View Full Version : Cryostar crate gear only scales to 51

04-03-2016, 02:53 PM
After reaching lvl 56 today i opened some crates hoping for usable lvl 56 gear. All legendary loot was scaled to 51. Is this intended, giving us gear dead on arrival after a loooooooong cap grind? If this is a bug, will there be a reimbursement?

04-05-2016, 10:51 AM
Bump! No one cares about that?

04-05-2016, 11:27 AM
Major issue detected!!!

04-05-2016, 11:39 AM
Probably not enough have reached 56 yet, but yeah... anyone who opened locked expecting 56 gear should be compensated.

04-05-2016, 03:11 PM
The loot in Glinstone maps also seems to cap at 51. It would help if a dev could clarify if this is intentional.

04-07-2016, 12:19 AM
pure speculation on my part- i reckon upcoming elites will be the only place 52+ gear spawns. so people will have to run elites or buy in auction.

04-10-2016, 08:17 AM
My char is lvl 56 and i've bought a cryostar gun chest today.
And i received 3 guns (2 spread of acumen and 1 polished pelter of aptitude), all guns are 51 lvl, but in shop box was 56 lvl.
I think theres something wrong and btw stats on guns are awful, that was my second plat purchase (wasting) on gun box and both times i've received guns with ridiculous awful stats (-700!!! atm to damage compared to avg guns of my lvl). First attempt was not at 56 lvl, mb at 50lvl or so.
So i've double checked by myself: theres no point to buy new gun boxes atm.
Pls fix this and recheck stats on box items.

Pm me if u need any details, thanks in advance!

04-10-2016, 08:24 AM
Really? after a long wait for the expansion, It was pathetic? >.>, well I didn't expect much tbh but still, this far exceeded my expectations, too disappointing, *Godzilla facepalm*.

04-10-2016, 06:19 PM
I think this is a bug @ Ardbeg. The reason being is that with each level cap, the locked crate mechanism was only designed to go up 5 levels at a time? I don't think the 10 level loot was anticipated in terms of crates. Of course, I could be wrong though. I'll add it to the complete bug list.

04-10-2016, 07:57 PM
Or maybe StS is just doing this just to encourage doing elites to get lvl 56 gear from there...

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04-10-2016, 11:04 PM
Or maybe StS is just doing this just to encourage doing elites to get lvl 56 gear from there...

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Aww, you're a hopeful one, aren't you? :p

04-10-2016, 11:10 PM
Aww, you're a hopeful one, aren't you? :p

Well,thats probably also the reason why theres no Glintforged Ring as well because StS is saving it for elites,and I am a positive n hopeful person. :p

04-10-2016, 11:40 PM
A clarification from a dev would be really helpful. Is this how it's supposed to be?

04-11-2016, 07:59 AM
this is from the expansion release announcement:

Earn these awesome new beetle-inspired Legendary sets--up to item level 51--by opening the Bronze, Silver and Gold Heretic Chests that drop from Underhul bosses and purchase pieces from the Glintstone Token Vendor.

but this is on normal chest though, so i think it might be intended, at least until they release legendary l56 in normal loot

04-17-2016, 05:25 PM
In chest info u can find "Chance to get a lvl 56 Legendary bla bla bla", "Items improve as u lvl up" and this is not true.
Theres no chance to get lvl 56 items from chest atm.
Its a kind of cheat on ppl who support your team with real moneh, don't u need em?
I hope u can handle this frustrating situation in a right way.