View Full Version : Booting people from groups

07-28-2011, 07:15 PM

Look, I understand wanting to group with friends for farming/xp runs without people randomly joining in. I get that. But it's really annoying when i see a friend is on, join them, and immediately get booted from their group. Especially when the reason given for doing it is "sorry". First of all, that's why they give you the option of setting a password! So you don't have to deal with people randomly entering the group! It takes as much time to create a password as it does to boot someone and type "sorry" or whatever. Secondly, what the Hell do you mean "sorry"? Of course you're not sorry! It's not as if you did it by accident. So why don't you just cut the BS and type "I'm a lazy jerk" when kicking someone out. At least you won't be labeled as a liar.

/end rant

Oh, and people who act like complete noobs totally deserve to be booted.

07-28-2011, 07:51 PM
Hmm... Perhaps let your friend know you want to join? I mean you could've been taking another spot without knowing it. I mean sure, the "sorry" does get irritating because it doesn't clarify anything, but I think you can be less self-inviting by giving some heads up.

Two-sided arguments ftw :banana:

07-28-2011, 07:53 PM
well that does not sound good. Maybe we sound start anther one of those threads where people say what funny things people wrote about booting them. I once had someone boot me saying "i like your staff!" :P

07-28-2011, 08:03 PM
I like booting myself and then people go wtf!?!?! Lol then I come back and ask if I can stay they get so confused.

07-28-2011, 08:06 PM
I like booting myself and then people go wtf!?!?! Lol then I come back and ask if I can stay they get so confused.

I once got booted by a mean bear named hankomachos! ;)
It's fun to boot yerself! :)

07-28-2011, 08:07 PM

:banana: <----- random banana

07-28-2011, 08:14 PM
Ive never thought of booting my self will do some time though lolol

07-28-2011, 08:14 PM
Ive always wanted to boot someone saying "sorry man...ur not my type....=P"

07-28-2011, 08:22 PM
Lol im planning on getting a bunch of friend in a game and then booting myself...with reason "No noobs allowed. Its a noob free group"

reminds me that every person in pvp ive seen who said noob has spelled it nube.lol

07-28-2011, 08:24 PM
Passwords are a hassle... Quick remakes and all.

07-28-2011, 08:25 PM
Don't join my games then -- I boot for stuff like "my cootie detector is screaming right now"

07-28-2011, 09:04 PM
funniest boot reason i ever saw was "Your fly's down" XDDDD

07-28-2011, 09:50 PM
people boot me saying d or nothing at all it says Bob has booted u for reason:
and nothing after the colon! and sometimes it isn't done loading and they boot

07-28-2011, 09:57 PM
I once asked a person to boot me, but he/she wouldn't do it. LOL

07-28-2011, 10:05 PM
I wanna see some seasoned player rant about being booted with a message "Sorry..noobs only" :cool:

07-29-2011, 01:06 AM
OMG, I imagine some of the most amazing confused looks after seeing some of the boot reasons I've seen.

Seriously, if you do not like being booted, make your own games.

There's tons of reasons people boot, including they've been running with a group and it's unfair for someone to come in and take that spot. I've booted or not accepted some people I really like because they came too late. None of them have ever told me it was a problem. I see them in other games right afterwards or they tell me to tell them when there's space.

Don't let one person dictate this game to you. (Well, unless they're a dev) There are a LOT of people playing and many areas and several ways to control a game. If one group is full or doing something they want to keep from you, find another group or make your own games. They're playing their game; you play yours. It's more fun that way.

07-29-2011, 01:27 AM
One time I was playing Plasma Pyramid, I rush a mob with a tank 5 levels higher than me, we die, he boots me.
Reason: U suck.
Like it was my fault that a I was a mage and got aggroed on.

07-29-2011, 01:31 AM
when thy boot me i get sad :(

07-29-2011, 01:41 AM
I think this has been answered, but it's a great example of someone posting on the forums to highlight what they think is unfair behaviour, without actually saying what they did to avoid being on the receiving end of such behaviour.

It difficult to tell whether you are aware of the stuff you can do to avoid being on the receiving end of what 'seem' to be unfair booting, so apols if you already know this stuff.

You could have asked your friend in advance.
When you first join ANY game it's best practise to ask if you can join/stay.
There are plenty of posts explaining that short boot reasons are given for many valid reasons, they may be in the middle of mobs, answering several incoming messages about 'why can't I join, full?', etc often you're lucky to get any reason.
Accept that booting is part of the game and the host can choose who they have in their game, it makes it easier to 'let it go'

There are plenty of other good points to remember regards booting just search the many many discussions that have happened. This unfortunately won't be the last 'I got booted' thread, the most common aspect though is people take being booted personally. It often isn't personal but actually an genuine reason.

On the other hand, most people try to give a valid reason for booting or even a message in advance to give a 'I don't want to boot you plse leave because.....' but it's a good idea to understand that some people don't though.

I hope this has helped highlight some things you might not have thought of. We have all been on the receiving end of sudden and blunt booting but it's just part of the game. Its been highlighted many many times before and give it a few more months on the forums and youll see the various posts that are started. Most players try to give a good warning or boot reason, but not always. And there's plenty of stuff each of us can do to minimise being booted, and just expecting it's someone else's fault. Ask beforehand, if booted just move on and friend a group who wants you around, and most importantly just put it behind you and have fun.

07-29-2011, 01:49 AM
We all get booted just try and not take it personally. I have a funny true story. I will omit the names so as not to embarrass anyone. My friend made a game and invited me and the rest who entered were random players. Last one who entered was a guardian he asks if he can join my friend says sure. A few minutes later my friend boots the guardian with reason another friend wants to join. My friend doesn't know he booted a guardian.

Me: isn't this the first person you booted?
Friend : yes
Me: when you boot you do it big time. He is a guardian.
Friend : omg I feel terrible
Me: I am sure he did not take it personally.

My friend spent a few minutes trying to track down the guardian to apologise. I could not help getting a chuckle out of it.

PL Characters Timbabird-55 Oldsillymage-55 SL Character Oldblaster-20

07-29-2011, 02:24 AM
Lol. That is amusing but ur right, it'll have been forgotten quicker than it happened....

07-29-2011, 04:39 AM
Lol thats funny:)

07-29-2011, 06:17 AM
What really irratates me and wastes my time is when i join a group and i ask if its full. They dont reply and just stand there for 30 secs, then they boot me...

Cant they just say yes?? Its full!?

07-29-2011, 01:20 PM
hahahah this thread is so funny :)

just fyi dont know if this pertains to you but maybe its a farming run and ur booted for that reason, because i know i boot lots of ppl when we do SC 21 runs
its nothing personal, just ur gonna screw up the drops that we are specifically aiming for

after reading this i kinda want to try booting myself lol
or rather see someone boot themselves

07-29-2011, 01:36 PM
the funniest boot ive ever seen is "pants on the ground pants on the ground ur looking like a foul with ur pants on the ground"

07-29-2011, 03:05 PM
Ive been seeing alot of assholes 56's boot lower lv 50-53 right before the boss I dont say much cause I dont wanna get booted during a boss but seriously if they have been with us for half the level dont boot them. I really hate that guy now and always leave if I ever manage to get into a game with this person as this scrub is not worth playing with as for the low lv guy who got booted Im sorry and hope you got a pink in the next run you wemt to.

07-29-2011, 06:25 PM
The biggest thing: Do not take booting personally.

There's lots of things going on with the other person/group that the booted person is not aware of. I've seen spots being held, a particular level or class being desired, people looking for recognizable names, etc. For all I know, there's a host wanting only people in blue equipment. It's a waste of time trying to figure it out.

I've been invited by a friend and got booted by another friend who was the actual host and been told by a 3rd friend to come back. I thought that was pretty hilarious. I'm sure that won't be the last time I get booted from an invite.

Don't take booting seriously and the game will be much more fun. You can then move on immediately to look for another game, have fun and make new friends.