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View Full Version : 46 arcane sword nerf/solution

Jeremiah-prince Emokpae
03-31-2016, 05:55 AM
Most wars won't admit it because they have been suffering for so long but it needs a nerf
How can I get axed across like 10 lava procs and lose nearly all my life keep in mind I have 1.9k armour and 5.7k HP(rouge)

It procs so much sometimes I can't even see its ridiculous and is ruining 46 pvp.... don't worry people say just go 56 it will die out. What about the people including me who will keep couple chars 46 to twink.

Nerf nerf nerf pls because if any other class had the same'op process wars would also cry. I don't see how its even fun to spam dips, do you guys even enjoy it? Like its just boring.

Best solution for this is to leave it as it is for pve but reduce process rate for p

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03-31-2016, 06:15 AM
Get a life other then crying. ...

03-31-2016, 06:26 AM
It's been years wars suffered yes agree... wars have 2 options now DPS or pure TANKING.. Sts made the class that way.. pvp was always kinda solo for rogues earlier but now it has become a team work.. being tank I hardly used to go to pvp because the critical hits by rogues dried my HP in just in 2 skilled attacks..!!

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Jeremiah-prince Emokpae
03-31-2016, 06:49 AM
Get a life other then crying. ...
Get a life? What does that mean can you elaborate because if I'm crying then ur crying about me crying then u also need to get a life. Don't give me that BS. These threads need to be continuously made in order to fix 46 pvp. Get a life? How bout u gtfo.

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Jeremiah-prince Emokpae
03-31-2016, 07:00 AM
It's been years wars suffered yes agree... wars have 2 options now DPS or pure TANKING.. Sts made the class that way.. pvp was always kinda solo for rogues earlier but now it has become a team work.. being tank I hardly used to go to pvp because the critical hits by rogues dried my HP in just in 2 skilled attacks..!!

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Its not teamwork now though either get couple wars to spam dps sometimes u can't even see because of the dam proc. The process rate needs to be reduced in pvp. Tanks can use rush builds for damage especially with the new damage weps continuously released. I play n all 3 classes so I can see each argument from all points but frankly the process in pvp nerf is a must.

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03-31-2016, 07:15 AM
Yeah that proc sometimes blind me too when I fight against wars in pvp

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03-31-2016, 07:58 AM
Bow not blind

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03-31-2016, 08:34 AM
If these procs bleed you, try to play smart. Rogues have bows to keep distance. An expansion it took no skill for rogues to kill somebody. Just spam skills. Now ppl complain because it takes skill

Gesendet von meinem ASUS_Z00AD mit Tapatalk

03-31-2016, 09:11 AM
The OP has a point here. It's not a matter of studiyng strategies.. the sword ignores also all the stun immunity rules in pvp, dunno if it has been fixed yet or not cause i've not so much time to play or to pvp lately but last time i've entered in ctf well is a stun-stun-stun-stun-stun and this can't be avoided cause the proc rate is simply ridiculous.

03-31-2016, 10:04 AM
and rogues do crits 6k wtf?

03-31-2016, 10:43 AM
Sword needs to be nerf wars just have to spam auto an they win simple an it's being cheap ^ very!

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Jeremiah-prince Emokpae
03-31-2016, 10:51 AM
If these procs bleed you, try to play smart. Rogues have bows to keep distance. An expansion it took no skill for rogues to kill somebody. Just spam skills. Now ppl complain because it takes skill

Gesendet von meinem ASUS_Z00AD mit Tapatalk
That's why wars have axes all I'm hearing g is excuses to whyu Don't want ur wep nerfed in pvp of it was the other way round wars would be on forums every day crying bout nerf. Also what skill is it taking u guys r spamming ur dps so much skill then all u ha d to do is do an axe to get them in the procs were even worse of when it comes to skills wise than we was before.

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03-31-2016, 11:38 AM
That's why wars have axes all I'm hearing g is excuses to whyu Don't want ur wep nerfed in pvp of it was the other way round wars would be on forums every day crying bout nerf. Also what skill is it taking u guys r spamming ur dps so much skill then all u ha d to do is do an axe to get them in the procs were even worse of when it comes to skills wise than we was before.

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Says the rogue who didn't complain before about one shotting jugg wariors

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Jeremiah-prince Emokpae
03-31-2016, 11:41 AM
Says the rogue who didn't complain before about one shotting jugg wariors

Gesendet von meinem ASUS_Z00AD mit Tapatalk
Like I said before I played all chars so don't put me in that category the point is the procs ruining pvp and it needs a nerf. With a nerf it would still be good

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03-31-2016, 12:06 PM
Like I said before I played all chars so don't put me in that category the point is the procs ruining pvp and it needs a nerf. With a nerf it would still be good

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I just want to point out, that rogues were one shotters for a whole season and people didnt complain about that that much, but do complain about a weapon which is overpowered... I personally play a rogue, so don't even think about that im trying to defend a tank

Gesendet von meinem ASUS_Z00AD mit Tapatalk

Jeremiah-prince Emokpae
03-31-2016, 12:19 PM
I just want to point out, that rogues were one shotters for a whole season and people didnt complain about that that much, but do complain about a weapon which is overpowered... I personally play a rogue, so don't even think about that im trying to defend a tank

Gesendet von meinem ASUS_Z00AD mit Tapatalk
Alright fair enough but that season is gone now and we are currently talking about the present what good is talking about the past its the past for a reason, we need to address this current issue

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03-31-2016, 12:37 PM
Alright fair enough but that season is gone now and we are currently talking about the present what good is talking about the past its the past for a reason, we need to address this current issue

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This should make you a bit happier:

Hey Zeus! We've tested out some of these bugs with the following results. Can you provide more information if you have any if you see any discrepancies here?

Bugs marked "Can Not Replicate"- QA can not recreate these bugs:

1. Eloia's Bow Proc adds a kill to TDM Score Board
If the bow procs, there will be a point added to the TDM score board while nobody is actually killed. Thus, making scores inaccurate.

2. Dragon Hunter Sword Stun Duration PvP
The Dragon Hunter Sword stuns longer than what is allowed in PvP. If you compare stuns, it is much longer than the intended duration and has the full PvE duration of a stun which should not happen in PvP.

Bugs marked as Solved or As Designed:

1. As Designed: Dragon Hunter Blades Proc Immunity
Dragon Hunter Blades will not proc if there is a stun immunity present. This leads to other portions of the proc not working as well, such as armor reduction.

1. Solved: Dragon Hunter Sword PvP Stun Immunity
The Dragon Hunter Sword ignores the 7 second stun immunity rule. This means that if there is a lava pool present, it will proc back-to-back on a user.

1. Solved: Notifications Do Not Appear On Screen
Notifications do not appear on screen. This can include duel requests, PMs, leaving/joining zones, etc, etc.

Bugs Marked as "In Progress":

1. Vanities Have Visual Bug On Preview
The vanity that you are previewing will often overlap with the gear that your avatar is currently wearing, thus rendering the preview option ineffective.

This bug will require a client fix, so a fix will be delayed until the next client update.

The reason why arcane sword is so OP is that many mechanics of that sword are bugged. Once they're fixed, you should find it more tolerable.

Jeremiah-prince Emokpae
03-31-2016, 12:40 PM
This should make you a bit happier:

The reason why arcane sword is so OP is that many mechanics of that sword are bugged. Once they're fixed, you should find it more tolerable.
Gg hopefully potential 46 twinks don't run to 56 before that

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