View Full Version : Ideas on grouping

07-20-2011, 03:57 PM
If this has been suggested, then please flame on how to use the search feature.

I have a couple ideas on the grouping concept.

First off, I love the fact you can join any group, it is an awesome way to play and find groups.

One thing I have noticed about booting is you are either being booted for being too low, or being too high (lvl 51 farmers). I suggest putting a min / max level on your group, so if you are lvl 55, and try to join a 51 farming group, you can't. And, if you are in a game with 4 lvl 55 players, and you only want another 55 to join, then you could put a min level on the group so no lvl 48 members could join. It would help the lower level players a bit in terms of self confidence also as it avoids the searching for a non-booting group.

Another idea I had was group sessions, not just group maps. The leader would start a session, and there would be a search for sessions section just like there is a search for group section. The session could have a brief description on it with some default verbiages (xp runs, farming xxx maps, etc), and some criteria in order to join.

Some criteria to join would be open to all classes, exclude bears, exclude birds, exclude mag, min level, max level, etc. For example, if you have a group of one bear and 3 birds, what you really need is a mag. So, you could exclude bears and birds, and only mag's could join your session then.

The key to sessions is the ability to follow the leader. When a map is cleared, or boss is killed, or the slushy run is completed, or whenever the group determines the end point is (like killing cat for slushy run), the leader starts a new map and hits the "pull" button, or something along those lines. That button will send a pop-up to the people in his session asking "Do you want to follow xxx and join map xxx?" Clicking yes will put you in the same map, clicking no will remove you from the session. Then, they can rinse and repeat whatever they were doing.

When a person is done with the session, they leave the session by another button, or log off, or one can get booted from a session. However, just starting a new map doesn't give that time inbetween the spamming of when the person started the new map and trying to join before it fills up. And, it will avoid the boot reason of "sorry, full" when there are only 2 people in the group (but others are coming).

I think it would provide an easier way to stay with a current group of people, an easier way of joining the map the leader created, and a positive way to avoid some boots.

Let me know your thoughts

07-20-2011, 04:07 PM
That sounds like an excellent idea kina and one that I'd like to see implemented in a future update. +1 to you buddy ;)

07-20-2011, 04:12 PM

Another plus to the sessions is it is for people that plan to play for a bit of time, not just 2 maps and log off. It sort of guarantees your group to be as good as you make it (if it is not good, then leave and find another session). If it is a good group, then stay in it for the long haul.

The joining a single map feature will still be very prominent for the person that wants to burn the quick 30 min elixer, or join maps at random, and try to find new friends!

07-21-2011, 03:16 AM
great idea

07-23-2011, 09:13 PM
Yes I hate it when a 55 comes to my pvp games for easy kill. By the time I boot them someone already killed me.