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View Full Version : Carpe Spatium Incognita (CSI) Official

08-01-2011, 05:55 AM

Inspired by the famous saying "Carpe diem," Carpe Spatium Incognita (CSI) is Latin for seize the unknown space. We are not here to fight to be the "best guild," rather we are here to achieve all that we can while having fun. We enjoy competition and helping others.

CSI is a friends guild; our members strive to be strategic, competitive, fair, and helpful. We have tons of fun once you get to know us. :] We are your older crowd with the heart of a fun-loving kid. =D

CSI is looking for active players who enjoy doing guild runs, getting to know guildmates, and being involved in guild events/competitions. Pm me with some info about yourself (name, age, timezone, characters, an interesting fact about yourself) if you're interested.

Additional notes:
Founder: FeetyMcSocks
1rst Officer: DefynGravity/Defyninfinity
2nd Officers: Commandogirl and Onazahan
3rd Officers: Jovibonkenobi/Perfectbutt and Sevy/Maxnbal
Members: 48 at the momment
Tier 3 Guild Hall
Member limit: 50
Officer limit: Open to changes
Promotion to Officer based on helpfulness and activeness
Level requirement: none
Preferred characteristics: loyal and here-to-have-a-good-time
CSI Group-Join Here (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/group.php?groupid=211)

Hope I covered my base. With that, I shall see you around! Carpe Spatium Incognita: The Age of Exploration has begun!

08-01-2011, 04:36 PM
How do u put a Sig!!!!!!!?? Help me :(

08-01-2011, 10:08 PM
I got this from a post-- to add a sig you put (SIG) image (/SIG) in your sig settings. Replace the ( )with [ ]. The image can be uploaded or from a url.

08-01-2011, 10:21 PM
insert url

08-01-2011, 10:30 PM
I couldnt find the post from my phone so went off of memory. Obviously failed mmm thank you. The usefulness of a public forum is definately on par.

08-02-2011, 01:03 PM
<latin nerd hat on> You might want Caelum rather than Spatium. While spatium does mean "space" it's more like "a space between things" or an "open space" as opposed to that outer space thingie. Oddly, it's still used today to describe various spaces inside the human body (Ooh! Bonus worthless trivia!). Caelum is "the sky" or "the heavens". Or even possibly, "Universum" for "the universe". Or not, as the number of latin nerds is sadly small. ;) <removes latin nerd hat that bears a striking resemblance to an Orion Telescopes "Carpe Noctem" baseball cap>

08-02-2011, 01:11 PM
How do u put a Sig!!!!!!!?? Help me :(
go to settings at the top right of the page, then along the right of the page there should be a setting that says edit signature
hope this helps :)

check the link :)

08-02-2011, 01:32 PM
<latin nerd hat on> You might want Caelum rather than Spatium. While spatium does mean "space" it's more like "a space between things" or an "open space" as opposed to that outer space thingie. Oddly, it's still used today to describe various spaces inside the human body (Ooh! Bonus worthless trivia!). Caelum is "the sky" or "the heavens". Or even possibly, "Universum" for "the universe". Or not, as the number of latin nerds is sadly small. ;) <removes latin nerd hat that bears a striking resemblance to an Orion Telescopes "Carpe Noctem" baseball cap>

Sure but it would've been CCI not CSI and CSI>CCI

08-02-2011, 11:25 PM
^ =)

08-03-2011, 03:26 PM

08-03-2011, 03:32 PM

08-03-2011, 03:45 PM
Hmmm Sig on?

08-03-2011, 03:51 PM
Working ?

08-03-2011, 03:54 PM
Crap lol idk how .it's 329x99 but not letting me

08-03-2011, 04:06 PM
It Didnt work work for me :(

08-03-2011, 04:52 PM
whats the link?

08-04-2011, 10:50 AM
Hey guys sup

08-04-2011, 02:57 PM

08-05-2011, 10:22 AM
Wats up!!! The link is a pic but idk how to give u the link :/

08-05-2011, 10:41 AM
Hey guys! Don't forget to join the CSI group for important announcements http://www.spacetimestudios.com/group.php?groupid=211 Join under the "group tools" on top right.

DG, just put something like { } around the link. Wait why can't you give the link O.o

08-05-2011, 12:57 PM
Idk its in my phones gallery but doesn't say copy link wen I go to the pic :/

08-06-2011, 03:10 AM
We need a update on roster :)

08-06-2011, 08:44 AM

08-09-2011, 04:03 PM
We are recruiting but NOT just accepting any members. Mostly will come from another game we play. But if u really wana be part of a guild and NOT one that just simply spams RECRUITING in blackstar ship ..u can find feety or myself ingame! :rolleyes:

08-15-2011, 11:20 AM
Congrats to Brad and Fleshie on their promotion! You guys will do great :]

08-15-2011, 11:28 AM
Just wanted to add that to be considered a CSI candidate, give me a brief introduction about yourself by PM or email: feetymcsocks@gmail.com. Thank you.

08-17-2011, 02:41 AM
Hey!!! What up CSI!

08-26-2011, 09:36 AM
Hey DG! Cant wait till your back!

Important announcement: CSI welcomes Apple users too :]

08-27-2011, 09:57 PM
Hiya guys I just joined all thanks to my best friend feety :D

08-28-2011, 03:32 PM
I am back :)

08-28-2011, 07:11 PM
Lol Kitty >.<

Welcome back DG-dawg, we missed you fo' sheesie

Lisa Kimberly P
09-09-2011, 11:17 PM

Brad is gone, I can fill his shoes.....LOL

jajajajajajaja :P

09-12-2011, 04:19 PM
Woohoo Sevy! :D I have the best Officers and awesome members yeeeee

08-04-2012, 02:19 PM
Guys hello? Hey gtalk is hello1234575@Gmail.com its been almost 2 years since I seen you guys :-) -snowy