View Full Version : Normal Ren'gol difficulty at level 56

04-21-2016, 06:21 AM
Can you please take a look at the scaling of normal Ren'gol maps? The maps seem harder to run at level 56 than at level 46. Orc bombs can instakill and even the nimbus can drop my 5k+ health to 25% or lower, even while I'm under shaman effigy buff. The first time this happened while I was running Garetta dailies, I had to check if I was on normal map, because the orcs hit almost as hard as in elite. I notice the maps are pretty much deserted now. Last time I went there to join three random well-geared players, they all left after they died one too many times from orc bomb and troll smash.

04-21-2016, 11:21 AM
Can you please take a look at the scaling of normal Ren'gol maps? The maps seem harder to run at level 56 than at level 46. Orc bombs can instakill and even the nimbus can drop my 5k+ health to 25% or lower, even while I'm under shaman effigy buff. The first time this happened while I was running Garetta dailies, I had to check if I was on normal map, because the orcs hit almost as hard as in elite. I notice the maps are pretty much deserted now. Last time I went there to join three random well-geared players, they all left after they died one too many times from orc bomb and troll smash.

^^ I have noticed this as well.

04-21-2016, 11:46 AM
Oh is that why. I just assumed people were in wt4 or something, so I just solo. I assume the area has some level of scaling, if Tindirin is still giving xp.

04-21-2016, 12:24 PM
vroom here (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?309301-Feedback-About-scaled-up-normal-rengol-maps) already said they're looking into it, we'll see, more reports are indeed better

anyway, scaled up shuyal also harder than it was at l46, but seems like those timed lb runner prove it otherwise...

04-21-2016, 12:37 PM
Can you please take a look at the scaling of normal Ren'gol maps? The maps seem harder to run at level 56 than at level 46. Orc bombs can instakill and even the nimbus can drop my 5k+ health to 25% or lower, even while I'm under shaman effigy buff. The first time this happened while I was running Garetta dailies, I had to check if I was on normal map, because the orcs hit almost as hard as in elite. I notice the maps are pretty much deserted now. Last time I went there to join three random well-geared players, they all left after they died one too many times from orc bomb and troll smash.

I made a thread about it, saying that it wasn't necessary to cap, I didn't get much support. It was a mix of a little of everything. Anyways, glad to see that you guys see what I see too.

So I am actually stuck with lvl46 gear, scaling maps to lvl56. Does it mean I should have stayed lvl46? I don't need the masteries, I never needed them before this update. I don't need the extra base points if I lose 2/5 of them in my Rendtail ring. Yes we do get some new gear that are a little stronger and the different proc just gives another type of use to the gear. Its doesn't make it much better for the time I am asked to spend on it.


To all players who didn't cap yet, do NOTT! Go up to level 51 MAX, or stay at the level you are, don't use any experience enhancers, keep your XP off. Don't play with capped players, lvl52+ is just going to make life harder for you. You want to farm elites at lvl51 with lvl51/46 gear better then farm lvl56 scaled elites with lvl46 gear. You get to keep your arcane ring because the debuff is less important, you get to keep your lvl46 mythics and your planar pendant is still good enough at lvl51. The monsters aren't over powering you at lvl51, they are scaled to you.

04-21-2016, 01:59 PM
I made a thread about it, saying that it wasn't necessary to cap, I didn't get much support. It was a mix of a little of everything. Anyways, glad to see that you guys see what I see too.

Support for what? For your advice not to cap? Most players were busy arguing on another thread to make the cap worthwhile, and they moved something.

04-21-2016, 02:06 PM
I made a thread about it, saying that it wasn't necessary to cap, I didn't get much support. It was a mix of a little of everything. Anyways, glad to see that you guys see what I see too.

What I experience from my game play style is not even remotely close to what you view, further more ....I will pawn this post, its worth while...

"Everything has been said already, but not yet by everyone.” – Karl Valentin

There is a huge thread full of great suggestions which are focussed straight to the point. All kinds of players are represented there. So why not let the devs do their work, enjoy the game in any style you want, maybe even go outside, instead of repeating over and over here how the game is not in the shape we wish it was.

04-21-2016, 04:10 PM
I expected some scaling due to the level cap raise, so I wasn't surprised. It was still pretty fast, so not too much of a bother. Though my mage did get laughed at by a silly rogue for being one-shotted -.-

04-22-2016, 03:49 AM
I made a thread about it, saying that it wasn't necessary to cap, I didn't get much support. It was a mix of a little of everything. Anyways, glad to see that you guys see what I see too.

Sorry, no. I see map difficulty that might need finetuning (reminds me of Shuyal at the beginning of Tindirin expansion and Tindirin at the start of Ren'gol expansion). I don't see this either as a justification or excuse not to level up. I could still solo it. It's harder than it probably ought to, but if I wanted easy I could've just played Barbie.

Anyway, even without you preaching anticappingism it would seem people are taking their sweet time leveling. But the game is more than just individual players. There are friends and guilds involved. Let me just give you an example. A couple of days ago, we set out to help a guildmate with six elite achievements from Shuyal to Ren'gol. The only elite tank officer available was still a couple of hundred xp shy of 50; the helpee, myself and the mage in party were all level 56. And yet the warrior still volunteered to help (try telling him "Don't play with capped players, lvl52+ is just going make life harder for you." I guess he didn't play Barbie either.) Given that I kept forgetting he wasn't capped and pulling large groups of mobs like I was used to, he did his job amazingly well and only grumbled when I said "Ooo, this is fun".

A while ago a friend also asked me for help with some elite Arachna runs because he still needs a parchment there. And I couldn't help, because he was level 46. Even more recently, my under 50 guildmates asked me to join Underhul farming runs but I know I would just make it too hard for them to make runs fast enough for farming (if there were more than one 56s in party it might be tolerable, but not if I'm the sole 56 in party). My alts are level 47 but they don't have the hundreds of Glintstone coins I've farmed on my capped rogue. See the dilemma? My point is some of us have guild responsibilities or love elite runs or enjoy helping people or like just plain running in parties with friends that the prolonged level disparity will be a hindrance.

And do we really have nothing to cap for? Is being 56 with level 46 gear all that bad? I don't think so. You said on another thread you have 800+ respec scrolls. Time to play around with those extra points. I'm hearing great things about mage masteries: antistun gale mastery, freezing clocks, lightnings that pack damage. Why not experiment?

Here's another example just to illustrate my point. The first few times I did the last Underhul map, the Citadel, at level 46, it was hard. OK part of it was still finding my way around the map. But I've been running the Citadel again with a level 56 warrior and a level 55 rogue (now capped) and it was so smooth and flowing it's like a song. We still had the same level 46 gear. The difference? The points he put on Windmill mastery and the points I put on Nox Bolt mastery.

So yea, I'm glad people aren't supporting your idea.

05-07-2016, 08:41 PM
the gap between tindirin and ren'gol is so far -_- differ than shuyal and tindirin gap