View Full Version : New campaign ideas

06-12-2010, 02:20 AM
I wanted to start this thread for quite some time, and seeing as how I'm bored now it seems like the best time.
Ok so I was in towne about a month ago when I was talking with some random person, I was explaining that the new campaign maps were alien based. Out of nowhere he stated that he thought the new maps were based on otters. Lol otters, I know WTF right? But for some reason it made alot of sense to me. So now for a month I've been walking around thinking of slaughtering poor innocent clam eating otters. I even derived a name for the campaign "otter chaos".

So post your ideas for campaign/map ideas I think this could be an interesting subject.

06-12-2010, 11:05 AM
I was about to leave a '...' response. But Otter Chaos made me laugh.

06-12-2010, 11:11 AM
Whats otters??? XD
i wana see the new maps. I feel theyre great!!!