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View Full Version : Review of the Underhul maps (from a medium level/class player)

04-11-2016, 10:15 PM
I've been running the new maps with a few friends and noticed some really annoying things

1- Slingshot effect: I am not sure if it's caused by some sort of lag (even if my ping was OK at 100). This happens when the orcs use axe throw on me but I am on the edge of their range (and I fly away from them). They all pull me and their pulls seem to stack, so I am pulled past them right on a wall. It's like I got thrown from one side of the map to another. I will put a video about this later.

2- Preston and Heston traps: How do we trigger those? How do we avoid them? The red area doesn't seem to be accurate at all. They fall right on me, I walk away. 5 seconds later, I am far from the trap and I am frozen. I know that the trap has AoE, but the trigger seems to be delayed.

3- OP poison: the poison from the worms (the yellow pools and brown mudd pools at Jadis too) deal some serious 1k damage per tick. I have around 1700 armor and 4400 HP.

4- Jadis can incinerate? He has 2 types of ability: gale force and the napalm throw. I could be using arcane shield next to him while he uses the gale force and he 1-hit players.

There is also this exclamation point that randomly appears when he targets someone. The player with the exclamation point gets a slowing effect that can't be taken off by the arcane shield or the gale force mastery. The player is released only when the boss starts shooting flames or wind *gets incinerated because too close*

When Jadis transforms, it happened once that the brown pools stayed. I was on top of one of them and everybody freezes because Jadis is starting his transformstion process. He disappears and we all get unfrozen. Since I was on a mud pool.. i was getting damaged 1k every tick. Spamming pots helps, but 5-7 seconds freeze is long.

5- mage pool vs mage pool. The yellow pools made by the tiny mage gnomes aren't visible when a sorcerer casts Consecrate. What happens is that I cast consecrate and the gnome mage casts his yellow pool right on me, so both pools are perfectly one on top of the other and it's hardly seen. I only wake up when the 1k dmg ticks start happening and I am pretty almost dead by then.

P.S. Is it me or this expansion really is the bug expansion... Anyone noticed? Since Q1 when you announced the upcoming expansion, bugs happened so many times and what are getting? A bug expansion xD (referring to the beetles and worms and flame throwers and undergrounds)... What a coincidence xD

Do I really need to sign this?
* ´ ¨ )
.¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.• Dragnab

04-11-2016, 10:33 PM
Those pools (and just about any non-healing-your-allies pool) are kind of a problem..
Say you die in one of them, use an ankh and revive.
If you lag, you've just wasted an ankh
If you don't lag and don't get out of the pool quick enough, you die again,
and the cycle repeats.
Kind of a waste of ankh in my opinion..

04-12-2016, 03:40 PM
I don't have a problem ankh'ing onto a pool. Maybe wait a second or two before ankh? But yeah, I can't see them lots of times. I just know I must have been on one because 1-2 ticks and I'm dead.

Jadis isn't too bad. I noticed the robot has a lot of effects that sometimes I think lags. Overall though, he's not too bad. Most I think is brown pools are a bit difficult to see, though generally since the red spots come first, I remember them. I do see lots of people standing on them though. Note to players: Stay away from SUPER OP brown pools!

For the robot, I time him as well. It's best to try to keep a certain distance when he does his red mark and his breath. So move in in between, do your consecrate, damage skills, move back out. Circle, repeat.

Not sure what traps you're talking about w/ Preston and Heston. I avoid all their red circles. I do notice that the Beetle stun seems to occur just before I can actually see the beetles. I only know it's a beetle stun because right after I'm stunned, the beetle/s is/are there. Again, this is almost time-able and mostly avoidable, especially for mages. Clock and/or gale and/or shield just about when you think you might get beetle-d. Yes, you probably will still be stunned, but you will likely survive. Keep clicking gale and trying to move, so you move and clear effects the instant you can to avoid the red circle that will inevitably be on you right after you are stunned.

Also, you can get pretty good at dropping the clock JUST before you get stunned by beetle. Yes, still stunned BUT again, you will likely survive AND do some damage while stunned. Hit Gale and try to move right after dropping clock. Oh and of course, spam pots :p

04-12-2016, 04:16 PM
Antistun Pets FTW: Nilbog, Ironbite, Violet. You van also try to pull bosses out of their buffing pools with whims or the other spider pulling pet.

04-12-2016, 06:02 PM
Oh yeah, timing pets gets important too. Lol.

Overall i like the new zones. Theyre pretty fun. I do notice L56 isnt as populated as lower level pugs, but hopefully thats just people not leveled up yet. Also, same as pugs since beginning of gaming: people tend to quit when they die.

Oh well. Everything is soloable, even in our outdated L46 gear.

I actually like consecrate. I think it debuffs everything, or at least it seems like effects are less w/ consecrate and killing easier with it. It's just that in terms of opening play on mage, I find clock better than consecrate.

I did notice some mobs seem to pull from pretty far away, which isn't that great, especially when I end up solo. But again, I manage with hardly any deaths. Hell lot easier than when we 1st did Kraken and Tindirin and Shuyal.

In terms of parties, I definitely like at least 1 tank. Hell 2 tanks is even better and can do bigger pulls, especially when one tank is slingshotted to the next town. I do like tanks to get the bosses out of their pools, but hey, I also like to pug, so I'll figure out how to work with what I get :)

And actually as a mage, I've survived some pretty far slingshots and then being surrounded by a pretty big group. So all good. LOL.

04-12-2016, 06:30 PM
I think my mage is on the low end of the gear scale and he survives better on the new maps compared to my fairly bejeweled rogue. I love the arcane shield. Anyway to avoid being tossed around by the orcs, don't ever stand back too far from them. Keep moving around them in a close range.

@Fyrce my warrior cleared map 2 with two other random Aegis tanks. That was really fun. But yea, they poofed when they got killed once on the last map, smh.

04-12-2016, 06:46 PM
Oh yeah, I had the most fun on my L46 warrior w/ an L56 warrior, both w/ Aegis, one w/ Magma. It really was hilariously funny with huge pulls.

And I agree, while I liked my rogue's solos as well and boss kills were much faster, rogue was definitely much squishier, even w/ better jewels than my mage.