View Full Version : How to enjoy AL without gold?

03-23-2016, 11:03 AM
So my friend and I were discussing the other day...can you enjoy AL without gold or cake?

He said it would be tough, but that theres always a way. Sometimes exploring or even running maps but for those you DO need gold. So apart from having a fun time chatting with your friends, is there really a way?

Please let me know!

(I wanna prove him you can)

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03-23-2016, 11:08 AM
We'll u could fire kraag cannons. I don't have a lot of gold so because I'm endgame I like running ez maps without any gear on lol. U can also have a fun time running around and yelling weird stuff. Lol I don't know. Haha

03-23-2016, 11:10 AM
Russian Roulette with cannons, developer hunting...

03-23-2016, 11:15 AM
I like miss matching my gear to look weird or to see how flashy you can make your gear look

03-23-2016, 12:06 PM
Farm easy maps to pick up pot money. Rotate pets like the old school players used to do.

03-23-2016, 12:45 PM
Depends on your point of view abt the word "fun" and the objective you're sticking at in your experiencing the game.
In every MMORPG gold means better gear/better stuff/better stats, so easy farming, easy running in every maps and don't care at all of the pots spent or feeding your best pet.
In the other hand, with the prices that we all r seeing lately, i think the game is enjoyable also just running around with friends.
The gear is overall cheap, unless you'll need to gear urself for timed runs or high clashes pvp, and you can save gold for the pots just running few dailies.
So my answer is yeah, we can do it :D

03-23-2016, 12:57 PM
I'm not a very rich player and I enjoy the game just fine. The most fun I had in this game was when I was working towards my original boss APs (not the new 500 boss aps but just trying to kill each boss once). I would play random people and it took me a long time to kill some of the bosses. I died a lot. If I had a lot of gold and was able to solo every boss, then that would be boring. The game is the most fun for poorer people in my opinion because it's challenging.

If you want to have a lot of fun for little investment, make a brand new character and start playing from lvl 1. You will be playing with new players who are excited about the game. At lvl 46 it's full of old, pessimistic players, who constantly talk about quitting.

Nuuu I don't want to quit yet. [emoji23][emoji23]

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03-23-2016, 01:17 PM
Sometimes when i get bored, i create a new account, free from any of my friends, from anything tied to my official account, and i meet new people on these accounts, run maps as a poor newbie, and relive the noob moments that aspired me so much when i first started.

It really works, for those of you bored with endgame and want to reminisce the good old days, i encourage you to just try it. Make a new account, play your favorite class, dont contact your friends or your guild, and just have fun with what you have. Then, at the end of the day, you can either decide to go back to your main account, stay with your newb account, or leave the game.

Being a noob is hella fun, because you get to explore the game from the beginning, and rebuild your wealth. Being rich and worryfree is boring, but being poor and struggling is really fun.

Yohan Blank
03-23-2016, 01:18 PM
go to homescreen>look for AL app>then delete or you could just 24/7 fire kraag canons!by that way your having fun and even earning gold!you could get to gold cap in firing kraag canons 24/7!isnt that great!

03-23-2016, 01:26 PM
I can live without gold...

But without cake? Pffffft ..just hit me in the head with a hammer....

03-23-2016, 01:32 PM
go to homescreen>look for AL app>then delete or you could just 24/7 fire kraag canons!by that way your having fun and even earning gold!you could get to gold cap in firing kraag canons 24/7!isnt that great!

Assuming the cannons take 5 seconds to fire in-between, It would take 15.88 years non-stop to get 99,999,999 gold from the kraag cannons on the condition that you dont get backfired even once.

03-23-2016, 01:42 PM
Sometimes when i get bored, i create a new account, free from any of my friends, from anything tied to my official account, and i meet new people on these accounts, run maps as a poor newbie, and relive the noob moments that aspired me so much when i first started.

It really works, for those of you bored with endgame and want to reminisce the good old days, i encourage you to just try it. Make a new account, play your favorite class, dont contact your friends or your guild, and just have fun with what you have. Then, at the end of the day, you can either decide to go back to your main account, stay with your newb account, or leave the game.

Being a noob is hella fun, because you get to explore the game from the beginning, and rebuild your wealth. Being rich and worryfree is boring, but being poor and struggling is really fun.

Being poor and struggling is way too fun...knowing that you got another acc with gold [emoji39]

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03-23-2016, 02:07 PM
Recently i created two new 46s and geared them w my extra gear and got them ok but cheap pets. They only have standard gems. One was an old toon and has 500 ankhs. The other is a new toon and I forgot ankhs in a PUG. Im slowly running them through areas and quests in PUGs. It's definitely a different experience and actually more fun and edge of your seat. Normal Rengol mobs hurt! *boggle* I do sometimes take a low level toon and run some PUGs. That also is very interesting. And yes, there are some amazing players that for sme reason, my normal toons never get to meet. The playerbase is awesome!