View Full Version : Little things that would go along way.

06-13-2010, 12:14 AM
Hey Devs just have a few really minor things that i would like to see if you guys might consider adding to the game. I think the game is awesome you guys are kicking some ace, cant wait to see what all is gonna happen this summer.
The things that i would like to see added are really just for convieniance and team work more than anything the first being a random number function. I have been in multiple groups where i have gotten and item that two birds or two bears wanted and they both expect me to give it to them. Now i know its my item and i can do whatever i want with it but the dude that doesnt get it is gonna be pissed. I think if we had a random number button where they could touch the button and whoever gets the highest number wins it would make things a lil more fair and make loot a lil easier to distribute when playing amongst friends and such. I know the screen is limited for space and the only realistic place i could see you guys putting it is in the emote section wich would work fine since it woulld only need to be used after the boss was dead.
Another thing that i think would be cool is if we could actually look at each others gear without having to put it in a trade window. Not the loot in ur stash slots but just the equpped loot. Would make things alot more meaningful to have on. I know before i hit 35 i thought the croc skin robe was amazing until i hit 35 and realized that grey through pink all looked the same.
Like i said these are really minor things and i know you guys have a ton of stuff to do but if you are able to find the time would be awesome to see these lil things added. Thanks alot u guys are awesome looking forward to giving you more of my money :P.

Names Izbar-Fnord in game if you need to delete my character and never hear from me again :)

06-13-2010, 12:46 AM
Names Izbar-Fnord in game if you need to delete my character and never hear from me again :)

Do it Devs! Haha, just joking!

But in all seriousness, these ideas would go great with PL. They are just a few simple tools and add ons that would just add a little bit more depth to the game. Plus, we can gamble with a random number generator :)

06-13-2010, 01:03 AM
Love the random button idea. Been thinking of something like that myself.

Bidders say a number between 1 and 99. I press my random button and closest bidder gets the item. Would help a lot for those of us that like to share what we don't need.

06-13-2010, 01:07 AM
Good shout, to minimise on clutter random number stuff could be done as chat commands, a deeper chat system would be nice too, different channels etc :-)

06-13-2010, 01:09 AM
While I'm at it, the ability to target team members would be nice, allowing you to use them to target for you, would add that teamplay element with tanks.

And a /follow command would be nice

06-13-2010, 01:17 AM
Just find a random generator online! I don't think the devs will incorporate an addition like that to their game when it's not needed. That's a lot to ask.

06-13-2010, 01:29 AM
Yeah its minor but would be a nice feature to have. However if you know of an app that will let me look at ur gear holla. :P

06-13-2010, 01:34 AM
Nice ideas... thanks :)

06-02-2011, 01:39 PM
And a /follow command would be nice

Hear, Hear! Would make life much easier for the mages when trying to find someone to rez when they've died away from the group. Sort of like a homing beacon.

06-02-2011, 02:23 PM
Hear, Hear! Would make life much easier for the mages when trying to find someone to rez when they've died away from the group. Sort of like a homing beacon.

You know this thread has been dead for almost a year now, don't you?