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View Full Version : I got my first iPhone today xD

07-31-2011, 09:59 PM
Well you could consider this day, a really good day for me. First off, I got my first (full) rift set, then when I went to Fayetteville to go shopping with my parents at the mall (cause the mall in Fort Smith the city where I live, sucks!) so before I left to go, my dad told me that our phones were both ready to upgrade. I was about to tell him that I wanted an iPhone, but we were really poor. So I didn't even bother. When we arrived at the mall, I asked my dad if I could get an iPhone, which I knew was a stupid idea. He told me "it's up to mom! So when I asked her, to my surprise, she let me. So I was a very happy kid that day!

Anyway, even though we are a hard working and poor family (scratch that, we're middle class) this is my third apple device! First my iPod touch! Then in December, my dad was scared that the iPod was irritating my eyes since it was so tiny. So he gave me a HUGE upgrade to an iPad. I didn't feel very guilty at first, then I really felt guilty when I saw the bill. The until now, i got the iPhone! I gave my iPad to my mom, even though she already has an iPhone 4 (wow). Then I gave my iPod touch to my dad. I plan on using my iPhone only from now on, and my dad hasn't even noticed that the iPhone screen was about the size of an iPod touch screen. I was ready for him to say "that screen is too small". But he noticed I was way too happy with my new phone, so I guess that's why he didn't ask. He wanted to save money, so he got wanted this cheap Pantech phone. But the store was all out...so I felt even guiltier.

Anyway, enough of the boring stuff. THIS PHONE ROCKS! :cool:

And what do I know? I'm just a lucky average 12 year old kid! Well maybe "average" is a bit of a stretch for me...BUT WHO CARES?!

07-31-2011, 11:48 PM
Awesome man!!!! I remember when I got my very first phone :).......

08-01-2011, 10:16 AM
Awesome man!!!! I remember when I got my very first phone :).......

Good times...goooooooooood times :D

08-01-2011, 10:18 AM
And what do I know? I'm just a lucky average 12 year old kid! Well maybe "average" is a bit of a stretch for me...BUT WHO CARES?!
lol u are so funny :P i couldnt stop laughing at u at whirl's party :D

08-01-2011, 10:32 AM
Getting your first phone is always a great feeling :-) I remeber getting mt first phone... People were still using beepers...hahahaha. But I still get that same feeling everytime I upgrade :banana: Gratz

08-01-2011, 10:43 AM
My first phone was phone was a flip phone razor lol got that 4 years ago now i have a galaxy S...(Also im pretty sure all dads say Ask mom cuz if they said get it without moms permission they would be in trouble xD)

08-01-2011, 10:57 AM
Wicked..... very very nice.... You gonna miss the iPad though? ;)

Not sure he said it was he's first phone?? I think it was an upgrade?? Anyways, I think one of my first phones was the Neo (Matrix) phone, a long time ago. Nokia_8110 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nokia_8110), showing my age now...

08-01-2011, 11:04 AM
I woudnt have given my iPad to my mom :(

08-02-2011, 09:49 PM
You rude then!!!! and whopes was looking at off topic and forgot it was a old post sorry !