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03-25-2016, 12:14 PM
Hey guys. Something has been bothering me for a long time now but I think that the issue has really grown on me. I don't know if you know about a player called Oddform / Iyandere / Festivecarol, but I'm here to tell you to keep a close eye on him.

There's a reason to believe that he is a scamster, and not only me, but also a few other people have been scammed by this individual.

I don't know the method which he used to scam the others but let me tell you how my story goes.

It was about a week or more than a week ago actually when I met him and had a relatively long discussion with him. After seeing that I had a couple of 'old' vanities on, he started talking about how he was an oldie himself and about his unfortunate experience of getting his account banned. (You can already see where this is going). After our discussion he brought up the topic of buying my account. I declined naturally... but he was persistent.

The next day, as soon as he logged on, he told me that he got scammed 15M gold after trying to buy an Angelic account (there's your first sign). I don't usually support account buyers but since he was supposedly my friend, I helped him out by giving him a 500K head start. I taught him how to Merch and helped him sell whatever he had left. It was agreed that I would get my 500K back when he had enough money to sustain himself. I told him that 5M was his target. In barely any time he'd got about 7M totally in the form of cash and sets. I knew that getting money would be fast but I was surprised myself at the speed at which he came from around 1M to 7M.

So anyway, he logged off soon enough and the next time I saw him I asked for my 500K back, and I got the most shocking answer that I could have got. He got scammed ANOTHER 5M for trying to buy another Angelic account (this was only like 3 days after he initially got scammed), and he was unable to return my money (There's your second sign; something fishy going on here?). I didn't want to jump to conclusions and at the time I let him have a few more days to recover. Although when I asked him what sets he had left, he showed me 2 Fiery sets, a Crusher Set and a few random items which were parts of sets. So if he did in fact get scammed 5M he would've had 5M + another 4M before he got scammed. He came from 7M to 9M in a matter of a couple of hours, which is unnaturally fast.

Then it had been a few days and I hadn't seen him and I was getting worried. After 4 days or so since the last meeting, I had seen him again, and I asked whether he had got the money which I severely needed at that point of time. At the time, he was wearing a Demonic X-Bow Set and upon asking him, he was fast to decline that he had any money. I advised him to sell the Demonic set and give the gold back but he refused. I kept getting back to him each day and each day he denied that he had any cash left, with some lame excuse or the other. He was also slowly ignoring me. Sometimes I would leave up to 10 messages and after a long time he would say something like 'Hi' as if he didn't the messages even though he was constantly spamming messages in public.

Then one fine day when I asked him about the money, well guess what, "I got scammed again while trying to buy an Angel account for 4.3M" (There's your third and most definite sign). He still had his Demonic X-Bow Set which made me wonder how he made 4.3M in 3 days. I mean seriously, who gets scammed thrice in a row! I asked him to sell the Demonic set but he refused. I even asked him to give me some items he had instead of the 500K which he rejected, or in fact ignored.

I'm still yet to receive my 500K. If [Oddform] is seeing this, I recommend that he stops playing around and returns the money. I will update this thread if he returns the money.

You may ask why I'm making such a fuss about 500K. Well, it's not about the money in this case. It's about the fact that he cannot be trusted and he has scammed several other people.

So what do you do if you see Oddform / Iyandere / Festivecarol? Don't say anything to him. Don't help him. Don't negotiate with him. Don't buy his items. Don't sell your items to him. Don't let him make a profit out of you.

03-25-2016, 12:19 PM
Third time's the charm. It took three times for you to realize he wasn't worth trusting. Honestly I don't know why you ever expected to get 500k back in the first place lol

03-25-2016, 12:35 PM
Player shaming to the macs!

03-25-2016, 12:47 PM
Um, just tattoo "free money" on your forehead and be done with it. Bogus story.

03-25-2016, 01:08 PM
Pretty sure he sells names as well so, pretty much he also should be making coins from that too.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

03-25-2016, 01:58 PM
Lesson learnt don't trust anybody

03-25-2016, 03:36 PM
Lesson learnt don't trust anybody
I trust you with my life.

03-25-2016, 03:42 PM
There are certain individuals that I trust, very heavily. VERY VERY HEAVILY. I have lent out swift, savage, and fiery sets (back when BSM cap) to some of my friends. I 100% knew they would give it back.

And they felt the same with me. Imagine holding onto a Marlin! :)

So the lesson is that thankfully, he didn't ask you for more money after getting supposedly scammed multiple times. In today's PL economy, 500k really can go far (or not), so the best way to cope with this loss is just simply report and move on.

I definitely trust my babes: DAVEEEED :), Shawn, and Max. Most others, I cannot trust, unfortunately.

BTW, can you teach me how to merch :) I have the gold, just need a teacher :).

I'm sorry bro :( Wish I could help, but if I see him, I'll make sure to hit that button :). Inb4l (don't think STS condones such posts)

03-25-2016, 04:29 PM
I trust you with my life.

I must be the exception for you \0/

03-25-2016, 07:36 PM
I trust you with my life.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G920A using Tapatalk

03-25-2016, 08:41 PM
ohhhhh no wonder why he bought my demo xbow set for 5m o.o

03-25-2016, 09:36 PM
ROFL, this is also scam? This is called begging (oops bit rude term, let's call it, oh I'm not getting any alternative due to lack of vocabulary as well, so let continue with it) I laughed at the portion where, someone expect money back from a begger, that's funniest thing in this whole proccess, it get get more funny when the person expect money back ain't new comer to pl.

03-25-2016, 09:50 PM
its all about integrity.

03-25-2016, 11:49 PM
I think you guys are missing the point here. I realised at a pretty early stage that I was not going to get my money back.

I wouldn't have posted this if other people hadn't been scammed as well.

The point of this thread is to warn other people because I personally feel that he shouldn't have deserved to come such a long way after trying to buy accounts and it was partly my mistake as well.

The points I'm trying to cover here are - He's an account buyer, scamster, beggar and a liar.

So don't help him or negotiate anything with him. Its just your loss.

I think I'll go ahead and put a spoiler for the story because it's way too long and frankly not important unless someone is interested in the way he scams.

03-27-2016, 12:13 AM
Quite an interesting story to say the least : O

03-28-2016, 07:06 PM

this is pointless

Ninja c:
03-28-2016, 10:26 PM
500k oh noes

03-29-2016, 06:59 AM
If I make profit off him, I'm dealing with him.
Just the way it is.

03-29-2016, 06:21 PM
Oddform/Evenform suck

04-08-2016, 09:15 AM
He is pretty weird, lol

04-19-2016, 03:59 AM
This thread is pretty lame. You cant boycot a player. Get over it

Ninja c:
04-26-2016, 12:11 PM
This thread is pretty lame. You cant boycot a player. Get over it

You can boycot a hooker tho :3
If you're a completely stuck up idiot you can boycot a player :)