View Full Version : Supposed to be.

04-06-2016, 02:46 AM
So I took a long break playing Arcane Legends , maybe 2 months or so. I logged in during weekend for few minutes to catch up on the new expansion. Design of the new maps whatsoever looks great. I like the "town" it looks like a metropolis not like a town, . But as a long term gamer and not some casual player i find extremly boring what this game has to offer to someone who wants to gear up. I miss old good days before tindirin expansion when you needed to put a lot of work in farming so you can get mythic set lvl 26-31. Everybody had that on their mind.

I will return when STS will decide to give me something to do in AL. It's a fact people are online when events are released. Those events where you can earn gold in game and is just a matter of time how much you will get. But even those events are hard to be released cause of one thousands of silly complaints.

STS should stop releasing arcane eggs. Should release arcanes recipes and the ingredients (like vials, teeth, you name it) to be farmed . That's why the economy it looks like this, because everybody is playing lazy and pops crates and gets their deserved item. Nothing wrong to get your deserved item... but the day will you get anything in game, is the day when you will not have any goal in game.

I don't know if I'm the only person who thinks like this. But i seen one interesting fact looking at my friendlist. Nobody online anymore. I don't know if it's because of pvp cheaters , of boredom, or nothing to do in game anymore. It's sad!

04-06-2016, 03:16 AM
The recipe-thing, ON POINT.
I agree with this thread more than I've agreed to anything in AL.

04-06-2016, 03:45 AM
I can feel ya. Its the same for me... +1

04-06-2016, 04:46 AM

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04-06-2016, 06:41 AM
Well, time to move on guys. Many MMO waiting for us out there.

04-06-2016, 07:35 AM
Guy same here...AL became just boring.. nothing to do excpet event but they r only 4-5 times a year and they r always the same so still not fun :/

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04-06-2016, 07:42 AM
Your friend's list would be active if you'd accept my friend request <3

04-06-2016, 09:06 AM
Only online to talk with guildmate and help the newbies :(

04-06-2016, 09:18 AM
we already got burnt farming glintstone set. . yet you want more farming. .
whole of last expansion was craft this craft that. .
with rogues getting armor nerfed . . farming elites just goin be a pain

04-06-2016, 09:21 AM
Should release arcanes recipes and the ingredients (like vials, teeth, you name it) to be farmed . That's why the economy it looks like this, because everybody is playing lazy and pops crates and gets their deserved item. Nothing wrong to get your deserved item... but the day will you get anything in game, is the day when you will not have any goal in game. sad!

Not just a recipe for eggs, maybe the next set of Arcane weapons should be a recipe/farmable. Something that takes a long time to put together. They did it with those King Weapon recipes, they should do it for their next Arcane release. Just a thought to keep people coming back and working in this game.

04-06-2016, 09:27 AM
So I took a long break playing Arcane Legends , maybe 2 months or so. I logged in during weekend for few minutes to catch up on the new expansion. Design of the new maps whatsoever looks great. I like the "town" it looks like a metropolis not like a town, . But as a long term gamer and not some casual player i find extremly boring what this game has to offer to someone who wants to gear up. I miss old good days before tindirin expansion when you needed to put a lot of work in farming so you can get mythic set lvl 26-31. Everybody had that on their mind.

I will return when STS will decide to give me something to do in AL. It's a fact people are online when events are released. Those events where you can earn gold in game and is just a matter of time how much you will get. But even those events are hard to be released cause of one thousands of silly complaints.

STS should stop releasing arcane eggs. Should release arcanes recipes and the ingredients (like vials, teeth, you name it) to be farmed . That's why the economy it looks like this, because everybody is playing lazy and pops crates and gets their deserved item. Nothing wrong to get your deserved item... but the day will you get anything in game, is the day when you will not have any goal in game.

I don't know if I'm the only person who thinks like this. But i seen one interesting fact looking at my friendlist. Nobody online anymore. I don't know if it's because of pvp cheaters , of boredom, or nothing to do in game anymore. It's sad!

I agree with you on the arcane egg releases....

04-06-2016, 12:51 PM
Agree with you. I dont log in much anymore except for few mins sometimes just to meet friends because -

STS just made the rogue class very weak with armor nerf. Not crying foul for nothing. It was balanced before the nerf now it is not. Also all arcanes are cheap, everything is more or less common, so nothing to look forward to. New stuff is always worse than old stuff.

Releasing recipes for eggs craftable with ingredients we can farm is something that should be implemented.

Apparently STS does not care much about PVP as we see--Same old boring PVP map since 3 years and neglected bugs that affect PVP. Probably the company is focused on PVE. I like PVP so am playing a PVP game (VainGlory) now. Used to play twink pvp for 3 years (whether people like twinking or not) and the new gear released by STS is always worse than the old and thoughtless nerfs made based on endgame factors only.

04-06-2016, 12:56 PM
Yeah, Game going boreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiing.
Coz trust on sts gone, my opinion

1. Very big bugs, one after other
2. No Fun making events
3. Pay to win > x10 f2p things
4. Very unstable ( constant falling ) prices.
5. Nothing worth gearing, holding( hoarding), merch or going for it. As they made all items useless without regret.

I would like to come back if game gets cool like it was before 2016. Epic fail expansion. gg AL

04-06-2016, 01:01 PM
I just wish arcane legends had the same mechanics and layout of farming as pocket legends did.

You can farm the best gear

You could craft the best gear

You could craft vanitys

Plat was helpful not a must

From a farmers point of view it's disapointing not being able to farm and loot something that's worth while and would make your character better. It's a shame arcane legends has shied away from it over the last 3-4 seasons. Let's be realistic it's very very hard to become 'wealthy' in this game without popping locks or spending money.

04-06-2016, 01:14 PM
Any mmo I've played has always had a p2w option because it allows a newer player to gear up rather quickly. This game must have that as well. But, yes, the problem is there is nothing to farm for. They should just revert the system back to the way it was in tindirin, where the p2w players would pop crates and sell their excess items in CS. The F2P players would farm for legendary weapons and eggs and sell them to eventually buy a mythic or arcane from the CS. The problem before was that the gap was way too big. There were players with 100m arcane rings and 40m for a kershal. If they could manage that drop rate better so that arcanes were achievable for F2P players within a season, that would be great. I made an example in a different thread where arcanes would cost roughly 10m, mythic 5m and good legendary weapons 1m. Some sort of balance like that would bring farming back to life and it would keep arcanes manageable, yet a goal to work towards.

You remember days of malison, kelvin, vixen, wrathjaw, snaggle teeth farming? Aw it was very very fun indeed drop rates were low but that worth the effort.They took away enjoyment from game , Nothing to farm, Nothing to work for ( we did set and got fooled) will not work more on such things, Nothing to do except lvl up . Can we get a time machine and go back to 1 year+ before condition? :(

04-07-2016, 03:37 AM
I don't want to be The Grinch of the new expansion. The time to create the expansion is admirable. But why to make an expansion if we are doing same thing like 1 month ago? Leveling up is very tiring, and what to level up for? To do what?

Previous expansion wasn't great but when it started vials were 330k , rengol crates 20k, fangs 30k.

04-07-2016, 04:44 AM
Even though I'm a seedling waiting to be sprouted
(Level 26 XD)
I see your point, and I strongly agree, since this is the case with most games, most mmo's rather.

04-07-2016, 06:00 AM
look how many players already liked this post........... its sad tbh...... cuz this community is literally shooting ideas towards the sts company....... and yes im well aware the u can't pull something big out of a ''magical hat''. But i rather see u leaving those silly mithics inside this 'magical hat' and put some more effort in creating something that makes players wanna log in for.

04-07-2016, 09:35 AM
I think they released this expansion without any farmable content.. YET...

That was probably the point of the extra-huge xp needed (yawn) for levelling up, to buy time till they release an event, or more content.

It sucks to see people level and have nothing to do afterwards. Some may say oh you should've levelled slowly, in new maps, to gather coins. But that feels unproductive because there is NOTHING we would really want to buy with the coins.

What I really feel is this: That we are being strung along, week by week, with the hopes of something EXCITING coming up. We were hyped by the expansion, but only got the opening of underhul. We opened the maps and levelled, but there was no goal apart from capping. Now that we are bored, we are given the promise of ANOTHER EVENT. And then after that, what? We will go back to being bored because there is NOTHING to do in the expansion.

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04-07-2016, 10:31 AM
I'm positive. They may be waiting for everyone to reach the cap to release pets, gear,.. etc. People are still leveling and It requires high xp to reach the cap. I love the arcane recipe idea. Equal chance for everyone.

04-07-2016, 11:22 AM
What's become dull for me is a lack of something revolutionary. It's not because im lazy, it's because im playing the same seemingly slow-moving game for 3 years. The gameplay is too repetitive.

AL needs a new skill system, which imo would make the game seem brand new and exciting again. I'm fighting the same mobs the same way since i started. These expansions feel like recolored add-ons that merely mask the broken gameplay with appealing environments. Sure they're cool and all, but the gameplay doesnt do it justice.

Not just the skill system, but the whole combat system needs tweaked. It lacks the fluidity and grace that awes me in other RPGs.