View Full Version : pvp mage?

07-28-2011, 07:50 PM
just wondering what are your thots on mage pvp and what kind of mage u like to pvp with (full int, pally, dexchantress)

07-28-2011, 09:16 PM
Love 2h pallies at 30-35, my first successful twink was a hammer pally at level 20 when the peppermint hammers came out :)

full int, not so much, more like dex hybrids at 25-30. Very versatile

08-08-2011, 06:30 AM
I like lvl 35 pure voodoo mage. My first ( i have 2 more twinks ) and the best twink.

08-08-2011, 06:28 PM
A lvl range would be useful. Depending on lvl the choice of build can be very different.

08-20-2011, 08:21 PM
I've seen mages kick ars from Level 20-35! So it's up to you where you want to apply your Mage. Int/dex has proven to be very useful. If you have the platinum, get a ring of your liking. That little bit of extra help can go a long way. :)

09-13-2011, 05:48 AM
I just LUV Strth Mages!! Know why? Cuz they r the worst players in pvp lol! I gain freekills when i ask "Hey! Say go" to pallys lol.

09-13-2011, 07:05 AM
Depends on the level range.

If you're twinking, pure int tends to be best.
At end-game levels all are viable and have their plusses and minusses.

09-13-2011, 08:39 AM
I just LUV Strth Mages!! Know why? Cuz they r the worst players in pvp lol! I gain freekills when i ask "Hey! Say go" to pallys lol.

lol i've faced you with my pally and... Made this comment a contradiction :rolleyes:

09-14-2011, 12:13 AM
Lol Zerious. Who IS Ur Pally? I've met ur bear tho... not bad, hmm?:abnormal:

09-14-2011, 12:22 AM
Pally's are ok. They are deffinately the strongest (armor wise) for the mages, but damage wise they're the worst. I would suggest a dual build with both int and dex. Dex is pretty good against birds and bears, and int is good against other int mages.

09-14-2011, 04:25 AM
Pally's are ok. They are deffinately the strongest (armor wise) for the mages, but damage wise they're the worst. I would suggest a dual build with both int and dex. Dex is pretty good against birds and bears, and int is good against other int mages.

Lol when i said that pallys r no good, i meant in pvps. And yeah, according to saint here, pallys have the LOWEST damage, and if ur a pvp player then u'll know that u win pvps by DEALING dam, not TAKING dam. Plus pallys have short range attck, not long range. This makes kiting for me much easier. And as for the extra armor... well... a nuke mage(full int) can ko the pally in less than 3 sec. (Seriously):)

09-14-2011, 06:47 AM
Pally is good for a "team player" Dex mage is good for a kill or two but in return for a death almost right away. Pure mage deals the most damage as a nuker but is still squishy....IMO stays alive longer since heal and drain life are more effective

09-14-2011, 12:42 PM
Lol Zerious. Who IS Ur Pally? I've met ur bear tho... not bad, hmm?:abnormal:

well not pally anymore but Zeriouswolf was my green-ice pally. Mowed over some voodoos with him at level 32 :eagerness:

09-14-2011, 08:02 PM
Best mages for each level:
20- mages: Lowest str for whatever level, and either blacksmith or armsman w/ level 10 toyman. (reduced stats) And rest on dex.
22-26 mages: Pure int or 79 int(check requirements?) and rest dex.
30-33 mages: Easiest to use is a (2h) pally. Lowest required str (about 93?) and rest dex. I recommend using a low level dex helm if you can't afford a vyxnaar helm. If you're comfortable with kiting a bit, use int-dex mages with with brain freeze, or with shivering and kite swords.
35 mages: 112 int, 67 dex. Use voodoo wand, brainfreeze eye or mam swamp juice, frog hat or voodoo helm, and voodoo robe or brainfreeze robes. Never use mamboza (robe).
40-49 mages: I don't recommend twinking much here due to 50's murdering you, or 35's hating you.
50 mages: Cheapest way to go is half int, use mystery helm/robe and keeper staff. I don't recommend buying much.
51-55 mages: Full fury, with all extra points on dex. Custom set, all extra points on int. Full mega Mage(wand) 120 points on dex. Staff is okay, but I don't like it much. For m/s dex set use mega Mage(or sq) and a sk bow.
I don't know any 60 sets, but I know the strongman set seems to be good..

09-14-2011, 08:34 PM
At lvl 60 try int/dex. Use an xbow (for kiting), a nuri/charming robe (for added armor), and a dex helm (for hit %). max all your 12m skills and kite!

09-15-2011, 01:45 AM
At lvl 60 try int/dex. Use an xbow (for kiting), a nuri/charming robe (for added armor), and a dex helm (for hit %). max all your 12m skills and kite!

Should only do this if you know the 12m radius.

09-15-2011, 02:06 AM
Should only do this if you know the 12m radius.

yep, not so easy... practice practice practice......

09-15-2011, 02:30 AM
For endgame lvl 26, pure int isn't the best for nuking to the best of my knowledge. Play around with your attributes and gear, then calculate. Let's just say, 102-128 damage unbuffed while maintaining great hit%, m/s, dps, h/s, crit, and decent armor. I can definitely nuke, with just a dash of int and a hefty serving of dex. Here's a little food for thought, asking questions gives you a lot of information, but trial by error actually helps you learn. My post probably isn't of any help but it offers some insight.

09-15-2011, 07:49 AM
For endgame lvl 26, pure int isn't the best for nuking to the best of my knowledge. Play around with your attributes and gear, then calculate. Let's just say, 102-128 damage unbuffed while maintaining great hit%, m/s, fps, h/s, crit, and decent armor. I can definitely nuke, with just a dash of int and a hefty serving of dex. Here's a little food for thought, asking questions gives you a lot of information, but trial by error actually helps you learn. My post probably isn't of any help but it offers some insight.

I don't really love the idea if being pure anything... Least of all int.. But unless you use a damage ring, int does have more spell damage here by about 5-15 damage. But I personally use dex for armor and hit boosts.

09-16-2011, 09:46 AM
Exactly. No point in having so much spell damage without any hit% to make contact. Imo dex is a must for low lvl pvp. You can't rely on chance.

09-16-2011, 07:28 PM
You can't rely on chance.
*gasp* You mean like birds?!?!

09-25-2011, 08:01 PM
Exactly. No point in having so much spell damage without any hit% to make contact. Imo dex is a must for low lvl pvp. You can't rely on chance.

High Hit!?? No need for that.... AoE Hits All

09-26-2011, 11:31 AM
I just LUV Strth Mages!! Know why? Cuz they r the worst players in pvp lol! I gain freekills when i ask "Hey! Say go" to pallys lol.LOL... my 35 pally would whoop u...

09-26-2011, 01:04 PM
High Hit!?? No need for that.... AoE Hits All

I'm hoping that was sarcastic because when we say high hit, we mean hit rate high enough where skills and attacks are less likely to show a "miss" as opposed to "I can't aim" miss...

09-26-2011, 01:14 PM

10-07-2011, 01:37 AM
great feedback guys! =]

ill be going with a lvl 20 mage so cool! =]

10-07-2011, 01:46 AM
Level 10 PvP mage for heal!

10-10-2011, 09:56 AM
i think a lvl 35 int mage is good, but lvl 26 int mage is good too.