View Full Version : Vanity Item for Beta Testers?

07-25-2011, 12:54 AM
Curious if there will be a special nifty vanity item for all us beta testers? If so shweet!

07-25-2011, 12:59 AM
I doubt it, Sam stated that playing that game would be enough of a reward, and I agree with him.

Although I'm a bit p/o'd about resetting the kills/deaths of everyone, 5.5k kills earned through normally leveling:(

07-25-2011, 01:08 AM
Meh...I wonder if the premium armor sets are gonna be available with release? Heard they were popular. I think a nifty vanity item would be disco for betas. Especially for those who won keys.

07-25-2011, 01:54 AM
Playing the game in advance was enough reward for me.....

07-25-2011, 02:35 AM
Nah doubt it. as said previously, playing the game before it even hits the main markets is already a reward. who knows, play for a year or so and you might get a founders helm for sl or something :)

07-25-2011, 07:47 AM
Lol don't start the apples off lmao

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07-25-2011, 08:00 AM
Na beta testers don't need any vanity items. You got a head start and that is good enough.

07-25-2011, 08:16 AM
Agreed... playing the game b4 most of the other people is reward enough IMO.

For those of us who didn't have v-cast or lucky enough to win a beta key are chomping at the bit so-to-speak, waiting for SL... so stop complaining for vanity items! Jk :)

07-25-2011, 08:34 AM
I can always say that Damon and I were the first to 21... enuff reward for me!

07-25-2011, 11:04 AM
If only this was the general consensus with the founder helm users...

07-25-2011, 11:33 AM
It would be cool if they did but it wont happen because ....




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07-25-2011, 11:36 AM
Lol same reaction when Droid users found they could never get a vanity helm with stats, STS should be used to it by now.
Maybe not for beta testing, but a hat saying that we won a key would be epic :D I want 3 of them kthxbai

07-25-2011, 11:39 AM
I agree lol just the same.
Myself as a Droid user I wasn't bothered about the founders. It was a great reward for the originals.

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07-25-2011, 11:42 AM
As been stated before just being able to play the beta is reward enough...just think of what apple people are feeling, hearing us talk about all this epicness and they cant even play.

07-25-2011, 11:46 AM
As been stated before just being able to play the beta is reward enough...just think of what apple people are feeling, hearing us talk about all this epicness and they cant even play.

I'll just point towards towards the angry mob of Droid players that had to wait for months.
They have pitchforks.

07-25-2011, 12:16 PM
This would be awesome... ... ... ... If theres 2 thing ive learned since Nov,its this..... Pocketlegends (now Sl) is Their Game! What they want they release..straight and to the point. Droprates, Gcd, FoundersHelm,Sl Beta test, or even now k/d deletion upon release; all thing ppl have many opinions about but in the end is Sts's decision. 2nd Lolol You Cant Please Everyone. Gcd...didnt have to be placed in PvE,but its what they wanted. Founderhelm....Apple exclusive.+..Droid uprise.=..Vrs (vetrans reward system)....wheres vrs again?... Beta test +Apple riot=K/D server reset. lol Am I the Only who see this as Hilarious?!

07-25-2011, 12:31 PM
I think the beta testers WHO SUBMITTED REPORTS should get a vanity. Yes. But those who just played so they could get the best loot early have already gotten their rewards.

@ Cascade: LOL! No. The belief of the true fanboi is, "SL must have serious problems. Apple's testers must be dismayed. If it was any good, they would have released it by now. There's something wrong! If Apple won't approve it, I probably wouldn't want it." LOL! That's how a real fan thinks. Anything less isn't fanatical enough to be considered fandom.

p.s. A lot on non-Verizon droidees are in the same boat as all the Apple "fanbois".

07-25-2011, 12:40 PM
I think the beta testers WHO SUBMITTED REPORTS should get a vanity. Yes. But those who just played so they could get the best loot early have already gotten their rewards.

@ Cascade: LOL! No. The belief of the true fanboi is, "SL must have serious problems. Apple's testers must be dismayed. If it was any good, they would have released it by now. There's something wrong! If Apple won't approve it, I probably wouldn't want it." LOL! That's how a real fan thinks. Anything less isn't fanatical enough to be considered fandom.

p.s. A lot on non-Verizon droidees are in the same boat as all the Apple "fanbois".

Lol there is no best gears
There's no pink or purple items until release. The gold drop and liquidation price is non existant until release.
I think the best gears at the moment are the plat ones.
I'm really not fussed either way this games going to be great with awesome items still to come.

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07-25-2011, 12:42 PM
I think the beta testers WHO SUBMITTED REPORTS should get a vanity. Yes. But those who just played so they could get the best loot early have already gotten their rewards.

@ Cascade: LOL! No. The belief of the true fanboi is, "SL must have serious problems. Apple's testers must be dismayed. If it was any good, they would have released it by now. There's something wrong! If Apple won't approve it, I probably wouldn't want it." LOL! That's how a real fan thinks. Anything less isn't fanatical enough to be considered fandom.

p.s. A lot on non-Verizon droidees are in the same boat as all the Apple "fanbois". Funny... Do you think Apple goes thru all of Pl every time theres an update.....NO they go thru the new content Pl sits At 22mb...Sl starts at 19mb....if the above is ppls thoughts...then hilarious.

07-25-2011, 01:01 PM
I doubt it, Sam stated that playing that game would be enough of a reward, and I agree with him.

Although I'm a bit p/o'd about resetting the kills/deaths of everyone, 5.5k kills earned through normally leveling:(

15k kills normal leveling so i feel horrible... but i have a lot of deaths so yay no more deaths

07-25-2011, 01:07 PM
I think the beta testers WHO SUBMITTED REPORTS should get a vanity. Yes. But those who just played so they could get the best loot early have already gotten their rewards.

@ Cascade: LOL! No. The belief of the true fanboi is, "SL must have serious problems. Apple's testers must be dismayed. If it was any good, they would have released it by now. There's something wrong! If Apple won't approve it, I probably wouldn't want it." LOL! That's how a real fan thinks. Anything less isn't fanatical enough to be considered fandom.

p.s. A lot on non-Verizon droidees are in the same boat as all the Apple "fanbois".

If they do get a vanity, it should not be something that would get them an advantage. Just a snazzy look. Beta testers were able to test the game, level up, get credits, gear, and knowledge BEFORE most others. And now you say they should get a vanity item. So people who submitted reports somehow didnt get a reward?! STS said that keeping the data was a reward. I say no vanity item. Beta testers beta to keep their data! STS could delete em but they didnt as a ty for helping out.

Just my thoughts.

07-25-2011, 01:12 PM
I don't care about a special vanity for beta testers, but in general, we need a head squid helmet once we go live, haha!

07-25-2011, 01:13 PM
I don't care about a special vanity for beta testers, but in general, we need a head squid helmet once we go live, haha!

haha that would be cool!

07-25-2011, 01:15 PM
I think the beta players should get nothing. Im so against a small group of people getting something others cant(bonus stats). If it is vanity thats cool but loaded vanity is just wrong.(im in beta)

The gear is not the best. The credits from gear are 1,2,3 credits. We have nothing special going on. We are lucky to see 50people playing. They said a reset on k/d. I think most people stoped playing.(.reset k/d. I like it but hate it.)
The only ones doing ok are your farmers. Trust me when I say your farmers dont make that much in credits.
I think just about everyone in beta. Is ready for everyone to join in.

07-25-2011, 01:34 PM
Register, et. al., I hear what you're saying that playing the game is a reward in itself. But I'm trying to make a distinction here between actual beta testers and de facto beta testers. I think the actual ones, who provided awesome feedback, should get a little, non-stat-affecting vanity. And I am sure the team in STS who was tasked to get feedback from the beta team know exactly which ones merit that sort of vanity.

Hey, I'm glad they can't sell and there are no pinks or purples until release. Even so, those who played but didn't report were just players, not really beta testers, and they shouldn't get anything special.

But those who went above and beyond deserve recognition.

07-25-2011, 01:36 PM
If they do get a vanity, it should not be something that would get them an advantage. Just a snazzy look. Beta testers were able to test the game, level up, get credits, gear, and knowledge BEFORE most others. And now you say they should get a vanity item. So people who submitted reports somehow didnt get a reward?! STS said that keeping the data was a reward. I say no vanity item. Beta testers beta to keep their data! STS could delete em but they didnt as a ty for helping out.

Just my thoughts.

1) by keeping our data you mean stuff like gear? That would be cool, if we had any actual awesome gear. Green is current max, Plat store is universal best. Not to mention leaderboards.
2) the argument that founder helm people usually put up is that "we helped PL by playing and paying a unfinished product" and that seems to resonate quote loudly here.
3)founder helm has stats. Just saying.

I am using this as either an argument for a nice thank you/we where there piece or as a anti founder helm logic.
I mean c'mon, it's fine and dandy to have a item merely stating you were there. Like Halloween pumpkin

Why is it that apple users seem to complain the most... I'm speaking statistically. As soon as 6 month founder helm thing came it was an outrage to the "real founders".
As soon as Droid beta testers have a chance at their own special piece they are all "ugh major unfair".
Yes not all Droid users got to play, but there were plenty of beta keys and Verizon users out there, and it's not like all apple users got the game the first month anyway. I didnt.

07-25-2011, 01:44 PM
Arterra, what are you talking about? I'm an Apple dude. I'm in favor of this idea, except only for those who posted or mailed the devs with bugs and suggestions. I think they did provide a service, as did those who were here when I got here. I don't mind someone else getting something they deserve and me not getting it. It doesn't matter what OS you use, people are the same either way.

07-25-2011, 02:00 PM
Lol not all roses are red snake, don't worry.

I will say this: Discriminating between OS is not great I know, but look at the threads that came up with the helm.

07-25-2011, 02:00 PM
Arterra, what are you talking about? I'm an Apple dude. I'm in favor of this idea, except only for those who posted or mailed the devs with bugs and suggestions. I think they did provide a service, as did those who were here when I got here. I don't mind someone else getting something they deserve and me not getting it. It doesn't matter what OS you use, people are the same either way.I found 4 bugs and 1 major one does this still mean i want a vanity..... I say na keeping my toons is enough, but if they decide to give us one then so be it nothing can replace my squirrel helmet!

07-25-2011, 02:16 PM
Actually, looking over the major responders in the bugs section, and those who made guides already, most of them are Guardians or Scribes already. So maybe those who aren't should just get rewarded that way, by making them Scribes or Guardians.

07-25-2011, 02:25 PM
We never thought we would get anything for being with PL so long, and to my knowledge we didn't ask. I would have been happy to beta test, give helpful reports, and still ask for nothing in return. I don't think testers (no matter how helpful or unhelpful) should get special treatment for early playing/testing. I would gladly give up a vanity item for the chance to learn the game early and help others when the game is released.

07-25-2011, 03:39 PM
I'd have thought all beta testers that are known on the forum would have given feedback. If not tsk tsk tsk do it now lol.

But I do understand that some who was in the beta wasn't looking for bugs and just wanted to have fun. But that's ok because it gave the devs a chance to test things server end. There has been system announcements asking for thoughts and feedback so I would have thought most players have. I have also noticed many new people on the forums so the games gaining alot of popularity.
I'd like to thank all beta testers and fir all the feedback that has been given.

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07-25-2011, 03:40 PM
Curious if there will be a special nifty vanity item for all us beta testers? If so shweet!

No, there will not be an item or other reward for the people taking the time to Beta test. Your reward is getting the opportunity to play Star Legends: The Blackstar Chronicles before everyone else has a chance to. Thanks!

07-25-2011, 03:51 PM


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07-25-2011, 04:07 PM


Sent from my GT540 using Tapatalk lmao

07-25-2011, 04:10 PM
Although the Appleheads received a Founders helm for their early devotion to Pocket Legends, I don't think rewards for Droid beta SL users are warranted.

07-25-2011, 05:09 PM
I believe they got a Founders Helm for STAYING A YEAR, even though the product they got at the start was little more than a beta. Remember, only those who stayed got it.

07-25-2011, 05:31 PM
I will say this: Discriminating between OS is not great I know, but look at the threads that came up with the helm.

And that is why you should drop and not make it an issue or bring up that godforsaken series of threads again, even indirectly.

I don't think the majority of Apple players would complain if the Droid/beta guys and gals got a vanity. Fair is fair, re: the Helm That We Doth Not Speak Its Name. Most are probably just looking forward to getting to play it like me, who have had to sit on the sidelines for the beta. And I know at least I am glad you guys have found the bugs and whatnot with it, so it is better overall at launch.

To sit and lump all Apple players into a category is narrow-minded just as it would be for Apple players to say the same about all Droid players. You should know better.

07-25-2011, 05:45 PM
the Helm That We Doth Not Speak Its Name

LOL! Can i say it :rolleyes:

07-25-2011, 07:34 PM
As stated yes not all roses are red. Sorry for using "apple users" instead of "those users who were able to play PL due to their phone choice and found out about it in time"
I brought up the founder helm because what this thread is asking for is more correlated to that particular type of item. Speak of it or not, the similarities are there.

07-25-2011, 07:59 PM
As stated yes not all roses are red. Sorry for using "apple users" instead of "those users who were able to play PL due to their phone choice and found out about it in time"
I brought up the founder helm because what this thread is asking for is more correlated to that particular type of item. Speak of it or not, the similarities are there.
Eh I would be ok with this a year from now...

07-25-2011, 08:02 PM
If the devs put some nice item in my stash or something; good looks Devs.
If they don't, thanks for letting me play and make some solid internet friends before the game goes live Devs

07-25-2011, 08:38 PM
Reading this post made me shed a tear :'(

07-26-2011, 12:19 PM
Eh I would be ok with this a year from now...


There is NO similarity. Maybe in a year there will be one. I bet less than two dozen founder's helms were actually awarded. Those who played PL when there was one town, a few maps, and a confusing UI, then STAYED FOR A YEAR, are vastly different from those who joined when the game became available on their phone. The difference, aside from the ONE YEAR, is that it wasn't popular, it was virtually unknown. They played and they stayed and they watched it grow.

In a year, if any beta testers are still playing, there might be some similarity. But again, there is a lot more hype now. Lots more people know about it. It's not that you join and have to figure it all out by the seat of your pants.

Not the same AT ALL.

07-26-2011, 12:48 PM
Reading this post made me shed a tear :'(
Lol! You said it sister! I do agree that playing beta is enough...thank all who posted their thoughts on this matter..

Martin Tander
07-26-2011, 02:19 PM
Well i have a friend who knows a friend who has a friend that back upped an app and sent by email and now he can play too is that legal???

07-26-2011, 05:07 PM
Well i have a friend who knows a friend who has a friend that back upped an app and sent by email and now he can play too is that legal???

All the beta apps are coded individually. I would expect to find anyone with a copy of that particular sl.apk to start crying soon.

07-26-2011, 06:36 PM
I believe they got a Founders Helm for STAYING A YEAR, even though the product they got at the start was little more than a beta. Remember, only those who stayed got it.

I don't think that statement is necessarily true. There are people that I have as examples that did not log on at all that still managed to get the helm.

07-26-2011, 06:46 PM

Martin Tander
07-27-2011, 08:45 AM
Welll u wrong just search star legends.apk in google and u find a beta in a minute or so
Maybe cracked idk but just download patch and play

07-27-2011, 09:26 AM
i don't care about a special vanity for beta testers, but in general, we need a head squid helmet once we go live, haha!

yes! (x 1000)

07-27-2011, 09:48 AM
Actually I changed my mind. I want a vanity item. I want a flock on female NPC characters to follow me around in game giggling and saying "there he is!" and things like it.
Equip on the chest spot...just a glowing Aura of awesomeness.
This will happen. Thank you in advance.

07-27-2011, 12:11 PM
Welll u wrong just search star legends.apk in google and u find a beta in a minute or so
Maybe cracked idk but just download patch and play

Well congrats on warning devs :) we might be close enough to release so they don't care.
That or the apk comes from a Verizon app, and not actually sure if those are specialized or not.

07-27-2011, 12:27 PM
I will be giving all beta testers 100 awesome points. These points are hidden points that determine how awesome you are. There is no way to view your current balance of awesome points. There is no way for you to know that I gave them to you, but I did already. Congratulations beta testers on your 100 awesome points.

07-27-2011, 06:26 PM
I will be giving all beta testers 100 awesome points. These points are hidden points that determine how awesome you are. There is no way to view your current balance of awesome points. There is no way for you to know that I gave them to you, but I did already. Congratulations beta testers on your 100 awesome points.

Epic lawl...

Martin Tander
07-27-2011, 06:49 PM
Well congrats on warning devs :) we might be close enough to release so they don't care.
That or the apk comes from a Verizon app, and not actually sure if those are specialized or not.[/QUOTE]

Actually its there since 10.07.2011 so idk lot of friends downloaded and playing some got 3toons to 21 allready))) game is free so nothing illegal there,right?)

07-27-2011, 10:11 PM
Actually its there since 10.07.2011 so idk lot of friends downloaded and playing some got 3toons to 21 allready))) game is free so nothing illegal there,right?)

Yeaaahhh, I'd recommend no one listen to this kid. Don't google any version of the game and don't download anythings that's not from STS themselves.

07-28-2011, 11:14 AM
Actually its there since 10.07.2011 so idk lot of friends downloaded and playing some got 3toons to 21 allready))) game is free so nothing illegal there,right?)

Oooh, wouldn't it be cool if the devs had a way of determining unauthorized beta users, which they might, and upon release, those unauthorized users found all those 21's gone gone gone....which they might...

07-28-2011, 11:16 AM
Let the thread die pleaseee.

07-29-2011, 06:30 AM
Oooh, wouldn't it be cool if the devs had a way of determining unauthorized beta users, which they might, and upon release, those unauthorized users found all those 21's gone gone gone....which they might...

They can I think every beta apk has its own id. And if there's more than one copy on different devices and accounts. I'm sure its a bannable offence sure its not illegal by law but the devs are tracking the beta so it doesn't leak.

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Martin Tander
07-29-2011, 07:06 AM
Oooh, wouldn't it be cool if the devs had a way of determining unauthorized beta users, which they might, and upon release, those unauthorized users found all those 21's gone gone gone....which they might...

They can I think every beta apk has its own id. And if there's more than one copy on different devices and accounts. I'm sure its a bannable offence sure its not illegal by law but the devs are tracking the beta so it doesn't leak.

Sent from my GT540 using Tapatalk

Doubt it

07-29-2011, 07:39 AM
Personal Use. Spacetime Applications are intended for your personal, noncommercial use in accordance with these Terms. You agree that you will not (i) copy, display or distribute any part of the Spacetime Applications, in any medium, without Spacetime's prior written consent, or (ii) alter or modify any part of the Spacetime Applications other than as may be reasonably necessary to use the Spacetime Applications for their intended purpose. You further agree that you will not use any automated devices, such as spiders, robots or data mining techniques to catalog, download, store or otherwise reproduce, store or distribute content available on the Spacetime Applications, or to manipulate the Spacetime Applications. You will take no action to interfere with, interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of the Spacetime Applications or any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment. You will not distribute or transmit any content or software or other computer files that contain a computer virus or other harmful component. You will not use the information obtained from any Spacetime Applications or Service to harass, You may not use the Spacetime Applications or Services in any manner that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair any Spacetime server, or the network(s) connected to any Spacetime server, or interfere with any other party’s use and enjoyment of any Spacetime Application. You may not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble any software accessed through Spacetime Applications including any proprietary communications protocol used by Spacetime.

I'm sure they can trace ips of the apk of where it was downloaded first.

07-31-2011, 04:58 AM
I thought there were some guns called "beta and beyond" sounds pretty obvious to me...

08-01-2011, 06:47 AM
Back to main topic. All I want as a beta tester is a useless suvenier. A STATLESS vanity maybe? Thats all I want. Its all STS's choice. They decide.

08-01-2011, 11:18 PM
Ok on this topic im set. As of week two of the wait for release I was ok with no beta item. Now we are going on week four of the wait. I would like a shield that says ( im a droid user and apple still holds me up)

08-01-2011, 11:24 PM
Your vanity item is ur experience

08-02-2011, 06:59 AM
Yeah but one thing to have to think about is what about Apple users?? They would get no vanity items for beta and therefore STS would get complaints out the a$& and I'm sure they don't want that lol I'm just satin from an apple and an android users point of view

08-02-2011, 07:03 AM
Yeah but one thing to have to think about is what about Apple users?? They would get no vanity items for beta and therefore STS would get complaints out the a$& and I'm sure they don't want that lol I'm just satin from an apple and an android users point of view As long as there is Apple or Android there is always gonna be a fight between the 2. Take the whole founders helm debacle. But yeah we do hope after a year and sl is as big as pl I hope to see a founders helm.

08-02-2011, 11:11 AM
Ok on this topic im set. As of week two of the wait for release I was ok with no beta item. Now we are going on week four of the wait. I would like a shield that says ( im a droid user and apple still holds me up)

The long wait is driving me crazy enough to buy something with platinum. And I am a saver so that is not a good sign! I like what your shield says.lol

Plus we might not be in this situation if Apple supported limited betas. (or if they could hurry up!)

08-02-2011, 11:35 AM
Yeah but one thing to have to think about is what about Apple users?? They would get no vanity items for beta and therefore STS would get complaints out the a$& and I'm sure they don't want that lol I'm just satin from an apple and an android users point of view As long as there is Apple or Android there is always gonna be a fight between the 2. Take the whole founders helm debacle. But yeah we do hope after a year and sl is as big as pl I hope to see a founders helm.

Exactly bring this up again in a year....

08-02-2011, 11:35 AM
Ok well apple won with pl they got the founders helm why cant droid get the win on sl. If its about fair, then thats as fair as it gets they got pl we got sl 50 50. Im not saying I dont feel bad for apple users. I know it sucks wanna know what sucks even more to have a droid and still be dictated by apple. like I said befor week two no prob now going on a month. A cool hat that says patience on would be king

08-02-2011, 11:43 AM
I think a founders helm for B* should be given after year 2 O.o PL founders had it alot worse.

08-02-2011, 11:51 AM
i didnt beta test, but i think it would be fair for beta testers to get something to show that they were part of the beta testing :)
if not they wont be any different than anybody else who plays, and i think that would be kinda unfair

08-02-2011, 12:05 PM
I think you are right. It would be nice to have something that sets the people in beta apart not to show off