View Full Version : @Duped: Bear, know ur place!!!

07-17-2011, 05:11 PM
I know you think it's awesome to use ranged weapons, but please try to remember to switch str gear back on when the party already has 2 birds.
Especially in AO3... OMG what were you thinking?!

ROFL that was hilarious

btw, scatter bear comment was meant for *other* bear ;)

07-17-2011, 05:12 PM
Calling out people on the forums, especially well known forum members is generally not accepted by the community or the developers. Why should you have to tell him what gear to wear? Dex bear can tank fine, I know from experience. In fact, he was increasing efficiency of the party by going dex bear.

07-17-2011, 05:13 PM
He will know this is a joke :)

07-17-2011, 05:15 PM
He will know this is a joke :)

Ah, I see. Should go in off topic then, even though he is a bear. Hehe. Forum Sections can get confusing at times. Trust me, I know :D.

07-17-2011, 05:50 PM
Yeah, I thought about just PMing this prank flame, but then I thought it might be amusing to others who also tank in dex gear. The actual situation referenced also showed some of the expectations and misconceptions other players have of bear skills/role in the team.

Another funny one that happened to me the other day...
Entered random team of 45-49 players in captive audience with my 52 bear in talon/wing setup, just as a 45 mage said, "We need a bear!" Another player says, "We have one now :)" so I kept walking to join them. Then the mage replied, "Not a dex bear!"
By this time I had caught up with them and quickly used my loadouts to switch to ff/royal sewer/bodyguard tank gear. The grumpy mage disappeared from the game without another word.

We know what is possible, but the reality is that many other players don't think of bears in dex equipment as tanks. Even if they know what a tank is.

07-17-2011, 05:56 PM
Yeah, I thought about just PMing this prank flame, but then I thought it might be amusing to others who also tank in dex gear. The actual situation referenced also showed some of the expectations and misconceptions other players have of bear skills/role in the team.

Another funny one that happened to me the other day...
Entered random team of 45-49 players in captive audience with my 52 bear in talon/wing setup, just as a 45 mage said, "We need a bear!" Another player says, "We have one now :)" so I kept walking to join them. Then the mage replied, "Not a dex bear!"
By this time I had caught up with them and quickly used my loadouts to switch to ff/royal sewer/bodyguard tank gear. The grumpy mage disappeared from the game without another word.

We know what is possible, but the reality is that many other players don't think of bears in dex equipment as tanks. Even if they know what a tank is.

like a boss

07-22-2011, 07:42 PM
Chii! My Autobow was a compromise!! I wasn't in recurve at least...

I'm also amazed at how many bears don't think you can tank in dex gear... :) Nice one man. Sorry i was late seeing it.

07-22-2011, 07:51 PM
I've seen bears tank in Int. Gear lol.

07-22-2011, 10:43 PM
Don't see why they can't use INT gear actually since custom set has no dodge, anything else could work.