View Full Version : New Track "Hang On"

04-24-2016, 06:19 PM
Hello friends! I just put out a new track on SoundCloud. I plan to release an EP as soon as it's ready with the same style of music as this track. Hopefully if you enjoy it, you can jam to it while playing legends' games. And, as always, if you like it enough, it's free to download!

That's about it. Peace out guys!

Here's the link: https://soundcloud.com/micah-greaney/hang-on


04-24-2016, 07:25 PM
The great MM releases yet another awesome song!

On a side note, how do you manage to keep all those notes on beat?
I've did some recordings a while ago, never been able to get them all on beat
It's been bugging me...

04-27-2016, 12:47 AM
This is some seriously good stuff my man, have you considered any other platforms for sharing your music (though i'm aware soundcloud is one of the easiest to upload on)??

04-27-2016, 09:52 AM
The great MM releases yet another awesome song!

On a side note, how do you manage to keep all those notes on beat?
I've did some recordings a while ago, never been able to get them all on beat
It's been bugging me...

Glad you enjoyed it, bud! :)

To answer your hidden question, I use Logic Pro X to mix my music, and I mostly use MIDI. Basically, that means that I can input the notes on a chart that will keep them on time. I don't generally record anything, myself, so I don't have to worry about keeping on time playing notes. However, I have recorded on a couple tracks and I will say that it does take a couple takes to get everything in semi-perfect timing. (Absolute perfect timing when recording is more a myth than anything, unless edited after the fact. But it can easily be "close enough.")

All that to say, I did purchase a third-party software called "Melodyne Editor" that allows me edit waveforms. So that means vocals or any live recording can be altered after recorded. So if the notes you record are off beat, you can edit them after the fact to be perfectly on beat. Hope that answers your question!

This is some seriously good stuff my man, have you considered any other platforms for sharing your music (though i'm aware soundcloud is one of the easiest to upload on)??

Thanks, Burningdex! I really appreciate the compliment. I have considered other platforms, but I guess at the moment I just don't feel my work is good enough to promote on any wider scale than just SoundCloud. I did start a BandCamp that I'll update as I release anything I feel is a bit more "professional" but for now I'm content to be a nobody on SoundCloud just working to improve my music.

I will say that at the moment, I'm working on two different albums, one instrumental, and one in the style of this thread's song. When I complete those, I plan to release them on iTunes (paid) as well as on SoundCloud and BandCamp for free. But that will likely be a good ways away from now, as I plan to improve a few mixing/mastering techniques before I feel ready to put anything out on iTunes.

Glad ya'll enjoyed the music! :)