View Full Version : help with Mage build.

07-30-2011, 10:36 PM
Pure int Mage or dual spec? Please help me find good Mage build.

07-30-2011, 10:47 PM
All depends what your shooting for. PvP Mage go half int half dex. PvE is two different selections. Damage or Supporter. Damage go half int and half dex. For being more of a supporter and gettin that extra regen go with full int. I'm not a Mage but this is experience and knowledge I acquired playing this game for a while :)

07-30-2011, 11:31 PM
I'm mostly pve so what you thinking?

07-31-2011, 10:23 AM
I'm mostly pve so what you thinking?

I'm thinking, what lvl is your mage currently? And how far are you looking to lvl your mage? How much money do you have for equips?

I personally would recommend going PURE INT until 55/56. Save money. Then experiment.

My own experiences at lvl 56.

Dex Mage - Half Int/Half Dex: 109% Critical means all my spells did double damage. But mana regen took a big hit. Barely survive due to low armour. Need to drink both health and mana potions like water.

Pure Int: Maximum spell damage. No need to buy potions. 25 health and 25 mana potions will do.

Pally - Half Str/Half Int: Pointless. Not recommended.