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07-17-2011, 04:35 PM


It just looks so much more epic on PC... :( But I'm enjoying SL though.

P.S. I still don't know the name of that guitar solo in the first video!

07-17-2011, 05:34 PM
Yeah, I'd like to know that music too.. I do agree, it's awesome looking as a PC game, especially the art style. But that said, for a mobile mmo it's kinda awesome and time moves on, the Spacetime Engine is probably best employed on this platform for innovation/profit and so on so it makes sense for B* to be SL now...

Good news is:

1) There likely will be a PC Client that is basically the same as the mobile app version
2) The dual-avatars of character and spaceship are still a good possibility. :) THAT would be very good translation of the main game from the original if it occurs. So we could end up with 3D environs... /???

07-18-2011, 06:17 AM
Hmm, reviewing my reply above, Jun, I see it comes across a bit too glowing of SL as it is compared to the awesomeness of the former PC incarnation.

I agree, the former game ROCKS! And it still looks better than WAR, AoC and many MMO's since released.

The key to this game imo is:

1. Dual avatar system
2. Sci-Fi IP = fresh
3. Awesome aesthetic artstyle
4. Potential for faction pvp and instant hybrid pvp from chars to spaceships -----> Tons & tons of customization
5. Fully persistent 3D space :)

Sadly those don't seem to be present in SL atm. That said, STS could add some of the above over time to SL and for mobile mmo (mmobile) to have these that would be innovatively awesome too... So time will tell. But agree atm does feel like the poorer cousin of B*. -_- ; *_*