View Full Version : Hidden armor?

04-06-2016, 10:10 PM
I noticed there was a hidden armor...

Basically, you can troll lvl15 people by not putting anything and they still can't do damage at all, like you were immortal.


Another test, as the low level player perspective in Duels.


04-06-2016, 10:38 PM
lol dragoonclaws ill subscribe to your channel :)

04-06-2016, 11:18 PM
lol either your armor too high,

or those goblins hit like stormtroopers

04-06-2016, 11:56 PM
Um, aren't you level 5000 and they are level 1?

04-07-2016, 01:15 AM
with my stats reset...

I have 4 str, 6 dex and 10 int. I have 0 armor, 200 hp. it's not hard to kills me.

I tried it in duels. A low level, even with 350 DPS can't damage me with those stats. I challenged a lvl30 player with average gear to kill me in Duel. He couldn't drop my hp by 1%. It was continuous 0 dodge miss 0 0 0 dodge 0 0 miss dodge. Have a look at my stats!

i made another video with Raianezz. We both aren't wearing anything. My lvl17 player couldn't damage her at all. Is there a hidden armor?


04-07-2016, 02:32 AM
In all games levels matter. An 8 year old boy would have a hard time damaging a kung fu master, even w/o avoiding the boy's blows. Try it at similar levels.

04-07-2016, 08:08 AM
In all games levels matter. An 8 year old boy would have a hard time damaging a kung fu master, even w/o avoiding the boy's blows. Try it at similar levels.

Have a look at my second video. A player with basic stats can do damage VS a noob player with 100x times better stats does nothing. It means that stats are NOT accurate.

04-07-2016, 09:18 AM
Did this with a friend too and he went neked trying to troll me as I could not damage him. He went afk yet when he came back he found himself at a 3-0 loss.
Galen/Jord procs work a charm ;)

04-07-2016, 07:55 PM
it is simply because damage reduction mechanism is affected by level difference, else, the ever increasing armor will result in making you invincible at some time

same phenomena with what happened if you let your lvl 1 pet to hit barrels in rengol, they won't be able to destroy it

04-08-2016, 06:50 AM
it is simply because damage reduction mechanism is affected by level difference, else, the ever increasing armor will result in making you invincible at some time

same phenomena with what happened if you let your lvl 1 pet to hit barrels in rengol, they won't be able to destroy it

Thats what I understood aswell, but its not supposed to act that way. We are supposed to be damaged and we are suppose to damage following the stats in our profile. We re not supposed to have such damage reduction.

04-08-2016, 07:42 AM
Thats what I understood aswell, but its not supposed to act that way. We are supposed to be damaged and we are suppose to damage following the stats in our profile. We re not supposed to have such damage reduction.

hmmmm, if you don't calculate level in damage reduction formula, and translate armor directly to damage reduction, there will be a case like this:

1. let's say at 0 armor, you will have 0 damage reduction
2. if you use linear formula let's say 5 armor for 1% damage reduction, then at 500 armor, you will have 100% damage reduction -> you are invulnerable/invincible
3. if you use logarithmic formula, means that armor at higher value give lesser damage reduction, let's say at 5 armor, you will get 10% damage reduction, and start from 500 armor you only get 0.000001% damage reduction per 5 armor increase, then you won't want/need to buy new armor with higher armor value than needed

04-08-2016, 11:11 AM
hmmmm, if you don't calculate level in damage reduction formula, and translate armor directly to damage reduction, there will be a case like this:

1. let's say at 0 armor, you will have 0 damage reduction
2. if you use linear formula let's say 5 armor for 1% damage reduction, then at 500 armor, you will have 100% damage reduction -> you are invulnerable/invincible
3. if you use logarithmic formula, means that armor at higher value give lesser damage reduction, let's say at 5 armor, you will get 10% damage reduction, and start from 500 armor you only get 0.000001% damage reduction per 5 armor increase, then you won't want/need to buy new armor with higher armor value than needed

If you re talking about this, it's not a very linear formula.


Damage Taken




























(Based on the static damage received from a certain boss in Shuyal, scaled to L41).

As part of supplementary tests, I would also like to confirm that neither the enemy's HP/armor nor its damage are scaling higher depending on if there is a warrior in party or not. With everyone in party at the same level, the mobs' difficulty only depends on the number of players in the instance, not the classes. You're welcome, warriors!

There might be another topic coming containing the exact percentages of how mob's damage, armor and HP are scaling as more players join the party. For now, as a general guideline, mobs and bosses seem to scale smoother for three players comparing to four, purely from a statistical point of view.

Bonus info: The damage reduction from both Nekro's & Scorch's shield is 40%. The difference is that Nekro's absorbs much more HP before it breaks.

Special thanks to Blipz, Ardbeg, Raregem, Shinytoy & the Pheonix guild for assisting with the tests and Kalizzaa for making an awesome chart out of the gathered data!

Hope this helps. :)


I Want to know more about this hidden damage reduction and armor. I obviously had 0 armor and all my stats reset to a lvl1 tutorial noob mage

Miguel Herbert
04-08-2016, 04:19 PM
Omfg I'm a celebrity :o I'm mochy xD lol badass

Sent from my LGLS740 using Tapatalk

04-12-2016, 07:22 AM
Its always been like that, its same with you was in shuyal and summon the lvl 1 pet it wont destroy by pet due the barrel lvl and their damage was blocked by the highest lvl. Well i done this too, try to look into the kraken lvl 10 rogues even cant destroy the barrel if there was a player above 40 it was like umm how to say it :/ uhh i mean it was already a rule from stg <-- not all point i want to say

04-13-2016, 01:34 AM
hmmmm, if you don't calculate level in damage reduction formula, and translate armor directly to damage reduction, there will be a case like this:

1. let's say at 0 armor, you will have 0 damage reduction
2. if you use linear formula let's say 5 armor for 1% damage reduction, then at 500 armor, you will have 100% damage reduction -> you are invulnerable/invincible
3. if you use logarithmic formula, means that armor at higher value give lesser damage reduction, let's say at 5 armor, you will get 10% damage reduction, and start from 500 armor you only get 0.000001% damage reduction per 5 armor increase, then you won't want/need to buy new armor with higher armor value than needed

I think a more plausible explanation for damage reduction is that we don't get a percentage damage reduction but a fixed value damage reduction. That is, one unit of armor reduces damage by a fixed amount (say, 0.5 damage per unit of armor). However I had totally overlooked the observation by Dragoon that low level toons/PvE enemies cannot inflict damage on high level toons no matter how low the armor. It would be interesting to explore the relationship between level difference and damage reduction (I prefer to study why and how the relationship exists, rather than assume it is the case).

04-13-2016, 03:52 AM
Pinoy unstoppable and your charging piercer? Omai omai omai.
Tx for the vid tho i noticed the same with low lvls not hurting me at all except with toor aa.

04-13-2016, 08:02 AM
I think a more plausible explanation for damage reduction is that we don't get a percentage damage reduction but a fixed value damage reduction. That is, one unit of armor reduces damage by a fixed amount (say, 0.5 damage per unit of armor). However I had totally overlooked the observation by Dragoon that low level toons/PvE enemies cannot inflict damage on high level toons no matter how low the armor. It would be interesting to explore the relationship between level difference and damage reduction (I prefer to study why and how the relationship exists, rather than assume it is the case).

well, there was a very old post explicitly saying that armor value is modified by level difference modifier and lastly translated directly to %damage reduction, here is some of them:

Without going into too much detail, the general concept of armor in Arcane Legends is the more you have the better your damage reduction is. A very simplistic example would be something like if you had 0 armor and a level 12 mob hits you for 100 damage, you take 100 damage. If you have 341 armor in this scenario, behind the scenes we determine for your level that 341 armor is roughly 22% damage reduction, and thus you would take 78 instead. There are many other variables involved, but that's the general idea. As a wrrior tank, you probably want a lot of armor :)

I feel compelled to mention these numbers are fabricated for the sake of pointing out the general idea of how armor works in Arcane, and has no bearing on our actual calculations.

Armor works like this:

Armor Value * (Armor Modifier by level of attack mob) = Damage Reduction

This modifier goes down as the level of the attacking mob goes up, so that more armor is needed to maintain Damage Reduction as the player moves into higher level content.

This passive is a multiplier on the Armor Value, so that a small change might not have a huge impact on Damage Reduction, but the higher the base Armor Value the player has the more this passive is worth. Therefore, this passive is way more effective for a warrior is max armor than it would be for a sorcerer in medium armor.

For example:

Warrior with 980 armor at level 21 vs. Sorcerer with 500 armor at level 21.

Warrior DR w/out passive - 980*.00047619 (attacking mobs modifier) = 46.6% DR
Sorcerer DR w/out passive - 500*.00047619 = 23.8% DR

Warrior DR w 4/5 passive - (980*1.04)*.00047619 = 48.5% DR
Sorcerer DR w 4/5 passive - (500*1.04)*.00047619 = 24.7% DR

This benefit will grow as armor values get higher, which is one of the reasons why this passive will probably never go beyond its 5% increase. It would just become too powerful over time.

04-13-2016, 08:51 AM
UPDATE: No matter ehat level you are, the eloia bow's proc will cancel that hidden armor. Once you are under the poison, you'll start losing HP and the enemy can damage you.

I fought a lvl30 player with Eloia bow and it happens that the profile stats became accurate right after he proc-ed.

Will look farther into this

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