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View Full Version : Bring Back the Public Test Server

05-17-2016, 01:57 PM
So Spacetime put out an announcement that any players that do the relic portal exploit will either be removed off the leaderboard or be banned forever and there is a lot of mixed reactions that are coming out of this so that is what inspired me to do make this post.

There have been lots and lots of bugs and exploits that have arrived these past months. A lot if these were massively exploited for the personal gain. One of these is the XP bugs. So many players used this to level up. One good example of a really game-breaking exploit was the Medium Cake exploit that caused players to gain MILLIONS of gold during the cake event. There are just too many game-breaking mistakes that are in the game right now. So,what needs to be done? Spacetime needs to bring back the public test server. That really helped out in eliminating bugs and exploits before things were released and since the test server is offline, Spacetime is just patching bugs as they release new content. This isn't a very good idea and it should be up to the players to find the bugs and exploits and report them to the devs before the content is released. As well as making sure that other content remains intact as well. This is why the test server needs to come back. To stop all these game-breaking incidents.

05-17-2016, 03:01 PM
It's doubtful that a public test server would have caught any of those exploits. The test server is expensive to maintain and so is the test client which must be specially created. I don't think it's cost effective.

However I do agree that STS can do a better job at QA or at least reward players for their patience. Many developers grant player boons (such as in game currency or boosts) every time there's server maintenance, scheduled or unscheduled. Players in those games need only login and claim their boon and they complain a lot less, i can attest to that!

05-17-2016, 04:57 PM
I think most agree that players that took advantage of this exploit should be banned. The Xp exploit not so much. Not that I condone anyone taking advantage of any exploit but one that grants excessive amounts of gold or items is way different than a Xp granting exploit which is why those players didnt get banned. The cake, deary island and this exploit destroys the economy and is very unfair to honest hard working farming and plat players.
Bugs happen and when they do I think the punishment type should fit the crime.

05-17-2016, 05:11 PM
Although I am a proponent of banning these players I dun think it will achieve much if anything. These players that alway find bugs n exploits probably have millions stashed away in other alts. It really doesn't take a whole lot to restart another character.

I also feel like players r almost forced into taking advantage of these bugs because it's hard to keep up if you don't. Without a test server more and more of these bugs n exploits will occur. At the end sts can't ban 80% of the gaming population.