View Full Version : What's up you guys, new guy here. +question

07-28-2011, 02:20 AM
Yeah, been playing this game for a while, about a couple hours, I guess. It's so far the most addictive game I've played, well I play occasionally on my free time on my iPad and it's the game I've played the longest thus far. Yeah, this game is pretty awesome. My character is a warrior, lvl5 still new. I figured it would be cool to meet some new peeps here in the forums. My ign is the same as my forum name, so look me up on the game if you wanna be buds!!
Also, I have a question about the skill distribution points. Everytime I level up, a skill point is automatically distributed to one of my skills, without me distributing it. Is this supposed to happen? I figured it would give me the option for me to distribute it on my own. Idk if this is a bug or anything, because I've had to use platinum to respec the skill points twice already because it kept on adding one skill point to each new skill I learned, and if not it would add a point to a skill I already learned. I don't mind spending five bucks on platinum, but I don't want to keep wasting 2 platinum for each level up 'cause i like saving some points and platinum for later. Other than that, this game rocks.

07-28-2011, 02:34 AM
Welcome! :)

To address your problem first, it only works that way for the first 4 skills. It automatically adds a skill point to the first 4 (I think, unless it's lesser now) skills you learn.

To remedy, you could level until you learn more than 4 skills THEN you respec, giving you back the full amount of skill points with no worries of them re-adding again.

Other than that, make sure you remember to use the search function in the forums when looking for information, there's heaps of them buried in here :)

07-28-2011, 02:37 AM
The skills points automatically applies for first few skills. They only apply one point and those skills are pretty good. They arnt like the regen buffs that almost none of us put into. That just sucks that you bought a few skill resets, being a new player is tough, and welcome to forums :)

07-28-2011, 02:42 AM
Welcome to the forums.

There plenty of really useful guides on the forums and tonnes of helpful people. The game is very addictive but the community is also one of the the best parts of the game.

Feel free to ask and questions you have and check out the 'PL Stuff' link in my sig for many useful guides.


07-28-2011, 03:04 AM
Ahh, okay. Gotcha. I figured using platinum two times wasn't a lot, glad I knew ahead of time before using it again. Thanks for the info, dudes! I'll keep this in mind, as well as the search function, for next time.

07-28-2011, 08:38 AM
Howdy :) This is a pretty great game. Hope you are having fun!

Crazykid Donovan
08-02-2011, 05:46 PM
Hi my name is donovan but ign is donovankills(lol) if u need help pm me and add me so i can help u further:)