View Full Version : the happiest day of my arlorian life

04-25-2016, 09:49 AM
When I was growing up in arlor I alwase looked up to the great warriors and wanted to be like them

Then one day I saw a warrior with a bone saw..it looked so cool!

I said "I need one of those!" ..then I went to the auction and found one for 12mill..and about cried..(I had a whole 120k to my name at that time)

But I decided one day I would own one..it was my dream weapon!

..then this morning..


Yesssss! (Does happy dance)

Yes I know there are better weapons now..but don't go crushing my dreams..you..you..dream crusher!


04-25-2016, 10:01 AM
When I was growing up in arlor I alwase looked up to the great warriors and wanted to be like them

Then one day I saw a warrior with a bone saw..it looked so cool!

I said "I need one of those!" ..then I went to the auction and found one for 12mill..and about cried..(I had a whole 120k to my name at that time)

But I decided one day I would own one..it was my dream weapon!

..then this morning..


Yesssss! (Does happy dance)

Yes I know there are better weapons now..but don't go crushing my dreams..you..you..dream crusher!


Haha grats man ^

04-25-2016, 10:03 AM
When I was growing up in arlor I alwase looked up to the great warriors and wanted to be like them

Then one day I saw a warrior with a bone saw..it looked so cool!

I said "I need one of those!" ..then I went to the auction and found one for 12mill..and about cried..(I had a whole 120k to my name at that time)

But I decided one day I would own one..it was my dream weapon!

..then this morning..


Yesssss! (Does happy dance)

Yes I know there are better weapons now..but don't go crushing my dreams..you..you..dream crusher!

As long as it can cut a cake...it's a good weapon, eh? [emoji512] [emoji513]

04-25-2016, 10:15 AM
Congratulations Kona! Very happy for you :love_heart:

04-25-2016, 10:51 AM
I was standing in glinstone today and Elhene (one of our cof family) walked up to me and said "nice cake cutter you got there"

I couldent stop laughing

04-25-2016, 11:39 AM
When I was growing up in arlor I alwase looked up to the great warriors and wanted to be like them

Then one day I saw a warrior with a bone saw..it looked so cool!

I said "I need one of those!" ..then I went to the auction and found one for 12mill..and about cried..(I had a whole 120k to my name at that time)

But I decided one day I would own one..it was my dream weapon!

..then this morning..


Yesssss! (Does happy dance)

Yes I know there are better weapons now..but don't go crushing my dreams..you..you..dream crusher!


Gratz!! I feel you :)

04-25-2016, 11:52 AM
Hahaha dude...Grats man.
We have the exact same story. My first toon was warrior & bonesaw was dream weapon at the time of 10-12m. Today I can buy it but now the game has moved too ahead.
Maybe we should do another warrior to 41 & walk around as the bonesaw twins :).

04-25-2016, 12:43 PM
Hahaha dude...Grats man.
We have the exact same story. My first toon was warrior & bonesaw was dream weapon at the time of 10-12m. Today I can buy it but now the game has moved too ahead.
Maybe we should do another warrior to 41 & walk around as the bonesaw twins :).

I would so do that!

04-25-2016, 12:45 PM
Nice kona my dream item is the glintstone gun. Still don't have it but hoping so

04-25-2016, 01:14 PM
grats cake man!

04-25-2016, 05:18 PM
Does it really cackle??

04-25-2016, 08:17 PM
Congratulations! Hope you enjoy it!

04-25-2016, 08:47 PM
YAAASSSSS Kona congrats dude

04-25-2016, 08:48 PM
When a friend lent it to me so i could vs the mages n rogues i never seemed to be able to kill i felt on top of the world, then i vsd some friends with it and it was everything i had hoped for. Its a sweet weapon for 41 if u wanna twink. Gz anyway i loved using it :)

04-25-2016, 08:54 PM
Does it really cackle??

Not sure, but I do when I use it

04-25-2016, 10:08 PM
When I was growing up in arlor I alwase looked up to the great warriors and wanted to be like them

Then one day I saw a warrior with a bone saw..it looked so cool!

I said "I need one of those!" ..then I went to the auction and found one for 12mill..and about cried..(I had a whole 120k to my name at that time)

But I decided one day I would own one..it was my dream weapon!

..then this morning..


Yesssss! (Does happy dance)

Yes I know there are better weapons now..but don't go crushing my dreams..you..you..dream crusher!

I too once looked up to the end gamers before(till now xD). I always wanted the glowing shiny circle at the bottom (paracelsus). I still never got the chance to grab it due to that this item are discontinued :( . But I'm still in search for my dream item.

Gz with the bonesaw :) .

04-26-2016, 12:30 AM

Congratz, Kona. :)

Personally I love the beautiful design of the level 36 glaive more, but the level 41 looks much better for cutting cakes with.

PS. I meant this one.


04-26-2016, 08:20 AM

Congratz, Kona. :)

Personally I love the beautiful design of the level 36 glaive more, but the level 41 looks much better for cutting cakes with.

PS. I meant this one.


That's great! BTW, find me in game..I want to have cake with you!

04-26-2016, 08:51 AM
3 years in arlor and I never got more than 100k for free -_- ( and that was only once ) I guess people don't like lil blue smurfs xD. Well , congrats anyways .

04-26-2016, 09:43 AM
3 years in arlor and I never got more than 100k for free -_- ( and that was only once ) I guess people don't like lil blue smurfs xD. Well , congrats anyways .

I dident get that bone saw for free, I bought it..I won't take anything bigger than cake from anyone

..now I want cake...

04-26-2016, 07:45 PM

Kona, I found your couch :love_heart:

04-26-2016, 08:48 PM

Kona, I found your couch :love_heart:

Oh my...someone get me some milk...I'm going to be hear a while


04-27-2016, 01:31 AM
I tried cutting a cake with it today...


The cake exploded.....

04-28-2016, 01:56 PM

Congratz, Kona. :)

Personally I love the beautiful design of the level 36 glaive more, but the level 41 looks much better for cutting cakes with.

PS. I meant this one.


I just caught this, that's great!

04-28-2016, 03:39 PM
Congrats! Great story! Here's to knowing dreams do come true!

05-01-2016, 10:57 AM
Lol good job on the bone sword

05-02-2016, 06:28 AM
Congrats :)
Still dreaming Ker Shal even if I have Arcane Staff lev 46 xD so I can really understand you :)
One day also my dream will come true :)
Have a good game all you dreamers :)

05-02-2016, 11:24 AM
Congrats :)
Still dreaming Ker Shal even if I have Arcane Staff lev 46 xD so I can really understand you :)
One day also my dream will come true :)
Have a good game all you dreamers :)
Same here. I'm dreaming of an Arcane Maul for tank although i got an Arcane sword xD

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05-03-2016, 01:08 AM
Now my next goal is to have cake with justg