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View Full Version : Will STS do something about the botter?

Felipe Pereira
05-02-2016, 06:36 PM
This situation is serious, development must take a urgent action.
It's kindly shameful see how this was highly reported and so far there was no remediation.

This hurts 80% of the community who plays by the rules, discourage farming peoples like me.
That bot situation should stop immediately and they have to lose all the billion made on that. Its really serious!! i dont understand how its happening in our faces and nothing is done.

Well maybe something is being done by STS, because i see on each update that the development still care about us, if so, give us some update about it. You don't wanna let us seen something being stolen in our faces and feel like it will be ok at the end to the "thief". It make me feels like I feel in my real life in Brazil with these dam politics, who stole and still in govern, intolerance.

05-02-2016, 06:42 PM
We are doing something about it. The less said the better. Thank you for your diligence.