View Full Version : guild feature request

07-19-2011, 03:15 AM
in beta, there are only 3 types of guild members: the 'Member', 'Officer', and 'Guild Master'. I would like to request a more extensive variety of rankings in the guild with a corresponding graduated powers.

1. Guild Master (there can only be 1): Can invite, kick, and assign ranks on anyone. Can also transfer leadership unto vice guildmaster automatically (by just leaving the guild), or manually transfering to any one guild member.

2. Vice Guild Master (can have more than 1): can invite, kick (except fellow vice guildmaster, and guildmaster), and assign ranks on anyone (except fellow vice guildmaster, and guildmaster)

3. General (can have more than 1): can invite, kick (except members whose ranks are higher, like GM and VGM)

4. Commanding Officer: (can have more than 1), can invite

5. Members: (can have more than 1)

5.1 - 5.9 ( titles can be in any order since they are all equals):

5.1 knight
5.2 soldier
5.3 detective
5.4 cook
5.5 warrior
5.6 - 5.9 so on so forth (you get the picture)
(1 = highest, 5 = lowest)

07-19-2011, 03:27 AM
I like the idea. I think the 3 current ranks ar far too limited.

For the 5.1, 5.2,... I'd like to see a customizable name, so basically a title that we could come up with ourselves.

Anyway, great suggestion :)

07-19-2011, 06:49 AM
I like the ideas. Needs more in guilds to differentiate different members, how much they contribute to the guild, if theres specialists in certain areas and such... Will make it easier for ppl to know who to go to for help or whatever, especially for new members/new players.

07-19-2011, 08:47 AM
I think the easiest way to do this would just be military rankings. Simple and to the point without any confusing people with customized rankings. Halo/Call of Duty does this and I think it's pretty cool, but skipping the (1st _____, 2nd _______) rankings is easier and keeps the ranks simple.


It's a lot, but you can obviously get rid of some of the less known and easily distinguished ranks, such as Corporal and Colonel

07-19-2011, 09:09 AM
Sounds like something the guild should have to manage on it's own. Assign your officers ranks and have them addressed as so. Each one of your officers should have a specific responibility and job in your guild you should have a treasurer an armorer etc. Etc. Etc.

Which officer gets the higher title/rank is entirely up to you. You should choose your officers wisely they must be trustworthy and if they are trustworthy then they should be granted the powers to invite and kick as they already have. How you choose to run your guild is completely up to you.