View Full Version : Student + Mentor

06-10-2010, 11:37 AM
So the basic idea is that a level capped character will be able to form some sort of relationship with a newbie (under lvl 10) and will help them progress through the game.
They would answer questions, and help them out with leveling.

When the student is 'raised', the Mentor would get some kind of reward. Perhaps have in the avatar screen "Player12345 Has raised: 4 Students."
After 10 students are raised, the Mentor could be given a cape or something, of different colours for 10, 20 and 30 students, etc.

Either person could leave the relationship at any time. Making it vital that the Mentor actually provides some help to the student, and also that the student is reasonable.

Only one student/Mentor at a time per character.

Once a student has been raised, the student and mentor should be linked together forever, perhaps with some kind of buff when they are together, or a unique ability.

If this suggestion was implemented it would result in lots of high level characters hanging in town, actually asking newbies if they wanted help.

06-10-2010, 11:48 AM
I think that this idea is amazing! It would help out noobs, give level capped players something to do, and you get a reward in the process. Should we help players at level 10 though? I mean, it would be a good thing, because if the players hadn't already boughten the maps, they might be a little bit more encouraged to do so with help from a level capped player. Then again, some players may take advantage of the help, get to level 13, complain about money, quit, and you just spent time helping someone for nothing. Other than that, it is a great idea.

06-10-2010, 12:07 PM
Yeah I do this a lot already, so gimme my cape. Also the cape should provide mana regen :)

King Richie
06-10-2010, 12:13 PM
if this did happen the cape should not provide anything it should just be for show to say look im helpful

(just my opinion)

06-10-2010, 12:22 PM
Helpfulness itself should boost mana regen. I wonder if that could be worked into the game?

06-10-2010, 01:25 PM
this would help newbies but under reasons that are just plain greedy

people should help others not for their own gain, being selfless and not selfish

06-10-2010, 01:31 PM
this would help newbies but under reasons that are just plain greedy

I see what you are saying but that is why I said that both people would have the option to cancel it at any time.
If the newbie felt they weren't receiving adequate help then they would just cancel it.

Again the cape was only an idea. Personally I am more fond of the buff idea, in that when you are with your raised student in the future, you both get some kind of small buff or unique ability/ combo skill.

06-10-2010, 01:40 PM
Very solid idea, it would be nice to see other players besides myself and a handfull of others that help new players. Whenever someone asks a question I always try to respond with helpfull advice and often times I'll either help level or outfit them with good gear. The future of pocket legends depends on new players and we should help guide them, and lol Royce I need my cape too.

06-10-2010, 01:45 PM
this would help newbies but under reasons that are just plain greedy

people should help others not for their own gain, being selfless and not selfish

It's not selfishness, it's digital karma. Anyway I was joking for the most part, thought that was obvious. Anyway I think this already goes on a lot and making it official would not need to turn it into a selfish affair. A formalized system would provide a much needed activity for level-capped players.

King Richie
06-10-2010, 01:45 PM
i always help new people =) its good fun !!

06-10-2010, 01:50 PM
i think theres ALOT of players who help newbies now already and not just a handful... i think it would be cool to have something like this but again i think it would get kinda out of hand creating chaos and havoc in towne

06-10-2010, 01:54 PM
We just need some organized way to keep up with this project. Any ideas?

06-10-2010, 03:17 PM
Yes I have a few ideas.

How about an NPC, lets call him 'Boff the Prof'.

First Half
If you want to be a mentor you go to the npc, and select a 'Become a mentor' option.
or, If you want to enroll as a student, you click 'Sign me up!'

Boff will then match you to a student based on level and class. Boff will be more likley to match you to a student of the same class. Boff will also be more likley to match a lower lvl student, to a lower level Mentor. (ie - Level 10 to lvl 35, Level 5 to Level 30).
Boff will then match you to a Mentor based on level and class. Boff will be more likley to match you to a Mentor of the same class.

If no match is available right away, then you are simply added to the database and will recieve a notification when a match comes up.

Second Half
On top of the NPC idea above, there could also be an option in your avatar window to turn on/off a ' Press here to be my student/mentor' option.

These ideas combined would leave no reason for people to spam chat with 'i wunt a mentur plz'.
Of course some still will, but the NPC addition would greatly reduce it.

06-10-2010, 03:56 PM
Yes I have a few ideas.

How about an NPC, lets call him 'Boff the Prof'.

First Half
If you want to be a mentor you go to the npc, and select a 'Become a mentor' option.
or, If you want to enroll as a student, you click 'Sign me up!'

Boff will then match you to a student based on level and class. Boff will be more likley to match you to a student of the same class. Boff will also be more likley to match a lower lvl student, to a lower level Mentor. (ie - Level 10 to lvl 35, Level 5 to Level 30).
Boff will then match you to a Mentor based on level and class. Boff will be more likley to match you to a Mentor of the same class.

If no match is available right away, then you are simply added to the database and will recieve a notification when a match comes up.

Second Half
On top of the NPC idea above, there could also be an option in your avatar window to turn on/off a ' Press here to be my student/mentor' option.

These ideas combined would leave no reason for people to spam chat with 'i wunt a mentur plz'.
Of course some still will, but the NPC addition would greatly reduce it.

where would hybrid mentors stand? would they get matched with hybrids?

06-10-2010, 04:01 PM
Nah I don't think being a hybrid would matter.

A Bow bear still has to use bear skills, and will still know more about the bear class than a player who only plays Avian.

06-10-2010, 04:39 PM
but would the bow bear be a bear tutor or a archery tutor? that's my question, is the tutor class specific or weapon type specific

King Richie
06-10-2010, 04:41 PM
There should be a mentor quest that you must complete to be eligible to be a mentor

King Richie
06-10-2010, 04:42 PM
but would the bow bear be a bear tutor or a archery tutor? that's my question, is the tutor class specific or weapon type specific

Class specific would make sense not weapon specific !

06-10-2010, 05:40 PM
This should be implemented asap, great time sink for capped chars.

Perhaps add a leaderboard for "The nicest guy in PL"

06-10-2010, 05:48 PM
yes!! but I don't think it's useful yet... maybe we should wait until the alterra realm has a consistent 1000 players online? as opposed to 500 now.

06-10-2010, 08:10 PM
Yea its not an idea that can be implemented in one day, so it is very likely that it will come later when there is more activity.

but would the bow bear be a bear tutor or a archery tutor? that's my question, is the tutor class specific or weapon type specific

Class specific would make sense not weapon specific !

Yea thats right.

This should be implemented asap, great time sink for capped chars.

Perhaps add a leaderboard for "The nicest guy in PL"

I like this.

There should be a mentor quest that you must complete to be eligible to be a mentor

And this.

06-13-2010, 01:33 AM
I'm new help me :p

...but seriously, I think minor rewards would be nice, besides, greedy people want phat loots or money, not capes with no stats, I like the buff idea too, what kind of buff it'd be I have no idea, but sounds good :-)

06-13-2010, 07:41 AM
this is a great idea

i shall train my young padawan learner in the ways of the paladin =D

06-13-2010, 12:58 PM
great idea.
when i reach the level cap of each new campaign, i just help people in forest haven. If i find someone i like, i train them until they reach their current level cap. its actually pretty fun

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