View Full Version : AL Core Combat Analysis

03-29-2016, 01:04 PM
Recently, i made a new warrior and went into brackenridge and realized how bad the combat animations are for melee attacks.

Coming from a bow rogue, i havent had much playtime with melee weapons until i recently started using the arcane daggers. (And rogue combat is just as bad as the warrior's)

There is simply no fluidity in the attacks, no combos, nothing that's visually appealing. Im sure a 4 year old swinging a foam sword has more rhythm than a warrior in AL.

Now mind you, ive played numerous rpgs in the past with very fluid animations and stylistic combos that instill a sense of awe and amazement. Some that invokes a feeling of power and grace. AL is simply insipid in this aspect of the game.

What i think AL needs is a whole Combat System revamp. Basic attacks, skills, and everything in between needs to be tweaked in order for me to be able to categorize the game as "hack and slash" that many seem to confuse it as. The current skill mastery system feels like a trash can for us to put extra points in, it's nothing really gamechanging.

This is my analysis and my opinion on the combat system. Feedback is welcome, but please keep it constructive.

03-29-2016, 01:21 PM
Even the skill animation isn't visually appealing example "Rogue" when you charge your skill wep drag daggs the animation shows a very normal bow and daggers even though u got an arc wep on, hopefully sts will update this it's very odd that they changed the the sound mechanics but not the skill animation it's 2016 now and we're still using old stuff.

03-29-2016, 01:53 PM
Yes , this is something AL needs . We have the same combat system emm .. For as far as I can remember ( started mid-end or season 1 ) . it just feels like the same animations run over and over again. We need to see the destructive power of a fireball , and the brutality of a sword slash... , We want to see how the blades slash through mobs , and how a lighting evaportes mobs . All the skills of AL are powerfull , but we dont see all that power , imagine how much better the game will be , if we could littelary "feel" very attack our character is preforming . This will requiere alot of work , but honestly I bet alot of people will be more than glad to wait ... Sts did a great job on the game play , but how they say " the devil is in the details" . With the expansion release we won't need updates , except for bug fixes. Sts can use that time to Improve fighting animation and sounds.. The game play of AL of extremely good right now , and almost near to fully balanced ! I think sts should focus on the details a bit... While all players will be busy going though not one .. But two expansions , considering its will leap 10 lvls...

03-29-2016, 01:56 PM
Really great suggestions here. Thanks!

03-29-2016, 02:45 PM
For me it's the lack of feedback when I'm running and I press hit. Sometimes it just feels sticky and the toon doesn't even attack with rogue. On my warrior, it's similar in that the sword gets to a weird spot and I'm actually punching the enemy.

03-29-2016, 05:37 PM
Rogues need faster dagger auto attack animations now that were hitting 1k+ DPS our auto attacks are becoming twitchy and slow

03-29-2016, 05:58 PM
Rogues need faster dagger auto attack animations now that were hitting 1k+ DPS our auto attacks are becoming twitchy and slow

Yeah 1k DPS but i still feel slow bcoz of the animation

03-29-2016, 08:35 PM
Rogues need faster dagger auto attack animations now that were hitting 1k+ DPS our auto attacks are becoming twitchy and slow

It could just be that because it is DamagePerSecond, you actually do 500 damage every 1/2 seconds O_o

03-29-2016, 08:52 PM
Mage frost bolt skill looks like mage are throwing a small ice cubes to the mobs? ice bolt i recall playing other games last time ice skill can be cast as a storm like x-men storm.

For Fireball skill the visual of the skill is like a bolt of fire from a tiny mage, it should be like slain dagger AA skill fireballs fall from the sky when cast ..

03-29-2016, 11:57 PM
Mage frost bolt skill looks like mage are throwing a small ice cubes to the mobs? ice bolt i recall playing other games last time ice skill can be cast as a storm like x-men storm.

For Fireball skill the visual of the skill is like a bolt of fire from a tiny mage, it should be like slain dagger AA skill fireballs fall from the sky when cast ..


I love Diablo 3's wizard. The skills and fluidity of the gameplay are simply amazing on both console and PC. I would love it if AL's mage incorporated some of Blizzard's ideas.

03-30-2016, 03:38 AM
Do this;
Release skyward smash and start charging basic attack while your toon is in the air. Dont release your hand from joystick and keep moving after your toon lands. You'll face with the most annoying bug eva lol

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