2010, 10:07 AM
I don't see anywhere where I wrote anything about Critical Chance or Dodge over 100%?

I do think these two stats are way out of control. I think that having people running around with 80% crit and 75% dodge is over the top and wont scale well as the game matures. (Yes I'm asking for global nerfs.)
I was referring to Arjun's post, and I think his point was similar. We have people who have dodge of like 175% buffed now, so down the road can we expect 1000% dodge, or what? It's ridiculous. If it isn't actually a percentage, then they shouldn't call it that.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing how you revise this build. The new debuff upgrade is giving me a lot of trouble figuring out how to distribute skill points (it's even trickier because I want to build for PvE and PvP both). While the debuff upgrades make them incredibly valuable in PvP, I am still thinking of just dropping nightmare again because of its short range, so I can use those points elsewhere.

06-08-2010, 10:23 AM
I was referring to Arjun's post, and I think his point was similar. We have people who have dodge of like 175% buffed now, so down the road can we expect 1000% dodge, or what? It's ridiculous. If it isn't actually a percentage, then they shouldn't call it that.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing how you revise this build. The new debuff upgrade is giving me a lot of trouble figuring out how to distribute skill points (it's even trickier because I want to build for PvE and PvP both). While the debuff upgrades make them incredibly valuable in PvP, I am still thinking of just dropping nightmare again because of its short range, so I can use those points elsewhere.

People have 175% dodge? I've never seen it that high, I did duel a warrior last night who had 75% --

Last night I dropped Blessing of Vitality and got Weakness. I'll probably play with that a little more tonight, then switch to nightmare. I'll report my findings back here! :)

06-08-2010, 10:44 AM
No noo. . .i just have a tendency to pull numbers out of my hat sometimes.

Tho the assumption was as you invest say 110 plus attribute points into Dex. . .then all's I know is the crit% goes up? right? just as with Str u get Health pool plus H/S plus. . . someother good stuff i guess. And people been pointing out that increasing int don't do very much other than a mana pool and mana per second thing. Right. Basically ignore the numbers . . .it was the idear i was trying more to convey.

06-08-2010, 11:28 AM
No noo. . .i just have a tendency to pull numbers out of my hat sometimes.

Tho the assumption was as you invest say 110 plus attribute points into Dex. . .then all's I know is the crit% goes up? right? just as with Str u get Health pool plus H/S plus. . . someother good stuff i guess. And people been pointing out that increasing int don't do very much other than a mana pool and mana per second thing.

Well there are people out there with Hit, dodge, etc. over 100%, but I guess that's a different point. As for increasing Int, it actually increases every one of your stats except dodge, H/s, and armor. It may not raise your DPS as fast as a little Dex will, but it does increase your stats almost across the board.

06-08-2010, 11:37 AM
Hit%. That's what I was referrin to in passing. Hit% greater than 100. 110% vs a arbitrary value of say 125% ? Didn't mean to cause all de confusion. Copy your point on Int. However, it still stands that pretty soon (drool) we will be hittin the Oasis. . . (Ghhhaaaa. . . .more drool). . . .ergo - more points to now distribute. Stat's / Attributes / Spells et al. So. . . I was gonna see if you be takin that into consideration say in about a week or three and update accordingly.

If so - would you include Str in your current build (The one this thread is all about). Enchantress.

And if yes - then most of us who have dropped a few attribute points in Str as we stand. . . can simply catch up Dex-wise with your spec. But would still like to see further updates still.

06-08-2010, 01:03 PM
Maybe hit % over 100 reduces enemies dodge? Say I have 125% hit, my opponent has 75% dodge yielding a net of 50% dodge chance with 0% chance to miss? Who knows? I'd like to get all of the game mechanic questions I have answered but we should just probably come up with a comprehensive list first and post it in General.

06-08-2010, 01:40 PM
I agree, but I also have 16 points in str for the 1 H/s it gives. :)

06-08-2010, 04:27 PM
I agree, but I also have 16 points in str for the 1 H/s it gives. :)

How much health do you get per point you put into str?

Also does anyone else know how mAny point you have to put into int to get 1, 2, or 4 m/s. ( I know you get 3 m/s at 111 int I found that out the other night)

06-08-2010, 05:22 PM
How much health do you get per point you put into str?

Also does anyone else know how mAny point you have to put into int to get 1, 2, or 4 m/s. ( I know you get 3 m/s at 111 int I found that out the other night)


This thread has a lot of information. I don't know how current it is though.

06-09-2010, 06:05 PM
Good guide. Helped me a bit.
