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06-10-2010, 11:03 AM
Hi. I'm new. I'm a total newb. This is my first MMORPG. Been playing pencil and paper RPGs for years, and I once had an RPG video game, but not an MMO.

Question: Is there a thread where I can ask really dumb newbie questions? I want to know, for instance, if there's a limit to the number of times I can re-spawn at the entrance to a level. Does it make any difference how many times I die?

If you see me in the game, stop and chat. I'm probably 50/50 on the socializing/adventuring actions.

Edit: decided to play an archer at first...

I first started with an enchantress named Nilsia, but changed my mind. Maybe I should have started with a warrior, but I like elves. Maybe next...

06-10-2010, 02:23 PM
Testing my new sig...

06-10-2010, 03:09 PM

06-10-2010, 03:21 PM
Question: Is there a thread where I can ask really dumb newbie questions? I want to know, for instance, if there's a limit to the number of times I can re-spawn at the entrance to a level. Does it make any difference how many times I die?

Welcome Snakespere! This entire forum hosts a variety of dumb questions and answers to them :D best thing to do is use the search feature to see if someone else has already asked/answered.

But to answer yours, there's no limit to the number of times you can die and respawn, and it doesn't make a lick of difference how many times you die. But it does keep count on your Avatar tab and others CAN see just how much of a newb you are ;)

06-10-2010, 04:02 PM
PM me and i can answer some of your questions you may have, im not a MMO guru but i can answer some bbasic questions heh

06-11-2010, 03:31 PM
Thanks for the replies. I have learned to buy healing potions, LOL! ;)

06-11-2010, 09:01 PM
Please for the love of anything holy, don't go around and ask higher lvl players for free items...

06-11-2010, 09:31 PM
Lol esus, I actually enjoy that part. I fill them so full of junk items they can't enter dungeons. I figure I might as well spread the wealth plus if someone had done that for me I wouldn't have 150 deaths.

06-11-2010, 09:33 PM
Sup snakespeare. This is actually a good game to get the hang of mmo games. Keep in mind most mmorpgs have 1 stats world per server rather than making games that support 5 players.

06-11-2010, 10:19 PM
Heya snakespeare welcome to the community!

06-11-2010, 10:25 PM
please dont ask for stuff. Be a warrior to and put your points in dex and use bows! you will rock later on!

06-11-2010, 11:16 PM
Welcome Snakespeare!! And TrogZ!!!

so many new faces!!!

But yeah, what esus said...there are several other rules: no spamming the chat box, don't stand directly on top of the vendors, don't friend people randomly...

If you have any questions, there are many of us who are very willing to assist you.

06-12-2010, 04:39 AM
hy guys. i answer cause i want u to see my sig :)

06-15-2010, 03:19 PM
Well, it's been great. I have met a few other players who are also low level and am having a great time with the free levels. I added them as friends. Most things I have found have been broken or bent, but I haven't reached a high enough level to equip anything. I will be able to equip my new bow soon, though.

Ask for gifts from high level players? People do that? Weird.

I learned how to pass items from one character to another, that was cool.

Listen, any other low level characters, all the people selling stuff are selling items for high level characters. I think at low level we are more inclined to swap things. I have no idea what these things are, so, if you see me around, let's chat. We can help each other, I think.

Forgot to say, I'm back to playing the elf and am thinking about the concept of builds. Those who have played MMOs before know about them, but it's all new to me. yeah! I like that, actually. :)

06-16-2010, 12:46 PM
OK, today I learned that it's crazy to attempt to make a fighting elf in the free levels. I got her to the point where she could use the broken Axe and broken shield (I believe) and went after some zombies, but they attacked as a group and she was their lunch in about 30 seconds. That didn't work.

So now I can either live with the unnecessary STR or buy some plat and re-spec ... or just delete and start over. Well, it's a lesson learned. hehe

06-16-2010, 01:20 PM
Fighting elf, or Paladin as people have adopted, gets a whole lot easier when you get thoth gear at 40. It gives loads of mana regen, but until then the cheapest way to level is probably with a bow.

And don't be afraid to respec, have fun with it. Its quite cheap. I always have 5 or more respecs on me just incase I wan to try something.

06-16-2010, 10:52 PM
yeah, you will undoubtedly feel the need to respec at some point in your journeys. I just wish that while I was respecing I could remove points as well. I think my fingers are too big for the ipod screen, so when I'm adding points to something I always end up hitting something else. This would also allow us to see how adding points changes our stats without having to commit (though they may not want this).

06-17-2010, 12:22 PM
Yeah, I did decide to buy some plat because I wanted another character slot. (My new bear is named Corelli.) And of course, I do plan to work the characters up to high levels. This is fun and level 13 just isn't high enough (though I have yet to get there).

Weird thing, and I hope it's not as strange as It sounds... I met someone who wanted to trade but actually only wanted to sell some low level items. I didn't buy any because 1000 gp is too hard to come by and the items are all drops from the first few levels. But then he invited me to join him in a game, and went into a level I haven't gotten to yet. This is where it got weird. As we went into battle he asked if I was a boy or a girl. I figured it was because I was an elf enchantress, so I said "boy". Then, about 20 minutes later as I was saying "cya" to the party, he asked why I was leaving and I said, "work". Then he goes, "Are you an adult man?" I was like "sure". And he replies, "I'm a young boy." I didn't think age mattered, considering the very strict rules we have on appropriateness, and I just replied "Well, age doesn't matter, besides I am a total Noob to MMOs and you've probably been playing them for years." Then I just bailed.

But it made me feel weird. I don't think a kid should say that he's a kid online in a public place. It's too dangerous.

And frankly, my iPad cost me $829. It didn't occur to me that people who don't have that kind of money would be around. I guess, yeah, if you're using a iTouch, maybe a hand-me-down... Still, though nothing was inappropriate, it did weird me out. I felt I had given up my "a" and my "s" and if I didn't run away fast I would be asked for my "l". Or maybe it was a Fed (if so, then good, and thanks!)

Anyway, it's probably nothing.

06-17-2010, 01:02 PM
Yeah, I did decide to buy some plat because I wanted another character slot. (My new bear is named Corelli.) And of course, I do plan to work the characters up to high levels. This is fun and level 13 just isn't high enough (though I have yet to get there).

Weird thing, and I hope it's not as strange as It sounds... I met someone who wanted to trade but actually only wanted to sell some low level items. I didn't buy any because 1000 gp is too hard to come by and the items are all drops from the first few levels. But then he invited me to join him in a game, and went into a level I haven't gotten to yet. This is where it got weird. As we went into battle he asked if I was a boy or a girl. I figured it was because I was an elf enchantress, so I said "boy". Then, about 20 minutes later as I was saying "cya" to the party, he asked why I was leaving and I said, "work". Then he goes, "Are you an adult man?" I was like "sure". And he replies, "I'm a young boy." I didn't think age mattered, considering the very strict rules we have on appropriateness, and I just replied "Well, age doesn't matter, besides I am a total Noob to MMOs and you've probably been playing them for years." Then I just bailed.

But it made me feel weird. I don't think a kid should say that he's a kid online in a public place. It's too dangerous.

And frankly, my iPad cost me $829. It didn't occur to me that people who don't have that kind of money would be around. I guess, yeah, if you're using a iTouch, maybe a hand-me-down... Still, though nothing was inappropriate, it did weird me out. I felt I had given up my "a" and my "s" and if I didn't run away fast I would be asked for my "l". Or maybe it was a Fed (if so, then good, and thanks!)

Anyway, it's probably nothing.

Dude, I had the same exact thing happen to me a while ago. I forget the players name, but he was an Enchantress. He asked me the same questions. It was so strange...

06-17-2010, 01:22 PM
After reading something like that I'd normally say something like "Stop being so over protective, giving out something like your first name and your age is IN NO WAY dangerous."


That dude does sound flippin' weird.

06-17-2010, 01:53 PM
After reading something like that I'd normally say something like "Stop being so over protective, giving out something like your first name and your age is IN NO WAY dangerous."


That dude does sound flippin' weird.

Yeah, and he was telling me how he hated some guy in Towne because he had high level items and wanted him to die.

06-17-2010, 02:19 PM
After reading something like that I'd normally say something like "Stop being so over protective, giving out something like your first name and your age is IN NO WAY dangerous."


That dude does sound flippin' weird.

Well, we know the devs read every post, so if they are worried, I will probably get a PM.

I think first name is OK within the rules, but still, I'm a grandpa. I can't help but be overly protective. :-)

06-17-2010, 05:26 PM
Nah theres nothing wrong with giving out your whole name, your age, etc.

Infact theres nothing wrong with giving out almost any information.

It's asking for it that is the problem.

06-18-2010, 10:07 AM
Yeah, just over-protectiveness on my part.

I think I might not be a total noob anymore. This morning I hit quick play with a level 3 bear and before long some birdies showed up. The first one went right into melée and I had to tell him to stay back five feet and shoot and let me do the melée. Then the next one joined as we approached a small group of zombies. The dude waded all the way in then came running back with about 8 zombies in a line. Dude, draw them off one at a time and pick them off. So I think that that's a total noob and that' not me anymore. But it was funny!!

But I am still a new player, so I'll keep up the newbie posts here for a while longer. :)

09-20-2010, 12:46 PM
After three months of playing, I would like to show off my characters.

This is my main, Snakespeare, with the scarab bow. I also use an alien blaster, especially against the aliens. I'll play Snakes right now mostly for farming.

This is my pure mage, Nilsia, which sounds very elven to me. The Kafra helms are kind of boring so I have it hidden. It's Isis helm, Thoth staff, Isis cloth. It makes for a pretty cool look, but I long for those days when she was flinging fire from a flameskull.

And this is my tank, Corelli. He's ready for the next campaign! I leveled these three simultaneously, and I used the stash to pass items back and forth. It took months, but it was a lot of fun.

And now, the twinks.
Artio is the name of the Celtic Goddess of Bears. It seems appropriate for a loner who lives near Ursan Weald. My level 14 twink has the greenie gem blade and the pink armor. I figure Artio just has a basic dislike for all trolls.

Emorin is the name of the first character I ever had back in the early days of D&D. When I made a paladin 19, I decided to reuse the name to give the twink some back story. Emorin is totally dedicated to the Elf Queen and is busy trying to clean up the mess that the King of Hearts brought into her life. That's the Gleaming Cutlass of Legend he uses now, and the Green Mail of Legend plus pink shield. In the arena he has 2 deaths for every kill. I really don't know much about that stuff. LOL

Gravecrow is being prepared to become a permanent resident in Fathom Crypt. He's still doing his Balefort quests, though, so I've frozen him at 19 until they are done. He is using the pink Flaming Fireblaster, but believe it or not, the armor is a white. It's odd but I don't seem to find much in the way of level 19 Int armor. I want to have him all in black once he reaches 25.

Leaving only Snakesbear, who right now looks like a cross between the frosty regions and the funereal regions. I am thinking of respeccing him to become a tank in Frozen Nightmare, but I am not certain there will be groups for him to play with. I was going to use him in a level 29 twink competition, which I had no hope of winning. I guess he's the current project.

09-20-2010, 02:14 PM
My how you have grown!

09-20-2010, 02:16 PM
Yeah, I did decide to buy some plat because I wanted another character slot. (My new bear is named Corelli.) And of course, I do plan to work the characters up to high levels. This is fun and level 13 just isn't high enough (though I have yet to get there).

Weird thing, and I hope it's not as strange as It sounds... I met someone who wanted to trade but actually only wanted to sell some low level items. I didn't buy any because 1000 gp is too hard to come by and the items are all drops from the first few levels. But then he invited me to join him in a game, and went into a level I haven't gotten to yet. This is where it got weird. As we went into battle he asked if I was a boy or a girl. I figured it was because I was an elf enchantress, so I said "boy". Then, about 20 minutes later as I was saying "cya" to the party, he asked why I was leaving and I said, "work". Then he goes, "Are you an adult man?" I was like "sure". And he replies, "I'm a young boy." I didn't think age mattered, considering the very strict rules we have on appropriateness, and I just replied "Well, age doesn't matter, besides I am a total Noob to MMOs and you've probably been playing them for years." Then I just bailed.

But it made me feel weird. I don't think a kid should say that he's a kid online in a public place. It's too dangerous.

And frankly, my iPad cost me $829. It didn't occur to me that people who don't have that kind of money would be around. I guess, yeah, if you're using a iTouch, maybe a hand-me-down... Still, though nothing was inappropriate, it did weird me out. I felt I had given up my "a" and my "s" and if I didn't run away fast I would be asked for my "l". Or maybe it was a Fed (if so, then good, and thanks!)

Anyway, it's probably nothing.

PLEASE report these types of folks to support so we can check their chat.

09-20-2010, 03:36 PM
You joined almost the same day as I did! I joined the 12th! U have a lot more to show for it though lol

09-20-2010, 04:24 PM
you have a lot of characters!

09-20-2010, 04:31 PM
dude I messaged u just reply on there. then I help[ you out :) or on here if u wish whatever works for you


09-20-2010, 07:05 PM
Nice work there hardcore Snakes!

I have a lvl 29 I'm working on if you want to battle some time, I can give you a few PvP pointers. And I like that idea of having a lvl 14 twink, I'm going to make one myself now.