View Full Version : Scale elites to 56 not 61

04-29-2016, 07:37 AM
Please please please,

Scale the elites to 56 instead of 61 as carapace said was mistakenly done, its not fun wasting a substantial ammount of ankhs trying to run 61 maps with 46 gear.

Ive personally tested this and my jugg will break from elite shuyal up to elite glintstone, now im not maxed, ive got 2.8k armor with aegis, which prolly is low but id expect my jugg to hold in maps that were released two seasons ago ._.

A tank with decent stats at 56, 8k health, 2.6-2.9k armor, 600 dmg with aegis should be able to trust his jugg in outdated elites like tindirin and shuyal but they cant, my jugg broke in tindirin and shuyal before mobs got scaled to 61, now its pure hell.

My stats which had my jugg breaking in shuyal and tindirin before lvl 61 scaling, admittedly my pulls get kinda crazy, now i just hope my jugg will hold long enough for me to get a heal in before i die, i didnt need heal before. Ermm yeah it broke in my solo runs, full pt not so much.

Anyway, elite rengol healers seem to heal over 50% hp of their mobs which seems like a lot, thats my last point of criticism.

Yes frustrated paper tank crying, but i gotta feed my kids, err pets and the ankh drain is driving me into despair and them into starvation >_>

I hope u guys can scale them back sooner than later, the elites.
Ty for reading,

04-29-2016, 07:48 AM
Give everyone all free ankh ^ died 20+ in instant kill xD

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-29-2016, 07:49 AM
Yeah I totally support this.

Shuyal, Tindrin and Ren'gol are ridiculous.

I also have to use about 20 Ankhs in last Underhul Elite Map.

3.5k armor 9.7k health and I drop from 100% health to 0% in less than 0.25 seconds.

I do like to have challenging maps and all that but this is somewhat annoying, the scaled elites are all about spamming them pots hard.

04-29-2016, 03:00 PM
Yeah I totally support this.

Shuyal, Tindrin and Ren'gol are ridiculous.

I also have to use about 20 Ankhs in last Underhul Elite Map.

3.5k armor 9.7k health and I drop from 100% health to 0% in less than 0.25 seconds.

I do like to have challenging maps and all that but this is somewhat annoying, the scaled elites are all about spamming them pots hard.

I wouldnt mind spamming pots but i would like to be able to not have to spam just as hard during first 10 secs of jugg, thats not the case tho.

04-29-2016, 03:05 PM
The mobs in Chasm and Citadel are simply ridiculous. You cant almost separate and the DOT is so enormous that I cant pot it away (almost 9k health on tank and about 2.8k armor). The first map is quite fun but the rest is simply ridiculous plat (ankh) sink. I hope Elite Runners Chests will come next week so that we can farm them in maps that bring fun.

04-29-2016, 07:08 PM
if you check the circle color on left of enemies' health bar, you can see that most of it are blue-colored, assuming that it is using the legacy threat level system, it is actually showing the level difference between you and the enemies

gray -> 4++ level below you
?? -> 3 level below
green -> 2 level below
light blue -> 1 level below
blue -> equal
dark blue -> 1 level above
yellow -> 2 level above
orange -> 3 level above
red -> 4++ level above

and mobs that you were talking about has blue color... so, assuming this indicator is correct, you were actually fighting l56 enemies,
and then carapace once said that when you're adding a party member, mobs will increase their level by 1 per member

sooo, assuming that the indicator is actually showing enemies' base level, although it is showing blue, in 4 member party, you're fighting 56+3 level mobs,
but, there is a bottom and top limit on how enemies can scale, e.g. tindirin can't scale more than l52, elite underhul can't scale lower than 55, and what carapace implies when he said about l61 mobs, he was talking about this upper limit

this also explained several phenomena about unexpected enemies buffs happened, e.g. the case when normal tindirin was prepared for rengol expansion, before the preparation, enemies were only l41 max, even in 4 man party, but after the preparation, the upper limit were raised, and in 4 man party, they had become l41+3, making it unexpectedly hard in 4 man party, but has (maybe :P) unchanged difficulty when soloing. it also justify what devs were saying when they actually did not buff anything

it's all based on assumption though :P, but devs might have done nothing regarding shadow buffs or similar things

04-29-2016, 10:48 PM
Yeh the mobs are insane, I'm boycotting elites till they fix it

04-30-2016, 07:37 PM
I just ran rengol again and its unbearable, at least confirm if the mobs are still scaled to 61 in those maps or alrdy to 56.

04-30-2016, 08:46 PM
i think pet name the reason of insine death
yeah the elite are hard
and have a lot of bugs as:
insine mobs comes all in group like 20
a lot of 1 hit kill
DoT is doing a lot damage
some mobs can't get root by clock
not to mention the stuns.. it's crazy
sts u need scale them to 56 :)

04-30-2016, 11:41 PM
Purely out of curiosity, I wonder if the new taunt mechanism that's supposedly released an update or two ago (correct me if I'm wrong) has to do with warrior's perceiving higher diffic lty level in Ren'gol. Underhul 2 and 3 are unquestionably insane for any class. But I soloed elite Grotto on my rogue before and after last update, and after had seemed easier than before because the mobs appeared to be hitting less hard. There were some deaths from being axe-pulled when skipping groups. But much fewer random one hits from normal attacks and bomb nimbus. Tindirin still hits way too hard tho.

05-01-2016, 01:38 AM
Same thing with mages... I loose over than 70% of my HP in one hit though charged shield... And that's with 10/10 mastery ._. I didn't notice having huge problems in elite shuyal and tind , but new maps seem impossible . Also a bug that I noticed : Those brown bugs will stun and hit you no matter what , even you hit them first with fire ball or ice ( that's is supposed to stun/freeze them -_- ) , you get hit and stunned .

05-01-2016, 07:34 AM
Same thing with mages... I loose over than 70% of my HP in one hit though charged shield... And that's with 10/10 mastery ._. I didn't notice having huge problems in elite shuyal and tind , but new maps seem impossible . Also a bug that I noticed : Those brown bugs will stun and hit you no matter what , even you hit them first with fire ball or ice ( that's is supposed to stun/freeze them -_- ) , you get hit and stunned .

If you have nekro, use him prior to the brown beetles, i have not been stunned yet using nek shield before the spiders sense you. If you don't have nekro, I highly recommend at least one player in party to use ironbite, he is very useful in the elite underhul maps. I prefer to use him.
Check out his aa.


Two Ironbites are fun in party, try it out.

05-01-2016, 09:36 AM
Warriors have chance to stun beetles on skyward smash. Nice when the beetles, or anything else for that matter, are seeing stars.