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View Full Version : l61 mage help

03-23-2016, 07:43 PM
I need some skill build and attribute builds if possible. Also some general tips to play mage thanks!:)

03-23-2016, 08:27 PM
Well the best setup for attribute points, in my opinion, will always be pure int. Your skills do the most damage when you're pure, your heal recovers more health, and it's just overall the most fun experience for a Mage. I'm sure you can find some very detailed guides for mages around the forum, so I'll just briefly discuss what I think is important when I play Mage.

As as far as your skill setup, it really just comes down to preference. A general rule of thumb is to have max buffs, max fire, max drain, and max lightning. You'll want heal, icebolt, and icestorm also pretty high. Some mages choose debuffs for bear fights, however I have been successful in the past without debuffs at all. This is the part where a lot of the top mages vary in builds and have their own personal preference that suits their play style. Like I said, you just have to play and keep changing based on what you like and don't like. And of course put 1 point in revive, don't be that guy...

When fighting mages, it's important to know your range (true when fighting any class, really), and being able to nuke your combo really fast once you're just in range. This game honestly just comes down to who knows their range better, and who has faster fingers. Really not much else besides a bit of luck when it comes to dodge. You'll also want to learn when to time your heals. This is extremely important. Usually when it's Mage vs Mage, the person that shields first loses. This is because the other person will drain their mana and they won't be able to escape the damage due to not being able to heal. This is also where debuffs come into play. Fights USUALLY don't last this long if you know your range and have fast fingers, like I said above.

I haven't played 61 Mage enough to give you many specifics, but I do know that bears are insanely overpowered. However mages are as well, so you're kind of in luck. In general, you want to stay the heck away from bears so they don't demolish you with close range skills and their high damaging auto attack. Keep your distance, and if you really know your range well you can bait them to use beckon when they shouldn't. That's your queue to freeze, debuff, nuke, get the hell out, and repeat. Heal timing is probably even more important when fighting bears. Beckon is scary. I like to heal right after they beckon, so when they stomp it doesn't kill you and you're free to reign down skills as fast as you can while they are trying to close the distance and hit you close range. You have range, they don't, use that to your advantage.

Birds (which is the class I play) are probably the easiest opponent you will face. Birds quite frankly suck at this level and are very squishy. If you can time mana shield perfectly and keep knocking them back with fire, you should be fine. One fire is enough to take about half a birds health, so if you add a drain quickly after it, it's pretty much gg.

03-23-2016, 10:25 PM
hey moth, i think i played ctf with u lol. Im spellchecked if u remember. ty for advice

03-24-2016, 02:01 AM
hey moth, i think i played ctf with u lol. Im spellchecked if u remember. ty for advice

Oh hey! And no prob man, you were doing fine. I know I got a bit frustrated with you in that ctf but I totally understand that you're learning. Feel free to add me in game if you ever wanna chat or try things out :)