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View Full Version : I have quite a few questions here..

06-12-2010, 01:06 PM
1. Everytime I buy a xp boost potion I see where it shows up next to my name and health etc.. but whenever I die it goes away. Is that supposed to happen? and I dont see the xp thing working..when I kill something it doesnt give me extra xp..

2. This is kind of a suggestion so if Dev's can read this too thatd be cool. - Whenever you buy like a content pack with Platinum can we take away that content from the store so we know what we've bought? Sometimes people buy something and forget what they actually bought and they need to go back in and find out what content they can move on too.

3. Whenever we go on a "dungeon run" or whatever they are called. All of the "mobs" have no names except the "bosses" and the "bosses" arent even hard to kill..It seems like all the mobs and bosses arent getting any harder as we progress through our levels..can we get more of a challenge?

4. Whenever I earn a new ability is it not supposed to let me use it until I put a point in that ability? If so, I think that is kind of dumb also.....

If someone can answer these questions for me and just help me out some I would appreciate it. Because im kind of new to this game so any kind of info would help. Thanks!

06-12-2010, 01:19 PM
1. Every time you die you lose any buff you have. So keep your but alive. (it does give extra Xp if you open up your avatar and see your XP bar the xp it gives is double.)
3.You haven't met fragmar. (Making the earlier levels too hard would discourage new players to progress. It frustrates some people.)
4. Yes you have to enter a point in to use the ability. Its not dumb it makes you choose and spread your points

06-12-2010, 01:20 PM
1. Every time you die you lose any buff you have. So keep your but alive.
3.You haven't met fragmar.
4. Yes you have to enter a point in to use the ability. Its not dumb it makes you choose and spread your points

What do you mean I havent met fragmar?

06-12-2010, 01:25 PM
I made some edits. But fragmar is a hard boss. Most of the bosses now are hard in the higher levels. Which campaign on you on?

06-12-2010, 01:27 PM
Im not real sure...how can I find out? I bought some content the other day but like I posted above Im not sure which one because there isnt a thing that shows what I bought or what I havent...like whenever I buy content stuff it doesnt go away to show I bought it..if that makes sense..is there a way I can find out? Im level 11.
Edit: I think its Forest Haven...? not real sure. that sound right?

06-12-2010, 01:38 PM
Can anyone help me?


06-12-2010, 01:44 PM
forest haven mobs are level 10, and thatsbas high as they will ever be in any level of that dungeon. your next dungeon should be dark forest, which I believe is level 17 mobs. frogmar the witch is a level 32 boss (I think) and you prbly won't meet her for a while. check the campaign levels by looking at the dungeons in create a new game

06-12-2010, 01:45 PM
ok ty. If I need some more help ill ask.

06-12-2010, 01:46 PM
yup. feel free to shoot me a pm.

06-12-2010, 01:47 PM
yup. feel free to shoot me a pm.

ok thank you.

06-12-2010, 02:23 PM
Okay Ive got Forest Have, Dark Forest, and Balefort Castle. But im only level 12

06-12-2010, 02:24 PM
and also when you join someone elses game. you should spawn where everyone else is at..not at the begnning.