View Full Version : Adobe surrenders!!! LOL! :)

08-01-2011, 12:12 PM
Let's see... Apple was evil for not allowing Flash on the iPhone. They said Adobe refused to cooperate as a 3rd party developer to make a version of Flash that works on their phone. For this they were held up to scorn and derision among the fanboys of Adobe, and anyone who wanted another excuse to hate a big successful company. Nobody knew Adobe even HAD fanboys until then, but they came out of the woodwork.

For over a year, this army of Flash proponents has insisted that Adobe need not develop new technologies. They have insisted that Adobe should not use open source ideas like HTML5, CSS, and the like. I can't begin to say why they felt that it was OK to attempt, instead, to force every new technology to work with Adobe's antiquated system. There wasn't any good logic to it. All they would say was XX% of the internet video is Flash. This number was utterly absurd, always. It was sometimes as high as 90%, but usually around 75%. It was one of those non-truths that gains its power more from the hatred behind it than adherence to reality. Anyone who browses frequently knows that WMVs and MOVs make up most of the videos we download, and that most streaming is from You-Tube which uses HTML5. But who are you going to believe? Adobe or your own eyes?

But now, after rallying all their clones and echo chambers to march to the beat of their out-dated tech, and sending them out to the front lines to stand strong in the face of change, it turns out that they were really JUST DRAGGING THEIR HEELS!


Yes, the marketplace has forced Adobe to comply. If they want to stay in it, they have to create tech that works in the modern world. Hard as that must have been to explain to Adobe's leadership, apparently someone succeeded. Arrogance has given way to pragmatism. This is a good thing. There are a lot of people in San Jose who need the company they work for to be viable for many years to come. With this move, they now have a chance to survive.

08-01-2011, 12:18 PM
Wow Adobe really must have been good, because their Antiquated Photoshop technology was pretty good for the past few years....

08-01-2011, 12:51 PM
There is a flash browser for iphone, at least it was there last year, I have an iPad so it's bad quality to me to do X2. Its called something like cloud browse

08-02-2011, 11:52 AM
You probably mean SkyFire. I read that you still can't watch long videos because of overheating, which is the thing that Jobs wanted Adobe to fix before the launch of the iPad. Adobe refused. So Apple went ahead without them. But anyone with a cell phone knows that you rarely encounter Flash video anymore. I have gone to two or three sites that use it. I think Home Depot, Christian Science Monitor, but that's all I've seen. So clearly, going to war against Apple was a huge mistake on Adobe's part.

p.s. regarding Adobe's software for PC and Mac, I've been using it for 27 years. I use it daily in my work. They bought most of it, like Pakleds. Before making InDesign, they purchased PageMaker and FrameMaker. They bought their drawing programs from Macromedia, and they bought Flash from Macromedia, and then they bought Macromedia. They're Pakleds, I tell you. The only thing any of them ever wrote on his own was the Postscript language, and THAT they developed together with Apple. I've been in this industry a long time. Adobe is a pariah in my trade.


08-02-2011, 12:36 PM
No, I mean cloud browse, here is a review: http://reviews.cnet.com/8301-19512_7-20006163-233.html

08-02-2011, 12:43 PM
yeah I saw about CB...I wanted to get it but figured it isnt much work to just pull out my laptop xD

08-02-2011, 03:46 PM
Ah! last May, I see. yeah, SkyFire came out in the Fall. And there is also a Flash-to-HTML5 converter that Adobe is making, so they wised up after a year and decided not to waste time fighting that is better spent keeping up with the changing market. I guess when you buy up all your competition, you get complacent and start to think you're in charge. Uh... nope!

08-02-2011, 04:02 PM
I hate Adobe with an extreme passion, but you make it sound angelic of Apple... Apple blocked Flash because it was a development platform NOT their own. They're doing a pretty good job of keeping the sheep in line, aren't they?