View Full Version : Paladin skill damage

07-30-2011, 01:45 AM
I was wondering if someone can post pictures of there lighting/firestorm/drain life skill damages.

Or just post the damages

Hopefully level 55-56 with half and half int/str with full FF set.

07-30-2011, 01:47 AM
I don't have a pally or fury set but are you looking for a str/int hybrid? Or a str/dex? Or both?:)

07-30-2011, 02:20 AM
Mostly just str/int but I wouldn't mind seeing dex also, I'm just getting kind of sick of how quickly my pure int mage dies. I'm just kinda exploring my options before I waste the platinum/gold.

07-30-2011, 02:50 AM
Mostly just str/int but I wouldn't mind seeing dex also, I'm just getting kind of sick of how quickly my pure int mage dies. I'm just kinda exploring my options before I waste the platinum/gold.

Bear in mind, STR/INT pallys have low hit% plus low damage. As a pure int mage myself, I know the pains of being a glass cannon(high damage/low hp).

Recently, I got an Enchanted wand/bracer set and my survival rate has increased tremendously. I still use my Enchanted staff set for boss.

So try using a wand/bracer combination.
Other tips will be casting your buffs just before you engage enemies.
- Don't rush in before your tanker.
- Use health potions.
- Magic Shield.

07-30-2011, 05:23 PM
I've been using the MM set lately and the mana regeneration with magic shield works nicely. I'm just wondering how big of a difference there is in spell damage. If its that big of a difference ill just stay pure int.

07-30-2011, 05:56 PM
The spell damage drops considerably, ESPECIALLY heal. The rest still do alright damage but you will notice a drop off from pure Int. Heal takes a pretty drastic hit. There is a post somewhere that lists out the skill damages of Int vs a Str/Int pally, lemme see if I can dig it up via The Almighty Search function.

If you want an inexpensive set, Sewer Queen helm and robes plus Lowman's gemstone wans and Lowman's bracer is a good cheaper set with decent skill damage and with somewhere about 125-128 armor, if I recall.

07-30-2011, 06:17 PM
That's about what I have now, if you could find that thread that would be a Hugh help. I did a search before I made this thread and didn't find anything.

07-30-2011, 06:22 PM
I just did a quick search and couldn't find it.

If I remember, when I tried Fury Pally my heal was about 40-45% less, and my other skills were about 20-30% less....generally speaking, some were a little more, some less. All a matter if you want the survivability at the cost of skill damage, which is a personal choice. As mentioned, the hit% of pure Fury is atrocious, like 76% so not only is your weapon damage pretty low, lower skill damage...hit suffers as well. On the flip side, you have high dodge and m/s and survivability.

07-31-2011, 10:55 AM
Im well known in the pvp community as a pally. Now my build is a complete secret since it is so unique. I love pally, with the right set up you can be quite a monster. Now it is true, your hit % will drop a lot from 99% w full int 56 w wand bracer to 80 w low str and rest int. The key to going str/int is to minimize your str. I do not believe in dual builds for certain classes, seeing as str / int is imo the worst combination in game. However, with a decent build and complementary rings you can do ok. My pally is stuck in fury, I cant switch to int or dex gear like I did in the past. But the sacrifice is well worth it, since, like I said before, I ont believe in dual str/int. The main reason is because it clashes, does not mix well. Both set up int form and str from,as a mage will be seriously hindered. Low hit as a mage is fail mo matter how you look at it. Been a pally from level 1-56, and other than being a str mage, the closest thing I found to being a pally was enchanted wand bracer set. With the right build and ring you can easily have over 200 armor and 40 h/s buffed. Only drawback is mana reg is poor. But damage armor heal spells hit % is awesome. It is also great for killing birds and pve.
You may not like pally as much though. Being one is not glamorous. You will noticed your kills, damage, and hit drop off. but if you know your role you can find satisfaction. In pvp, it is easy to live wout buffs and shield but others will take kills while you take damage and die for them. My record is kind of bad for that reason. 14 k loses 15.6 k wins. Its easier to get killed in teams than it is to kill. Since you gain aggro and go first you will absorb damage and prolly a die or b live but have your teamates kill from behind. But you will be a vital role in,the team win. role player.

07-31-2011, 12:41 PM
Its easier to get killed in teams than it is to kill. Since you gain aggro and go first you will absorb damage and prolly a die or b live but have your teamates kill from behind. But you will be a vital role in,the team win. role player.

In Pve, a pally very rarely keeps aggro if you have a decent dex bird around, as pally skill damages against point targets < dex birds. Aggro generally goes (at least over time...not always, but generally) to who is dealing the most damage - generally - and unless a pally finishes a Nature Strike combo at the right time, rarely pulls aggro from dex birds. When I was a pally in PvE, I could sometimes get aggro against groups of mobs or a boss initally, but rarely had it for long when dex birds were around, at least on bosses. I have done tons of runs with pallies where I had aggro from bosses the entire time, and these were good pallies. Int mages can pull aggro pretty well as well....high damage from AoE skills or good hits while buffed with the insane crit on top of good skill dmg.

08-01-2011, 12:06 AM
Mostly just str/int but I wouldn't mind seeing dex also, I'm just getting kind of sick of how quickly my pure int mage dies. I'm just kinda exploring my options before I waste the platinum/gold.

Bear in mind, STR/INT pallys have low hit% plus low damage. As a pure int mage myself, I know the pains of being a glass cannon(high damage/low hp).

Recently, I got an Enchanted wand/bracer set and my survival rate has increased tremendously. I still use my Enchanted staff set for boss.

So try using a wand/bracer combination.
Other tips will be casting your buffs just before you engage enemies.
- Don't rush in before your tanker.
- Use health potions.
- Magic Shield.

I have to thank you for this post. I decided to stay pure int and craft my MM set to enchanted and WOW! I can't believe how good it is, I always thought it was pointless for a mage set to have such little mana regeneration. I do find my mana getting low at times but at least you don't die if you run out of mana and having 38 health regeneration has increased my survival so much. So thanks for giving me the idea